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2005-09-16 15:43:17| 人氣134| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

departure and seperate

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Any time I go aboard or depart to Taipei, seperate with her is the most enduring thing. It has been so long time and we are so endured and cooperated. The moon in the capital is not the same as my homwtown. When we are exhausted, I often can only talk to myself or just work more hardly or go to eat something, of course, all along. From now on the life without baseball seems good and I have to learn more to be multi-majored. Sometines I am wondering and murmur to myself: Is it really helpful and worthwhile to me and to my baby ? What can I supply and what can I provide? Indeed, this is a very complex question to me.
Too many stress I have to couquer, I am tired.

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