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2011-06-01 18:29:46

The 198 postcard

This postcard come from Italy. Traveled 9 days.

2011-06-01 18:19:24

The 197 postcard

This postcard come from Australia. Traveled 8 days.

2011-06-01 18:17:18

The 196 postcard

This postcard come from Netherlands. Traveled 10 days.This is the Veluwe National Park.該公園佔地面積約55平方公里,包括石楠地(歐石南叢生的荒野),沙丘(沙丘)以及疏林(森林地)。該公園坐落於佔地面積1...

2011-05-31 18:24:54

The 195 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 6 days.This is the Mount Timpanogos.

2011-05-30 18:22:55

The 194 postcard

This postcard come from Germany. Traveled 8 days.

2011-05-25 20:39:34

The 193 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 9 days.

2011-05-20 19:33:29

Swap postcard 43

This postcard come from Germany. Traveled 9 day.This is Potsdam.波茨坦(Potsdam)柏林/布蘭登堡都市地區的一部分,它是布蘭登堡州人口最多的城市,是該州的一個中心。

2011-05-18 18:09:17

The 192 postcard

This postcard come from China. Traveled18 days.這是西峰

2011-05-13 18:21:42

The 191 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 7 days.This is Harrison Smith Park.

2011-05-12 18:34:24

The 190 postcard

This postcard come from Russia. Traveled 19 days.

2011-05-11 18:16:48

The 189 postcard

This postcard come from Canada. Traveled 11 days.美國的舊金山大橋( Paul 去美國玩)

2011-05-11 18:11:46

The 188 postcard

This postcard come from Ukraine. Traveled 14 days.This is the Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy.

2011-05-10 18:24:56

The 187 postcard

This postcrad come from Netherlands. Traveled 12 days.This is the Schokland church.斯霍克蘭(Schokland)(屬東北圩田(Noordoostpolder))是位於荷蘭須德海的原島嶼。自1942年東北圩田自須德海中被圍墾出來後,...

2011-05-09 18:15:55

The 186 postcard

This postcard come from Portugal. Traveled 20 days.

2011-05-05 19:01:48

Swap postcard 42

This postcard come from Germany. Traveled 11 days.柏林圍牆(德語:Berliner Mauer),東德稱此牆為「反法西斯防衛牆」(Antifaschistischer Schutzwall),柏林圍牆約155公里長,約3至4公尺高。於1961年開始建造...

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