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2011-04-07 19:23:02

The 171 postcard

This postcard come from Poland. Traveled 6 days.托倫聖若翰洗者與聖史若望聖殿主教座堂(波蘭語:Bazylika katedralna św. Jana Chrzciciela i św. Jana Ewangelisty w Toruniu)自1935年封為宗座聖殿, 自1992...

2011-04-07 19:11:18

The 170 postcard

This postcard come from China. Traveled 12 days.

2011-04-06 14:30:05

The 169 postcard

This postcard come from Belarus. Traveled 17 days.The capital is Minsk.白俄羅斯共和國,簡稱白俄羅斯。(白俄羅斯文:Беларусь /Belarus'),是位於歐洲東歐平原的內陸國家,首都明斯克。為原蘇聯加盟共...

2011-04-06 13:59:09

The 168 postcard

This postcard come from Taiwan. Traveled 9 days.侯硐貓村。

2011-04-01 19:23:41

The 167 postcard

This postcard come from Germary. Traveled 3 days

2011-03-28 18:44:35

The 166 postcard

This postcard come from Canada. Traveled 11 days.多倫多(Toronto)是加拿大安大略省的首府。多倫多市的人口超過250萬,是加拿大最大的城市,亦是北美第五大城市。多倫多市坐落於安大略湖西北岸,是大多倫多地區的...

2011-03-25 18:34:53

The 165 postcard

This postcard come from Taiwan. Traveled 3 days.這是澎湖的西瀛虹橋。

2011-03-24 18:27:21

The 164 postcard

This postcard come from Turkey. Traveled 15 days. Turkey' capital is Ankara.安卡拉(Ankara),是土耳其共和國的首都,人口約500萬,也是全國除伊斯坦堡外最大的城市。位於小亞細亞安那托利亞高原的中北部。

2011-03-23 18:30:54

The 163 postcard

This postcard come from China. Traveled 15 days.瘦西湖其實是揚州城外一條較寬的河道,原名保揚湖。面積480多畝,長4.3公里。原是唐羅城、宋大城的護城河遺迹,南起北城河,北抵蜀岡腳下,明清時期,許多富甲天下...

2011-03-22 18:55:16

The 162 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 8 days.This is the Chicago'sWorld'sColumbianExposition of 1893.芝加哥哥倫布紀念博覽會(World's Columbian Exposition),亦稱芝加哥世界博覽會,是於1893年在美國芝加...

2011-03-16 18:17:10

The 161 postcard

This postcard come from Netherlands. Traveled 13 days.This isthe "cheese'' market.

2011-03-14 18:23:38

The 160 postcard

This postcard come from Estonia. Traveled 14 days.

2011-03-14 18:22:15

The 159 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 10 days.

2011-03-13 10:33:14

The 158 postcard

This postcard come from Portugal. Traveled 11 days.

2011-03-09 19:29:02

The 157 postcard

This postcard come from Poland. Traveled 14 days.This is Warsaw. The Royal Castle and Sigismund III Colimn.西吉斯蒙德圓柱(波蘭語:Kolumna Zygmunta)是華沙最著名的地標之一,紀念齊格蒙特三世,他在1596年...

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