話說這學期開始總算有了一票酒友。而且每週固定混在一起一邊玩board game一邊喝酒<1>。當然本地酒店ABC常有的品酒會也努力不錯過。
啊,又離題了。話說月初到ABC的七十週年慶品酒會上,在酒友「總統夫人」的提醒下想到,對啊,又是beaujolais nouveau 的季節囉。怪的是這名聲響噹噹的酒竟然沒得試喝,也沒特別打出名號。只好私下找了人來問問,和夫人聯手帶了四瓶,當然品酒結束回家繼續。果如溫同學所說,今年的薄酒來是討喜之作。嗯,好啦好啦,大家也知道我是隨便附和的說法。至少合乎了我「十美元以下,喝了不頭痛」的基本原則,OK?
1. 還在課堂上寫了一首詩介紹酒友們,附在這邊給大家笑一下:
J, everyone doubts how she got into doctoral program,
likes to make the longest road
but not working on getting higher scores,
never can drink
more than two glasses of wine.
Mr. C, the ”F-2” husband with nickname ”President,”
likes to warn everyone loudly
whenever he thinks
he is going to win,
can’t stop drinking
one glass after the other.
M, aka ”First Lady”
likes to spread her cards in one hand
holding with handkerchief plus a smile in her face,
always drinks her wine
with a cup of tea aside.
A, whom we call ”Professor Blue”, just got married,
only won once over tons of games,
plays his cards calmly,
enjoys his wine with the same attitude.
S, the formal middle school Assistant Principle,
always gets nervous when she is going to win
yells at people who take moves slowly,
drinks her wine quick and clean
and we never know how much she drinks!
I, the hostess of the game,
stands up when playing the game -
too short to reach the other side of the table,
enjoys wine with friends
and never drinks alone!
2. 關於當年酒友飯友的故事,請參照:
就是這個「牌」:The Settlers of Catan