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A bbre viation   阿勃力

noun [ C ] UK  /əˌbriː.viˈeɪ.ʃən/ US  /əˌbriː.viˈeɪ.ʃən/

"ITV" is the abbreviation for "Independent Television".



Sra. es la abreviatura de señora.




Ab do men ㄟ伯 的門

noun [ C ]  UK  /ˈæb.də.mən/ US  /ˈæb.də.mən/

abdomen [noun] (anatomy) the part of the body between the hips and the lower ribs

midriff [noun] (anatomy) the middle of the body just below the ribs

the lower part of a person's or animal's body, containing the stomach, bowels, and other organs, or the end of an insect's body


abdomen (西)

dolor de abdomen





ab normal

adjectiveUK  /æbˈnɔː.məl/ US  /æbˈnɔːr.məl/

different from what is usual or average, especially in a way that is bad(不好的)

abnormal behavior/weather/conditions反常的行為/天氣/情況

physically/mentally abnormal 身體異常的/精神失常的

sexually abnormal 性變態的



a. 反常的;不規則的

irregular, eccentric, odd, monstrous, insane, unnatural



a. 不正常的;不規則的」的反義字

normal, regular, usual






adverb, prepositionUK  /əˈbɔːd/ US  /əˈbɔːrd/



on or onto a ship, aircraft, bus, or train


The flight attendant welcomed us aboard.

Welcome aboard flight BA345 to Tokyo.

The train's about to leave. All aboard!

We spent two months aboard ship (= on the ship).


(西) a bordo

aboard [adverb, preposition] on(to) or in(to) (a means of transport)


sneak aboard偷渡 人蛇




noun UK  /bɔːd/ US  /bɔːrd/



board noun (WOOD)

a thin, flat piece of cut wood or other hard material, often used for a particular purpose


Cut the vegetables on a chopping (US cutting) board.


There was a "For Sale" board outside the house.




A2 [ C ] 棋盤 棋類遊戲

a flat piece of wood or other hard material with a special pattern on it, used for playing games

a chess board 西洋棋棋盤


A1 [ C ] 黑板或白板

a blackboard or whiteboard

The teacher wrote her name up on the board.



A2 [ C ] 佈告板,公告欄

a noticeboard

I stuck the notice (up) on the board.



[ C ] (跳水用的)跳板

a diving board

I dived off the top board today.


the boards [ plural ] (冰上曲棍球場周圍的)護板

the wooden fence surrounding the ice surface in ice hockey



Today's specials are written on the board.

He stuck up a notice on the board with pins.

He advertises his services on the company notice board.

When it was his turn to dive, he gulped and stepped up onto the diving board.

The man's body was as stiff as a board when it was found in the snow.

board noun (PEOPLE)


C1 [ C usually singular, + sing/pl verb ] 董事會;理事會;委員會

the group of people who are responsible for controlling and organizing a company or organization

Every decision has to be approved by the board (of directors).


She started in the firm after college and now she's on the board/a board member.


UK The board of governors meet/meets once a month to discuss school policy.





board noun (EXAM) (美國某些醫療、商業組織舉行的)執業考試

boards [ plural ] US informal

an official examination given by some medical and business organizations in the US



board noun (TRANSPORT)

on a boat, train, or aircraft

As soon as I was on board, I began to have second thoughts about leaving.




board noun (MEALS)

meals provided when you are staying somewhere, usually for money

across the boardgo by the boardon boardtake sth on board



[ T ] UK將(寵物)暫時寄養在他處

to arrange for a pet animal to be temporarily taken care of at a place other than its home

He boards the dog out when he goes on business trips.




board and lodging

noun [ U ] UK

UK  /ˌbɔːd ən ˈlɒdʒ.ɪŋ/ US  /ˌbɔːrd ən ˈlɑː.dʒɪŋ/

(UK also bed and board); (US room and board)


the meals and room that are provided when someone pays to stay somewhere, for example when working or studying away from home




noun [ C ] UK  /ˈbɔː.dər/ US  /ˈbɔːr.dɚ/

a student at a school who sleeps and eats there and only goes home during school holidays







adverb [ after verb ]UK  /əˈbrɔːd/ US  /əˈbrɑːd/



abroad adverb [after verb] (OTHER COUNTRY)

in or to a foreign country or countries

He's currently abroad on business.


We always go abroad in the summer.



go abroad出國


blaze abroad  四處傳播,宣揚開來


noise abroad 傳出去,張揚出去


from abroad 自國外,歸國


get abroad  傳開


studying abroad出國留學;出國學習


home and abroad國內外,海內外



travel abroad出國旅行


consumption abroad境外消費(服務貿易)


spread abroad傳播


Study Abroad出國留學;海外學習


market abroad海外市場


student abroad留學生


Media Abroad外媒之音


payment abroad境外付款


distribution abroad國外總發行


noise sth. abroad  張揚某事

It is being noised abroad that he has been arrested. 他被捕的事已滿城風雨。


be all abroad  糊裡糊塗

When we talk to him about English grammar, he is just all abroad. 我們同他談論英文文法時, 他感到非常困惑。


imported from abroad 從國外進口的

news from home and abroad 國內外新聞





After her divorce she went to live abroad.

He wanted the best for his children - good schools, a nice house and trips abroad.

We have two grown-up children, both of whom live abroad.

They decided to move abroad and make a fresh start.

Some very well-known British football players have gone to clubs abroad.

abroad adverb [after verb] (OUTSIDE)


廣為流傳的[ after verb ] formal

used to say that ideas, feelings, and opinions are shared by many people

There's a rumor abroad that she intends to leave the company.










Abolish 兒爸裡需

verb [ T ] UK  /əˈbɒl.ɪʃ/ US  /əˈbɑː.lɪʃ/

to end an activity or custom officially

cancel, destroy, exterminate, put an end to, wipe out, do away with



I think bullfighting should be abolished.


i refer to those which cause serious damage to humans and animals and need to take urgent, rigorous measures to compulsorily prevent, bring under control or exterminate them.





Ab original 原住民

noun [ C ] UK  /ˌæb.əˈrɪdʒ.ən.əl/ US  /ˌæb.əˈrɪdʒ.ən.əl/

over the years, aborigine tribal members have updated past artworks with different styles and new subjects.



aboriginal forests 原始森林

an aboriginal language




abo rtion  兒波兒

noun UK  /əˈbɔː.ʃən/ US  /əˈbɔːr.ʃən/


abortion noun (END OF PREGNANCY)

the intentional ending of a pregnancy

She decided to have/get an abortion.

Abortion is restricted in some American states.

backstreet abortion

n. 非法墮胎


abortion leave

ph. 流產假(亦作miscarriage leave


induced abortion

ph. 【醫】誘發性流產(也稱為人工流產或有意引發的流產)


backstreet abortion

n. 非法墮胎


abortion leave

ph. 流產假(亦作miscarriage leave



n. & 反墮胎(的)

The anti-abortion stance of the Catholic religion remains unchanged for decades. 天主教反墮胎的立場幾十年不變。






adj. 天生的



adj. 生於國外的



adj. 再生的;重生的;自新的

She's also just been born-again!




Abound 兒棒的

verb [ I ]

UK  /əˈbaʊnd/ US  /əˈbaʊnd/



to exist in large numbers

Theories abound about how the universe began.

rumours abounded 傳言四起

to abound in sth. 充滿某物







A b rupt

adjectiveUK  /əˈbrʌpt/ US  /əˈbrʌpt/


突然的;意外的abrupt adjective (SUDDEN)

sudden and unexpected, and often unpleasant

an abrupt change/movement

Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room.


The road ended in an abrupt (= sudden and very steep) slope down to the sea.




The car juddered and came to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road.

There was an abrupt change in her attitude towards me when she heard that I was Alan's girlfriend.

The party came to rather an abrupt ending when Tom's parents came home.

There was an abrupt fall in our sales figures following the bad publicity.

As you step into the air-conditioned office, there is an abrupt change in temperature.

abrupt adjective (UNFRIENDLY)



using too few words when talking, in a way that seems rude and unfriendly

an abrupt manner/reply


He is sometimes very abrupt with clients. 粗魯。




adjective  UK  /ˈæb.sənt/ US  /ˈæb.sənt/


absent adjective (NOT PRESENT)

not in the place where you are expected to be, especially at school or work

John has been absent from school/work for three days now.


We drank a toast to absent friends.


the school confers a medal on any student who is not absent a single day.



If a child is absent, the teacher notes it down in the class register.

The teacher called the roll to see if any students were absent.

I was absent from work on that day.


不存在的;缺乏的absent adjective (NOT EXISTING)

not existing

Any sign of remorse was completely absent from her face.



absent-mindedly    adv. 心不在焉地;茫然地;恍惚地恍恍惚惚地;糊裏糊塗地;稀裏糊塗地

心不在焉的;失神的absent adjective (NOT PAYING ATTENTION)

used to describe a person or the expression on a person's face when they are thinking about other things and are not paying attention to what is happening near them

She absent-mindedly left her umbrella on the bus.


He went to call his wife, only to absent-mindedly dial his boss.





noun [ U ] UK  /æmˈniː.zi.ə/ /æmˈniː.zi.ʒə/ US  /æmˈniː.zi.ə/ /æmˈniː.zi.ʒə/


a medical condition that makes you unable to remember things




Absent a detailed plan, the project was doomed from the start.



You cannot choose to absent yourself (from work/school) on a whim.



Ab sence


UK  /ˈæb.səns/ US  /ˈæb.səns/

absence noun (NOT BEING PRESENT)


缺席;缺勤;不在場the fact of not being where you are usually expected to be

A new manager was appointed during/in her absence.


She has had repeated absences from work this year.



The smell of cigarette smoke confirmed what he had suspected: there had been a party in his absence.

I'm deputizing for the director during his absence.

Unbeknown to me, he'd gone and rented out the apartment in my absence.

Can you account for your absence last Friday?

A new manager was appointed during/in her absence.

absence noun (NOT EXISTING)


不存在;缺乏the fact of not existing

He drew attention to the absence of concrete evidence against the defendant.








UK  /ˈæb.sə.luːt/ US  /ˈæb.sə.luːt/

absolute adjective


complete, perfect, thorough, total, entire, positive


very great or to the largest degree possible


a man of absolute integrity/discretion


I have absolute faith in her judgment.


There was no absolute proof of fraud.


absolute right絕對權利


absolute majority絕對多數


absolute humidity[氣象] 絕對濕度


absolute control絕對掌控


absolute alcohol[有化] 無水酒精


Absolute InfiniteThe Absolute Infinite is mathematician Georg Cantor's concept of an "infinity" that transcended the transfinite number Cantor equated the Absolute Infinite with God.


absolute value絕對值


absolute error[][計量] 絕對誤差


absolute velocity[] 絕對速度


absolute discretion絕對酌情決定權


absolute deviation[][] 絕對偏差


absolute temperature[] 絕對溫度


absolute number[] 絕對數


absolute difference[] 絕對差;絕對差別;絕對差分;絕對偏差


absolute music純音樂


absolute freedom絕對自由


absolute zero[] 絕對零度


absolute monarchy專制君主國;君主專制政體


absolute pressure[] 絕對壓強


absolute path絕對路徑;絕對航跡;絕對動路


absolute poverty絕對貧困


absolute advantage絕對利益


absolute majority絕對多數


absolute discharge無條件釋放




used when expressing a strong opinion


He's an absolute idiot!


That's absolute rubbish!



His room is an absolute dump!

I then realized to my absolute horror, that I had forgotten the present.

When you're stuck in traffic, a mobile phone's an absolute life-saver.

You won't have any problems with the entrance test - it's an absolute breeze.

You've been an absolute gem - I couldn't have managed without your help.

absolute adjective (NOT CHANGING)


true, right, or the same in all situations and not depending on anything else


an absolute law/principle/doctrine


Do you think there's such a thing as absolute truth/beauty?


Her contribution was better than most, but in absolute terms (= without comparing it with anything else) it was not very good.


absolute adjective (POWERFUL)


An absolute ruler has unlimited power.


an absolute monarch 專制君主





adjective/aβsoˈluto/ (also absoluta /aβsoˈluta/)








absorb 阿杯受ㄅ

verb [ T ]

UK  /əbˈzɔːb/ US  /əbˈzɔːrb/

to take up someone's attention completely


The project has absorbed her for several years.


同義詞  engross使全神貫注;用大字體書寫;正式寫成(決議等);



be absorbed in  ph. 專心於...





to take something in, especially gradually

Plants absorb carbon dioxide.


In cold climates, houses need to have walls that will absorb heat.


Towels absorb moisture.


The drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.


Our countryside is increasingly being absorbed by/into the large cities.




sponge , take in, soak up, suck up


storms, hail or lightning can kill birds while tornadoes or waterspouts may suck up small fish or frogs and drop them far away.



this is because trees suck up carbon dioxide as they grow, so every time forests are chopped down it reduces the earth’s ability to absorb the greenhouse gas.






noun [ U or C ]   formal UK  /æbˈstræk.ʃən/ US  /æbˈstræk.ʃən/

the situation in which a subject is very general and not based on real situations


She's always talking in abstractions.



On Abstract Lacquer Painting抽象性漆畫的探索


abstract painting抽象畫

abstract colored ink painting寫意重彩畫


Abstract Image Painting抽象形象畫


german abstract painting抽象繪畫

in the abstract抽象地;理論上;概括地


Abstract Resource抽象資源


abstract expressionism抽象表現主義


abstract ideas抽象觀念


abstract nouns抽象名詞   concrete nouns 具體名詞




Abstract noun examples

Unlike most other nouns, abstract nouns don’t refer to people or places. After all, people and places are real things that exist in our world. Even nouns that refer to fictional characters and places, such as Godzilla or Valhalla, are not, the reasoning goes, abstract nouns because these things would have a physical form if they were actually real.


So, all abstract nouns are “things.” Remember, though, that abstract nouns only refer to intangible things such as emotions, ideas, philosophies, and concepts. Let’s stop being abstract and look at some specific examples so we can get a better understanding of abstract nouns.



Even though we often say that we “feel” emotions, we don’t mean that literally. You “feel” emotions like happiness or anger as thoughts in your mind or activity in your brain and body. You can’t hold happiness in your hand or eat a plate of sadness. You can see people or animals expressing these emotions through actions, but emotions are not tangible objects. So, we refer to them with abstract nouns.


Examples: happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust, joy, fear, anxiety, hope

Ideas, concepts and beliefs

Besides emotions, abstract nouns are also used to refer to other concepts and ideas. These kinds of abstract nouns give names to complex topics and give us a glimpse into a big part of what makes us human—our big, wrinkly brains! While most abstract nouns are common nouns, meaning that they refer to general ideas, they can also be proper nouns, such as Christianity.


Examples: government, dedication, cruelty, justice, Christianity, Islam, Cubism

List of abstract nouns

Abstract nouns can be pretty tough to understand, so let’s look at a bunch more:


religion, science, experimentation, research, magnetism, creativity, invisibility, kindness, greed, laziness, effort, speed, concentration, confusion, dizziness, time, situation, existence, death, anarchy, law, democracy, relief, opportunity, technology, discovery, hopelessness, defeat, friendship, patience, decay, holiness, youth, childhood, Stoicism, Marxism



abstract class抽象類(不允許實例化的類)


abstract art抽象派;抽象主義



it also provides an abstraction on top of data storage and retrieval.




and then they fought a bunch of other people to turn this abstraction into reality.




the model must contain an abstraction of the database.




languages tend to incorporate patterns and other common idioms, where they disappear as part of the language abstraction itself.




what do levels of abstraction provide?




this abstraction layer allows any operating system to run on the hardware without knowledge of any other guest operating system.




obviously, this is an abstraction of these mathematical concepts.





For Chinese, abstract painting is not so popular, but I like things that need more imagination.




An enormous literature exists on the relationship between abstract painting and atonal music, and the extensive Kandinsky-Schoenberg correspondence can be found on the Internet.




This paper deals with the similarities and differences between Chinese cursive script and Western abstract painting through comparison and expounds the significance of its abstract character.




We can say that the research of Kandinsky's abstract painting theory is the key to the western 20 century Modernism painting Esthetics.




When your 4 years old, she buys color crayons for you, but the conduct and actions recompense, you drew the abstract painting of the full wall.




When the painters further collage pigments in the same way as the objects are collaged, abstract painting comes into being.




At the same time, because they are contrasted with special hues, the original realism of the scene is concealed, and is replaced with an abstract painting that contains a scene.




Through the doorway Tom had emerged from Brendan could see into a small living room with a wood floor and a bright-red sofa, a modern-looking, colorful abstract painting on the wall above it.




Two little boys were looking at an abstract painting in an art shop.






Absurd 阿杯 捨的

adjective  UK  /əbˈsɜːd/ US  /əbˈsɝːd/

a. 愚蠢的;荒唐的

foolish, ridiculous, ludicrous, impossible, unbelievable



















Absurd years荒唐歲月

absurd theatre荒謬劇場

sound absurd聽起來荒誕

absurd argument荒謬的論調

absurd express荒謬表達

absurd fantasy荒謬的幻想

theatre of the absurd荒謬劇場;荒誕派戲劇

Absurd love荒唐的愛情

absurd suggestion荒謬的建議

stupid and unreasonable, or silly in a humorous way


What an absurd thing to say!


Don't be so absurd! Of course I want you to come.

It's an absurd situation - neither of them will talk to the other.


Do I look absurd in this hat?



things that happen that are stupid or unreasonable


The whole situation borders on the absurd.


She has a keen sense of the absurd.

You want Granny to live in the caravan? That's an absurd suggestion!

It's just another of those absurd rules imposed upon us by the justice system.

He's got some absurd idea in his head about building his own house.

It's absurd to waste your money on a machine you'll never use.

Blake looked absurd in those tight leather trousers, but I tried not to laugh.










A bun dance ㄜ本dance

noun [ S or U ]   formalUK  /əˈbʌn.dəns/ US  /əˈbʌn.dəns/

 the situation in which there is more than enough of something


There was an abundance of food at the wedding.

We had wine in abundance.

live in abundance過富裕的生活

be blessed with abundance有錢有福,財運亨通

a year of abundance 豐收之年,豐年

the island has water in abundance 島上淡水充沛

an abundance of wildlife 眾多的野生生物


be in a state of abundance of what you already have.



beyond all that abundance and beyond all that deprivation, what remains is the memory of experiences.








verb [ T ] UK  /əˈbjuːz/ US  /əˈbjuːz/


abuse verb [T] (USE WRONGLY)

to use something for the wrong purpose in a way that is harmful or morally wrong

She is continually abusing her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her.


I never expected that he would abuse the trust I placed in him.


to abuse alcohol  酗酒

sex abuse性虐待(等於sexual abuse

sexual abuse性虐待

vitamin abuse維生素濫用

physical abuse軀體虐待;身體傷害;外觀損壞

children abuse童年創傷

abuse of power[] 濫用權力

substance abuse物質濫用;濫用藥物

drug abuse藥物濫用;毒品濫用

emotional abuse精神虐待

alcohol abuse酒精濫用,酗酒

child abuse虐待兒童,摧殘兒童

chemical abuse吸毒;飲酒成癮


remedy an abuse糾正陋習

wipe out an abuse根除陋習




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