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2009-04-09 17:52:01| 人氣813| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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主題: 運用靈修練習與知識技巧面對事件

Sydney, Australia, April 6: All the problems that you face in life are because you attach over importance to events. The events grow bigger while you remain smaller. Say, for example, you are riding a motorbike on a busy street and in front of you, another vehicle is emitting exhaust fumes. You have three options:
1. You can complain, somehow bear with it, and still follow the vehicle.
2. You can slow down or wait for some time to allow the vehicle to move far away from you.
3. You can use your skill, overtake the vehicle, and forget about it.
As in the first case, most of you stick on the events and are miserable, like inhaling fumes throughout your journey.
In the second case, you don’t get permanent relief, because another bigger vehicle might come in front of you. Running away from events is not the permanent solution.
Wise people use their skill to surmount the event. If the vehicle is in perfect condition, the skill is effective.
Conditioning the vehicle is Sadhana – practice. And skill is the grace of the Guru. The mistakes you have made in the past have made you humble; you need not make mistakes in the future to become humble.
What Sri Sri Said:‘ Meditation is the journey to the big mind’

澳洲雪梨, 4月6日:
1 。你可以抱怨、忍受它,仍然跟著那車前進。
2 。你可以開慢一點或等待一段時間,使那車輛遠離你。
3 。你可以運用你的技巧,超越那部車,並把它拋在腦後。


古儒吉大師說: '靜心就是成為大心智的旅程'


台長: Guruji
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