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2008-02-21 13:43:53| 人氣1,298| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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至潔老友溫德逸目前住在新竹,寄來所保存的杜華神父手筆,和老友分享…。推斷應是近四十年前,德逸兄在金門服役時,老杜寫的。包括我在內,一定有許多中心夥伴不時收到過老杜關懷的信函,在成長期間,得到不少愛的溫暖。── Joe


Dear All,

This is an echo to John and Joehauz.hauz, seeing those sweet and warm photos, I would like to share with you a ”Dowd’s Letter”, to me, it’s a treasure of pricess worth, and I have kept it for over 30 yeras
with the support of e-Scan, it would accompany with us forever.
Believe you would feel such immortal love of the ”Old Friend in Christ”

Instaed of 初二 回娘家, my family, sisters and brothers planned to go home Feb 16, that prohibits me from the gathering in Taipet, may be next time.

Peter (德逸)


Dear Te Yi, Happy Easter!
May the peace and joy of the
risen Jesus ever dwell in your heart!
Thank you for your birthday
card. We had a nice party at the
c.s.s.c. center. We missed you!
You will soon be coming home
to Hsinchu, I hope. It seems that
you have been away for many years.
Pray for me once in a while.
I shall not forget your intention at
your old friend in Christ
Louis J. Dowd s.j. 杜華

台長: Katle and Joe
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