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古儒吉 2009/03/29,5:30 pm 於班格羅爾靜心所的談話

‘It is only spiritual knowledge that can cut off a narrow mentality’

Bangalore ashram, March 29 (Sunday), 5:30 pm: Sri Sri spoke in Kannada, Hindi, Tamil and English on the request of the 5,000-strong, diverse audience that had gathered at the amphitheatre for satsang this evening. Politics, the upcoming elections in India, a solution to terrorism, the role of youth and the importance of spirituality …. this evening’s conversation covered a wide-range of topics.

On the many questions on politics and the upcoming elections in India, Sri Sri said: Vote for change. Be duty-0riented. Jana seve, janardhan seve – service to mankind is service to God.
很多問題關於政治及即將到來的印度選舉,古儒吉說:投給機會。去盡義務。Jana seve, janardhan seve – 服務人們就是服務神。

Go around villages and tell people to bring a change.

When hearts are united, then whatever one talks, it is music. That’s why when lovers repeat the same thing ten times, one likes to hear it. That is because our relationship is from our hearts.

If the mind is not sweet, then the best of speeches can make one restless. If the mind is sweet, then the world is sweet.

There are three things to keep in mind:

1. We have to do something for society.
2. We have to spread the knowledge that we have received in our lives.
3. How many of our acts have pleased others? How many have pleased us? If we only do things that please us, then others will be unhappy. And if we only act for the happiness of others, then we will be unhappy. We have to be attentive to this balance.
1. 我們要對社會有所為。
2. 我們要把生命中所獲得的知識傳播出去。
3. 我們之中多有少人的行動是讓人愉侻的?有多少人讓我們感到歡喜?如果我們只做讓自己開心的事,那我們就會不開心。而如果我們只做讓別人快樂的事,那我們也會不快樂。我們必須注意這當中的平衡

Our country is burning from all four sides. There are caste and religious divides. Our neighboring countries are burning too. We have to save society.

Wake up, the youth of the country, - wake up.

We have to awaken self-respect. When you respect yourself first, then you can respect others.

If you have self-esteem, then you can do that – if you don’t then you are walking around without a spine. Sadhana awakens your self-esteem. With meditation, emotions like violence cannot arise in you.
如果你有自尊,那你應該能做到 – 如果你做不到那你走到哪都是沒有骨氣的。法則喚醒你的自尊。同時靜坐,你的內在就不會產生暴力的情緒。

There is so much violence in our neighbouring countries. Last year, 400 bomb blasts went off together in Bangladesh. There were ten terror attacks in our country last year. America had one 9/11. In this country, every month has seen a date with terror.

Terrorism cannot be cut off unless spiritual knowledge is given. It is only spiritual knowledge that can cut off a narrow mentality. Without realising this fact, even if we pump millions into Pakistan to end terror, these attempts won’t be successful.

Only money will not make the change: the mindset has to be changed. We all have to strive for a spiritual education. Spread the message of non-violence, love and compassion. Then this attitude of violence, dominance and hatred will go.

We need religious education but not unscientific education. Take only that which is scientific. A broad-based, spiritual education is essential. We need religious education but fanaticism is no good. This continent is passing through a tough time but it will change.

There are three things that we must do:

1. Everyone must meditate for some time everyday
2. Do service to society
3. Vote and encourage others to vote
1. 每個人每天都要花點時間靜坐。
2. 服務社會。
3. 投票並鼓勵他人去投票。

(A person from the audience stands up and asks a question.)

Q. I feel so fortunate to be listening to a modern-day Vivekananda. How does one know which specific field you are cut off for? Then we can be more effective.

A.: Yes, its true…. All those who want to do some service activity, want direction, come here. Let us make a team, take specific targets and do service. We have adopted 38 slums around Bangalore. There are many of you who can go and inspire them and help them.

(Another visitor narrates his experience of hearing Art of Living bhajans when passing by a police station. Sri Sri says: “Even in prisons, inmates hear these bhajans all the time.”)

Q. When will all national boundaries dissolve?
A: When everyone starts to do the Sudarshan Kriya. (audience laughs and claps)

Jai Guru Dev
Web Team, Bangalore Ashra


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