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2009-01-26 15:28:07| 人氣345| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Spend three days to Benny Hinn fire conference

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I went from thursday, friday, and saturday benny hinn conference. I am really happy to feel God's power there. Also, I love the sermons Benny spoke. I would love to listen again and support him to bring the gospel to the world.

But the sinful feelings inside me is not willing to cast out, I know they are the works of the demonic spirits, for when I get pray by the pastors, i feel the struggle inside me. Thank lord, everytime I pray with my heart, it came out.

today church, i am the first one arrive. I help do some preparations. seeing Pastor Yip got sick, I feel sorry for him :(.

Wenyan is getting emotional these days, I think is becuase of many things happened to her, and she did not eat her pills at regularly. Lord bless her.

Dear Lord,
Please give me your armor, I think I know what to do next.
Amen, victory of God.

台長: 斌斌
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sorry, i sleep late,,,i didn’t listen to you..i also see u act great and spiritual in church..thx God
2009-01-26 15:38:24
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