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尚諾‧許華茲的藝術座談 / Jeannot Schwartz in Taiwan, 2011

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"fontanellenspiegel", Jeannot Schwartz

瑞士藝術家(現居奧地利,所以有時我稱他是奧地利藝術家) JeannotSchwartz 將於 3 月中旬來台。他自 1989 年作為交換藝術家起,曾數度到台灣參加藝術活動。

Jeannot Schwartz in Taiwan, 2011


30 / 台北伊通公園畫廊 台北市伊通街412,3

Jeannot Schwartz

1989年,瑞士藝術家Jeannot Schwartz透過巴塞爾的克里斯多夫‧瑪里安基金會策劃的工作室交換計畫,而與台灣藝術家陳幸婉互相交流,得以來到台灣。





00 / 台中 Z 空間 台中市五權西路一段七一巷三弄二號
主題:陳幸婉的水墨藝術 On Chen Hsin-wan’s Ink Works.
主講:尚諾‧許華茲 Jeannot Schwartz


19891990年間,瑞士藝術家 Jeannot Schwartz 有六個月的時間待在台灣藝術家陳幸婉的工作室。直到2004年陳幸婉過世,這兩位藝術家有幸在台灣、巴黎、以及奧地利提洛山區等地相會。


為了這次的藝術講談,Jeannot Schwartz 挑選了一些陳幸婉的水墨作品,以鏡頭捕捉它們。他將以影像呈現其結果。



27,下午200 / 台灣藝術大學,譚力新教授邀請

為期一年的時間,Jeannot Schwartz 在因斯布魯克的廣告設計學院主持一個創作實驗室。這實驗室的裝置很少。為了把這困境轉為正面的利用,所有嘗試的實驗包含了大比例的人為演練。往往包括以玩具般的物品改善平衡(特技者一般)技術,或同時以雙重性動搖單一性觀念。



Jeannot Schwartz in Taiwan, 2011

7:30 p.m. Artist Talk,Jeannot Schwartz, IT PARK Gallery, Taipei
Video projection: IT PARK at thegrasp lens cinema

In 1989, the Swiss artist Jeannot Schwartz, through the studio exchangeprogramme of the Basle Christoph Merian Foundation, had come to Taiwan inexchange for the Taiwanese artist Chen Hsing Wan.

On the initiative of Tsong Pu, a joint exhibition with Chien Chen Peicame about at the IT PARK Gallery in 1990. Since then, Jeannot Schwartz hasreturned to Taiwan on several occasions, for instance in 2001 and 2003, withcontributions to the international Container Art Festival in Kaohsiung.

Schwartz will be talking about grasp lenses, an instrument that isequipped with optical and prehensile functions and that modulates the lightinto a stereometric image of the sensitive finger tips.  With this lens a video has been created aboutthe artists of the IT PARK Gallery,  aremote portrait via the Internet, as it were. During the projection it ispossible to test the grasping pose implied by the grasp lenses.


Artist Talk, JeannotSchwartz, Z Space Gallery, Taichung

Between 1989 and 1990, the Swiss artist Jeannot Schwartz spent sixmonths at the studio of the Taiwanese artist Chen Hsing Wan. Until the earlydeath of Chen Hsing Wan, in 2004, the two artists on various occasions met inTaiwan, Paris, and in the Tyrolean mountains.

One of their joint interests concerned painting, the use of the brushand of Chinese ink on rice paper. Together, and in consultation with, Chen BoLiang they kept exchanging their ideas on the subject and encouraging eachother to undertake further experiments. Thus Chen Hsing Wan, to the surprise ofeverybody, turned away from her large-scale text collages and immersed herselfpassionately in works in ink applied with a brush.

For the artist talk, Jeannot Schwartz has chosen a number of Chen HsingWan’s works on paper, capturing them on film. The result he will present in theform of a video.

The projection offers the opportunity to turn inwardly on our ownperception. By way of a minimal intervention, Schwartz invites us to test ourown body stance against the video depicting Chen Hsing Wang’s brush works andto thus see them in a new light.


Lecture by Jeannot Schwartz at National TaiwanUniversity of Art, New Taipei City, invited by professor Lihsin Tan (moderator)

For a year, Jeannot Schwartz has overseen a creative lab at the WerbeDesign Akademie, a school for advertising design, in Innsbruck. This lab isonly sparsely equipped. In order to counteract this situation in a positivemanner, experiments have been put to the test, which entail a large portion ofmanual work. Often they involve toy-like objects that promote equilibristskills, or also duplications undermining the idea of singularity.

The lecture comprises joint exercises and videos. The participants areactively involved and in the process provide the object for the subsequentdiscussion themselves.

台長: Katle and Joe
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