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Tasting - 二月份社團品飲Mortlach酒廠

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Mortlach 16yo 43% Flora & Fauna

C: gold amber

22 N: rich toffee, honey, apricot, cinnamon, nutty, some caramel, follow by some龍眼, bacon, then some meat,燒烤栗子,cream, concentrated and deep

22 T: medium, round and rich, toffee, caramel, chocolate, a little dry and spicy, 龍眼乾, bacon, creamy and oil

21 F: long, toffee, dark chocolate, baked walnut, finish in some baked wood, less variant at the end

21 B: good balanced both for nosing and tasting, rich flavor w/ good texture, claasical and typical one, I like it!


Motlach 15yo 40% G&M bottle in 1980’s

C: amber

21 N: fruity and sweet from begin, melon peer, citrus, orange, walnut, follow by some fragrance, raisin cherry, some wood cask but discreet fast at the end

19 T: light -> medium,蜜棗, a little grapefruit,柚木, apricot, raisin, some wood cask at the middle of tongue

18 F: medium, a little bitter, chocolate, some thin wood, obvious finished dry, thin

18 B: not quite balanced, few complexes and variant


Motlach 16yo 1991/2007 56.4% BBR sherry C#4277

C: gold amber

21 N: a little gun powder, sulphur, beautiful sherry, follow by some meat, bacon, walnut,燒烤栗子, then some toffee and chocolate, concentrated and rich flavor

21 T: medium, dry and spicy, strong impact. Toffee, dark chocolate, sulphur, meat, orange, a little soy milk, very creamy and oil

20 F: medium -> long, bitter, chocolate, wood cask, meat, toffee, orange peer, good extension and layers, but still lots of sulphur w/ some fruity at the end

20 B: some how balanced, bitter, sour, powder, quite strange one.


Motlach 19yo 55.8% OB Manager’s Dram

C: light yellow

21 N: light sherry, more like hogshead? Fragrance, vanilla, lemon cake, cream, sweet, 些許鼠尾草, powder.

21 T: medium, vanilla, lemon pie, cream, white chocolate, a little dry, ginger, liquorices, good impact

20 F: medium, vanilla, lemon pie, ginger, liquorices, finish in some cookie, cream

20 B: balanced, few complexes at the end


Motlach 25yo 1975/2000 58% Signatory C#6258 198Bts

C: light amber, gold

20 N: honey, toffee, cream, a little sulphur, and rubber, follow by some citrus, light and fresh, then some ginger, thin wood cask

21 T: full, dry and a little spicy, good impact, orange, citrus, a little bitterness, hint of sulphur, then some cream, lemon cake, ginger, liquorices. Very oil

22 F: medium -> long, more fruity, orange, melon peer, fresh plum, apple peer, finish in some sweet toffee, peaches, tropical fruit. Complexes and good variant

21 B: good balanced, some beautiful wood cask and fruity at the end. It worthy to take some time waiting for its variant!


Motlach 32yo 1971/2004 50.1% OB

C: light amber

22 N: citrus, vanilla, ginger, a little fresh plum, cherry, follow by some beautiful and elegant wood cask. Then some grapefruit, pineapple, tangerine, apple juice

23 T: ful, citrus and tangerine, apple juice, quite fruity. Smooth and round, some apricot, grapefruit and lemon peer. Creamy and oil

22 F: medium, citrus and tangerine juice, fruity, finish in some toffee, peaches and coffee w/ a little dry wood, good texture and extension

23 B: quite balance, a good old bottle, still active and fresh, no stress, classical one (but lack of a touching)



Mortlach 9yo 1996/2006 60.4% SMWS 76.47

C: light yellow

22 N: rich and beautiful cream, vanilla, honey. some ginger, nutty, almond, then a little pineapple peer, lemon pie, follow by some wood cask and flowers. Elegant, concentrated and complexes

21 T: medium, good impact a little dry, spicy, very creamy and oil, some ginger, bitterness, pepper, cookie and lemon pie.

21 F: medium, perfume, apple peer, honey, soy milk, finish in some light citrus, ginger candy, sweet, lemon pie, good impact and texture

21 B: good balanced, very enjoy for nosing, some hint of smoky bacon? A good young, bourbon spyside, Tks to Kingfisher!


Mortlach 10yo 1996/2007 60.3% SMWS 76.55

C: light yellow

23 N: rich and beautiful cream, ginger, vanilla, honey cake, candy, follow by some apricot, apple pie, more fruity, melon peer, apple, one year older, but more matured and concentrated

22 T: medium, round and good impact, a little dry, spicy. More ginger and citrus, some pepper, apricot, still creamy and oil, good texture

21 F: medium, perfume, citrus, apricot, vanilla, finish in some lemon pie, cookie, and sweet ginger candy, some white chocolate

21 B: good balanced, both for nosing and tasting, more matured and drinkable, no stress, a young good bottle! Tks to Kingfisher, too!


PS.此次品飲酒款包含自己先喝的兩支SMWS,發覺酒廠的特色還蠻一致的,大致上酒體都還蠻creamy and oil,酒質也不錯,酒體紮實,口感佳.但對Mortlach酒廠而言個人比較喜歡年輕的酒款.謝謝邱大哥的辛勞~

台長: Hertford
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2009-02-25 22:57:11
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2009-02-26 14:40:30
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