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2011-07-22 18:40:06

The 227 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 8 days.薩凡納(英語:Savannah),成立於1733年,2005年時為喬治亞州第四大城,薩凡納河流經其中。薩凡納城有豐富的歷史文化遺跡,每年吸引上百萬名遊客。每年的St. Patri...

2011-07-22 18:35:50

The 226 postcard

This postcard come from Germany. Traveled 8 days.

2011-07-20 19:24:10

The 225 postcard

This postcard come from Turkey. Traveled 11 days.Turkey's captial is Ankra. 【安卡拉】This is Istanbul. 【伊斯坦堡】伊斯坦堡(土耳其語:İstanbul),歷史上稱為拜占庭和君士坦丁堡。它是一個超大城市和全球...

2011-07-20 19:13:56

The 224 postcard

This postcard come from Ukraine. Traveled 21 days.This is the captial "Kyiv". 【基輔】

2011-07-20 19:10:09

The 223 postcard

This postcard come from Belgium. Traveled 12 days.Belgium's captial isBrussels. 【布魯塞爾】

2011-07-19 18:50:05

The 222 postcard

This postcard come from Malaysia. Traveled 9 days.馬來西亞的首都:吉隆坡

2011-07-15 18:21:45

The 221 postcard

This postcard come from Japan. Traveled 8 days.

2011-07-15 18:18:57

The 220 postcard

This postcard come from China. Traveled 21 days.這是來自雲南省的普米族。

2011-07-13 18:46:09

The 219 postcard

This postcard come from Netherlands. Traveled 13 days.

2011-07-13 18:44:27

The 218 postcard

This postcard come from Belarus. Traveled 14 days.

2011-07-13 18:42:25

The 217 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 8 days.This is the Murray Lake.

2011-07-08 19:59:16

Swap postcard 44

This postcard come from Bulgaria. 【保加利亞】 Traveled 17 days.

2011-07-08 19:50:59

The 216 postcard

This postcard come from kingdom. Traveled 8 days.

2011-07-08 19:49:01

The 215 postcard

This postcard come from Finland. Traveled 6 day.

2011-07-05 18:09:58

The 214 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 27 days.

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