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‘Music and harmony cleanses the emotions, enriches the heart’
音樂與和諧洗滌情緒, 豐富心靈


Bangalore ashram, Nov. 17, 2009:
班格羅靜心所, 1117, 2009

Everyday you should meditate. You brush your teeth, you have a bath to keep your body clean. Similarly, you should listen to a little bit of knowledge and meditate. Cleansing of the intellect happens through knowledge - that knowledge which tells you that everything is impermanent. Music and harmony cleanses the emotions and enriches the heart. By giving, the heart becomes pure. With knowledge and meditation, everything becomes pure.
你應該每天靜心, 你刷牙, 你洗澡維持身體的乾淨。同樣地, 你應該聽一點知識和靜心. 理智的洗滌透過知識而發生- 那告訴你一切都是短暫的知識。音樂與和諧洗滌了情緒,以及豐富著心靈。 經由給予, 心變得純淨。 伴隨著知識與靜心, 一切變得純淨。

Q. Guruji, when someone dies why do we say Ram naam satya hai {Ram (the divinity within) is the truth}?
Sri Sri: When someone dies you realize that this is the truth. One day everyone is going to die. When you are alive you don’t realize the truth. You are caught up in unwanted things.
問:古儒吉,當有人死亡的時候為什麼我們說“羅摩 那瑪 薩嗲 海”《羅摩(內在的神性)是真理》?

古儒吉:當有人死亡的時候你明瞭這是真理, 有一天每個人都會死。當你活著的時候你不瞭解這個真理, 你困頓在不想要的事情上。

Truth is something which you cannot avoid.


Beauty is something which cannot be renounced.


Love is something which cannot be expressed.

These three things are more than enough to remember. It enough to digest.
這三件事更值得牢記. 它足以融會貫通。

Q. What does a yagya consist of?

Sri Sri: In any yagya, there is dhyan (meditation), daan (giving), gyan (knowledge) and gaan(music)
Gaan nourishes the right brain. Gyan nourishes the left brain and dhyan nourishes both. One grows due to yagya.

古儒吉: 在任何的“雅加”之中, 有“笛雅那”(靜心), “達納”(給與), “吉雅納”(知識)和“迦納”(音樂), 音樂滋養右腦, 知識滋養左腦而靜心滋養兩者。人們因“雅加”而成長。

Q. Guruji what qualities should we look for when we choose our life partner?
Sri Sri: Well, (smiling) I don’t have the experience! Ask those who have the experience. And you can take more help from the matrimony department! You know why they say that marriages are made in heaven? It is because the choice is already made for you. You just have to take it and move on. You are free from choices. Move on with what you have on your plate.
: 當我們選擇人生伴侶時應找尋何種特質?

古儒吉: , (微笑)我沒有這方面的經驗! 問那些有經驗的人, 你可以從婚姻部門得到更多幫助! 你知道為什麼他們說婚姻是在天堂創造的? 因為已經為你做好選擇, 你只是必須接受然後繼續前進。你沒得選擇, 跟隨著你所擁有的繼續前進。


You know the best thing is that you don’t focus on the drawbacks. Focus on the positive. In a relationship if both the people have their focus on spirituality then they will move ahead together like parallel lines move, without clashing, to infinity. The moment they will shift their focus and focus on each other, there will be clashes. So it is very important that both are on the spiritual path.
你知道最棒的事情是不要看缺點, 看正面的, 在一個關係裏如果兩個人都專注在靈性上那他們會像平行線一起向前不會碰撞, 所以兩個人一起走在靈性的道路上是非常重要的。

Q. Guruji, how was the Vishalakshi Mantap (the five-tiered, lotus-shaped meditation hall in the Bangalore ashram) made?
Sri Sri: Manuji (a devotee) said, "Guruji, we must have a hall where people can meditate. So I made a drawing and it was made. Earlier, there was no hall. The Ashtavakra talk (Sri Sri’s commentary on the Ashtavakra Geeta) happened under a thatched roof, where rain water would be leaking.

: 古儒吉, Vishalakshi Mantap (五層階梯式, 蓮花造型的靜心大廳, 在班格羅靜心所) 是怎麼蓋的?

古儒吉: 馬努吉(一位虔信者): “古儒吉, 我們必需要有一個讓大家可以靜心的大廳沒有大廳, 所以我畫了一張圖是我之前畫的。阿旭他瓦卡拉的談話(古儒吉對 阿旭他瓦卡拉之歌的闡釋)發生在漏雨的茅草屋頂下

Yet when we inaugurated the Vishalakshi Mantap, the hall was already too small! So many people had come. You know when people meditate together then the energy radiates in the world.
然而當我們舉行Vishlakshi Mantap靜心大廳的開幕式, 這個大廳已經太小了! 許多人來, 你知道當人們一起靜坐那時這個能量發散到全世界。

Q. Guruji, what is the secret of this place?
: 古儒吉, 這個地方的奧秘是什麼?

“That which you cannot express is Love.

That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.

That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”


~ Sri Sri
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