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2011-05-05 18:50:54

The 185 postcard

This postcard come from Taiwan. Traveled 5 days.

2011-05-03 18:16:06

The 184 postcard

This postcard come from Germany. Traveled 13 days.

2011-05-03 18:12:51

The 183 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 7 days.

2011-04-26 19:14:09

Swap postcard 41

These postcards come from Portugal.羅西烏廣場(Rossio),正式名稱為佩德羅四世廣場(葡萄牙語:pracaa de D. Pedro IV),是葡萄牙首都里斯本的一個廣場,位於龐巴爾下城,廣場是舉行人民起義和慶祝活動,鬥牛和...

2011-04-26 18:34:49

The 182 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 35 days.

2011-04-26 18:28:01

The 181 postcard

This postcard come from Belarus. Traveled 13 days.Nesvizh 是一個城市在比拉羅斯。

2011-04-26 18:23:41

The 180 postcard

This postcard come from Australia. Traveled 9 days.

2011-04-25 18:18:09

The 179 postcard

This postcard come from Czech Republic.【捷克共和國】 Traveled 9 days.

2011-04-22 18:16:47

The 178 postcard

This postcard come from Russia. Traveled 25 days.聖彼得堡 位於俄羅斯西北部,波羅的海沿岸,是俄羅斯聯邦直轄市。同時列寧格勒州的首府也設在此城市。是僅次於莫斯科的俄羅斯第二大城市。

2011-04-21 18:19:41

The 177 postcard

This postcard come from China. Traveled 13 days.中山陵是中華民國國父、中國民主革命的先行者孫中山的陵墓,位於江蘇省南京市東郊紫金山南麓,西鄰明孝陵,東毗靈谷寺。1926年1月動工興建,1929年6月1日舉行奉安大...

2011-04-20 19:04:52

The 176 postcard

This postcard come from Netherlands. Traveled 8 days.

2011-04-20 19:01:13

The 175 postcard

This postcard come from Finland. Traveled 12 days.

2011-04-18 18:12:57

The 174 postcard

This postcard come from Germany. Traveled 8 days.This is Berlin.柏林(德語:Berlin)是德國首都,也是德國最大的城市,現有居民約340萬人。柏林位於德國東北部,四面被布蘭登堡邦環繞,施普雷河和哈維爾河流經該...

2011-04-08 19:25:58

The 173 postcard

This postcard come from Belgium. Traveled 10 days.

2011-04-08 18:59:15

The 172 postcard

This postcard come from Netherlands. Traveled 9 days.

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