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2007-10-22 00:40:27

A Poem to Orchid Island

Deep blue sea shines through your dark brown eyes, Clear, sunny skies reflect to your deeply tanned face, With green mountains standing behind, The island lies in beauty and peace. Sparkling shi...

2007-10-10 22:01:16


10月10日國慶日, 放假一天. 但沒有閒著...早起準備食材, 準備到朋友家裡弄午餐. 往常拿手的omelet (煎蛋捲), 很久沒做了, 趁買了新平底鍋的機會, 來回憶一下. 剛開始有點生疏, 畢竟少說有兩年沒碰這東西, 難免...

2007-07-12 00:34:17


整理檔案之餘, 突然發現一個被自己遺忘已久的作品, 當初認為寫的不好, 因此從未發表. 如今重新閱讀, 也有了不同的體驗, 還是與大家分享, 一刀未剪....不,是一字未刪的詩作. 請笑納 Missing you is a ...

2006-12-10 03:08:22


Naked conscious hovering over, Uncovered body rising still, Looking into the reflection on the mirror, A girl bewildered in the night of tranquil. It was not that embrace she used to possess was...

2006-01-04 15:45:06

三十不是拉警報 A_A

在邁入三十的那一天 低調而滿足的度過了 興奮之餘 卻打破外婆的杯子 心中除了抱歉之外 更覺得這是不是有其他的意涵..... 破碎的杯子 是否代表著過去一年所有的不幸運與不快樂 也隨著消失? (是的,最好是這...

2005-10-17 16:00:04

East coast, early autumn 2005

East coast, early autumn 2005. It was cool and windy. My body and mind was enchanted with those beautiful waves. Ebbs and tides came and gone. I walked towards the borderline of the waves patt...

2005-09-14 17:58:41


人性, 世界上最為複雜難懂的學問, 也是心理學家、社會學家、行為研究學家等各領域的專家學者 最想探究並找到答案的一個議題。 人性, 比起世界上任何一種學問, 除了浩瀚無邊的宇宙之外, 迷團最大的一個...

2005-08-25 16:33:33


我 重新從地底掘出 收藏著兩把鑰匙的銀盒子 盒子開啟的剎那 你便輕易地取走其中一把 我的防禦系統 對你 毫無作用 鑰匙 已經鏽了 你毫不嫌棄地小心呵護 找到了通往秘密花園的大門 卻猶豫了 在門...

2005-07-23 20:16:19

A Drifting Soul

With eyes open wide all through the night, She caught up the earliest flight departing at 6:49, Knowing that it wouldn’t be possible to turn back the time, Leaving without a trace is the best way ...

2005-06-11 10:44:40

Summertime in French Quarter 6/2/05

In a petit cafe With blue walls and floral ceiling-tile coving ”Summertime” is played through radio, Note and rhythms is surrounding all over. In the second day of June, My last day in New ...

2004-12-31 18:21:33

Home - part II

1. A high wide roof makes the shelter of a house That is cozy and warm with its delightful space. 2. Pillar, ceiling, and the wall Transform into a reliable shelter; Embracing every hasting ...

2004-12-28 10:15:10

Home, sweet home

1. Home is a shelter with delightful grace, It greets drifting souls with a warm embrace. 2. A precious jewel serenading in the oriental sky, As familiar odor leads you home with serene moonlig...

2004-12-26 02:58:10

X EVE 2004

Christmas Eve 2004, in the night, I was stuck at the riverside On the day I have just become 29, Worrying my delay for the gathering tonight. Jumping on the bus while no cab’s around, Peace an...

2004-11-30 11:58:28

To Catherine, the about-to-flying Young Girl

Outside of this obsessive reign, Came a gifted and wise girl, Whose name is Catherine the goblin, And a mind with thousands of whirl. With her beautiful voices of singing, People are captured b...

2004-11-26 14:37:12

story telling...

Two white roses withered. Pedals fell day after day. She was counting the number Of fallen pedals on the floor laid. He is the one she’s been adoring, All she had with him were kept in her hea...

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