印度的色彩節Holi Festival!
今天是印度的色彩節Holi Festival!大家色彩節快樂!
有位阿修羅王叫 「喜拉那拉亞卡夏帕Hiranyakashyap」-他希望大家崇拜他。但他的兒子普拉雷Prahlad則是 神「那拉亞那Narayana」的虔信者;
妹妹惡魔霍利卡是有能力抗火的,她便坐在燃燒的柴堆將姪子普拉雷 Prahlad放在她的膝蓋上。
國王「喜拉那拉亞卡修帕 Hiranyakashyap」,這字象徵著一個人是毛。 兒子「普拉雷Prahlad」,則是無罪、信心和至福的體現!精神無法侷限於僅愛物質!喜拉那拉亞卡修帕 Hiranyakashyap希望的喜悅都是來自物質世界。而這不是這樣運作的。
帕爾瓦Parva是-節,帕爾瓦蒂 Parvati則意味著出生於節慶 - 慶祝!
生活也是如此,我們在生活中扮演不同的角色,每個角色和情感需要得到明確的界定。情緒混亂便產生問題。「當你是一個父親,你必須扮演父親的一部分。在辦公室,你不能成為一個父親。當你生活中的角色混合在一起時,你便開始犯錯。無論你在生活中扮演的角色是什麼,讓自己充分的扮演這角色。在多樣化中的和諧性, 使活充滿活力、喜悅和更加豐富多彩。」
你生活中所經驗的喜悅是源自你本我的深處 - 當你放下所執著的一切時,在空間裡安定於核心,這稱為冥想靜心。「靜心不是一種行為,它是無為的藝術!」。
你們應該有個慾望 - 一個想要經驗到〝是什麼在運行這世界?〞的慾望。
聖者詩麗詩麗若威香卡 Sri Sri Ravishankar
Dear Guruji, please talk about the Holi!
Holi is a festival of colours. This whole world is so colourful. Justlike nature there are different colours associated with our feelings andemotions: anger with red, jealousy with green, vibrancy and happiness withyellow, love with pink, vastness with blue, peace with white, sacrifice withsaffron and knowledge with violet. Each person is a fountain of colours whichkeep changing.
Puranas are full of colourful illustrations and stories and there is astory related to Holi. An asura king, Hiranyakashyap, wanted everyone toworship him. But his son Prahlad was a devotee of Lord Narayana, the king'ssworn enemy. Angry, the king wanted Holika, his sister, to get rid of Prahlad.Empowered to withstand fire, Holika sat on a burning pyre holding Prahlad onher lap. But it was Holika who was burnt, Prahlad came out unharmed.
Hiranyakashyap symbolises one who is gross. Prahlad embodies innocence,faith and bliss. The spirit cannot be confined to love only matter.Hiranyakashyap wanted all joy to come from the material world. It did nothappen that way. The individual jivatma cannot be bound to the materialforever. It's natural to eventually move towards Narayana, one's higher Self.
Holika symbolises past burdens that try to burn Prahlad's innocence. ButPrahlad, so deeply rooted in Narayana Bhakti, could burn all past impressions(sanskaras). For one who is deep in bhakti, joy springs up with new colours andlife becomes a celebration. Burning the past, you gear up for a new beginning.Your emotions, like fire, burn you. But when they are a fountain of colours,they add charm to your life. In ignorance, emotions are a bother; in knowledge,the same emotions add colour.
One legend talks about the time when Parvati was in tapasya and Shivawas in samadhi. In facilitating the divine union of the two, Kamadeva, the Lordof Love, gets burnt to ashes by Shiva. Shiva had to come out of samadhi to joinParvati, `Parva’ is festival and `Parvati’ means `born out of festival’ -celebration!
For samadhi to unite with celebration, the presence of desire wasnecessary. So, desire (Kama) was invoked. But again, to celebrate, you need toovercome desire. So Shiva opened his third eye and burned Kama. When desire inthe mind is burnt, celebration happens and life becomes colourful.
Like Holi, life should be colourful, not boring. When each colour isseen clearly, it is colourful. When all the colours get mixed, you end up withblack. So also in life, we play different roles. Each role and emotion needs tobe clearly defined. Emotional confusion creates problems. When you are afather, you have to play the part of a father. You can't be a father at office.When you mix the roles in your life, you start making mistakes. Whatever roleyou play in life, give yourself fully to it. Harmony in diversity makes lifevibrant , joyful and more colourful.
The joy you experience in life is from the depth of your Self - when youlet go all that you hold on to and settle down being centered in that space.That is called meditation. Meditation is not an act; it is the art of doingnothing! The rest in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep that you canever have because in meditation you transcend all desires. This brings suchcoolness to the brain and it is like servicing or overhauling the wholebody-mind complex.
Only then we are able to understand the uplifted state of the being andsee that the whole world is all spirit or consciousness. Celebration is thenature of the spirit and the celebration that comes out of silence is real. Ifsacredness is attached to a celebration, it becomes total, complete. It's notjust body and mind but also the spirit that celebrates.
In a state of celebration, the mind often forgets the Divine. We shouldexperience the Divine’s presence, the Divine’s lightaround us. You should have a desire to experience the something by which thewhole world is running. To experience this through your prayers, there shouldbe total involvement. If the mind is preoccupied elsewhere, then that is noprayer at all.
When you are faced with obstacles, deep prayers can work miracles.Prayer happens in two situations, or in a combination of situations. When youfeel grateful or when you feel utterly helpless. If you are not grateful andprayerful, you will be miserable. The feeling that “I amblessed” can help you overcome any failure. Once you realise that you areblessed, then all the complaints disappear, all the grumbling disappears, allthe insecurities disappear.
Celebration dawns spontaneously and life becomes colourful。
— 在 Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
聖者詩麗詩麗若威香卡 by Sri Sri Ravishankar