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Monday, April 13, 2009

What Sri Sri Said Today  Knowledge naturally blossoms through devotion’

星期一, 2009413
古儒吉大師今天說 透過奉獻知識自然開展 


Bangalore, (India), April 13 (Monday) 8:30pm: The Vishalakshi Mantap Meditation Hall was filled with over 2,000 people from different walks of life: urban youth, senior citizens, corporates and youth from rural areas. Many are participants of the Teacher’s Training Course who are aspiring to serve society and spread Sri Sri’s message of peace and harmony. Others seek inner peace through the ongoing Advanced Meditation programme.

班格羅(印度), 413(星期一)下午830 Vishalakshi Mantap 靜心大廳擠滿了超過2000人,來自各行各業的:城市青年,年長者,企業人士和來自農村地區的青年。有許多人是有志於服務社會傳播古儒吉大師和平與和諧信息的師資培訓課程參與者。其他則是尋求心靈平靜而參加正在舉行高級課程的人。

Q. I’m feeling feverish. Please guide.

A.: Are you feeling feverish about things? Just relax and meditate.


You know, we are a combination of matter and energy: Prakrati (matter) and Purusha (spirit). When you’re talking to somebody, think whom are you talking with? The Prakrati or the Purusha? The body is like the wick of the candle. The spirit (Purusha) is the glow. Recognise the spirit.

大家都知道,我們是物質和能量的組合: Prakrati (物質)和Purusha spirit;精神;靈;此處譯成靈性能量 。當你跟一個人說話,你認為是跟誰在說話?物質或靈性能量?身體就像是蠟燭的燭芯。靈性能量是光。明辨這靈性能量。


Keep this guiding thought: ‘I am the spirit, not just the body’. Even the memory of this, ‘I am the spirit and not the body’, sorrows will vanish like dew drops vanish when the sun rises.
記住這一引導性思維: '我是靈性能量,而不是身體'。記得這一點 '我是靈性能量而不是身體',痛苦會消失,就像露水消失在太陽升起時。

Remember: ‘I am not the wick of the candle, I am the glow.’

請記住: '我不是蠟燭的燭芯,我是光'

The candle will never say, ‘I don’t want the wick’. The wick has its place. The glow is there and so is the wick. This is Jeevan Mukti (liberated while in the body). Have this dharna (guiding thought), when you sit to meditate: ‘I am the glow’ and relax – do nothing.
蠟燭永遠不會說'我不想要燭芯'。燭芯有它的功能。因為有燭芯才有燭光的。這是Jeevan Mukti(在肉身時解脫;即生前解脫)。當你坐下來靜心時,帶者這個dharna(引導性思維):'我是光'並且放鬆 - 什麼都不做。

Whatever discomfort is there, let it be.


This is the other mantra – let it be. If there is any stress, tension or stiffness – don’t try to get rid of it, be with it, it doesn’t matter. You will find that the quality of your meditation will improve.

這是另一個特音 -'隨它去吧'。如果感到任何壓力,緊張或緊繃-不要試圖擺脫它,隨它去吧,沒有關係。你會發現靜心的品質將有所改善。

The moment you say, ‘let it be’, automatically there is expansion. The tension is relieved.

當你說 '隨它去吧' ,擴展自動發生,壓力獲得紓解。

There are some questions seeking guidance on improving of the political situation of India. Some sharing of healing experiences and so on. A member of the audience suggests that let Guruji speak on knowledge instead of answering so many questions on diverse topics. To that, Sri Sri says:




The Bhagvad Gita starts with a question and answer. If there were no question and answers, then there would be no Gita.


Open your mind and listen: the Guru speaks only knowledge. The Guru doesn’t even need to speak – there is knowledge in his presence. If you simply sit in his presence, there will be knowledge.

打開你的心傾聽:上師只談知識。甚至上師也不需要說話 - 祂的臨在就是知識。


In this atmosphere, Knowledge dawns.



Through surrender, Knowledge dawn s.



Empty your mind here and keep a pleasant state of mind. Simply being here is being in knowledge. Every cell in the body absorbs the knowledge from the vibrations in this atmosphere. These vibrations are knowledge itself. This atmosphere is so sattvic (pure). Knowledge blossoms in a sattvic atmosphere.

在這裡將你的心放空,保持愉快的狀態。僅僅是在這裡在知識裡。每一個細胞在體內吸收在這氛圍中進行的知識振波。這些振波是知識本身。這種氛圍是如此喜悅(sattvic)(純淨) 。知識開展在悅性氛圍中。


Even if the questions seem meaningless, where there is love and where your attention is, there is celebration.



The mother doesn’t try to find meaning in a baby’s talk. She feels good to simply listen to her baby. The vibrations between mother and child are of another level.



When you sit only with your question in the mind, then you become deaf. You don’t listen to anything else. Drop your question in the question basket and listen to what the Guru is saying.




Gyan (knowledge) naturally blossoms through devotion. Drop your worries. Don’t be in a hurry to gain something.



To constantly seek gain is the way of the world. It doesn’t work on spiritual path. When the mind dissolves, much is gained. Just empty yourself and be here. Then you will see progress in every step of your life.



Remember this sutra, Loko Binna Ruchi:

記住這個梵文經文,Loko Binna Ruchi


In society, people have different tastes. Even in one house, members of the family have different preferences. We have to deal with this diversity with compassion, understanding and tolerance.


Whether it is politics, homes or spirituality - remember, Loko Binna Ruchi.

無論是政治的,家庭的或靈性的 - 請記住,Loko Binna Ruchi


These are small sutras. It would be good if people learnt a little Sanskrit, especially women. Then children naturally imbibe these values from the mother – Loko Binna Ruchi.

這些是小經文。如果人們,尤其是婦女,學一些梵文是很好的。然後孩子從母親身上自然吸收這些價值觀- Loko Binna Ruchi


(Someone from the audience asks a question.)

Q. Is the Golden Age over or is it coming in the future?

A.: The day you feel good, that is the Golden Age for you.




台長: Guruji
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