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1. Evolutionary: relating to the way in which plants and animals develop and change gradually over a long period of time 2. Investigating: to try to find out the truth about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem 3. Compelled: to force someone to do something → compulsion → compel somebody to do something 4. Non-stop: without any stops or pauses → continuous 5. Disgusting: extremely unpleasant and making you feel sick SYN revolting 6. Disturbing: worrying or upsetting 7. Traumatic: a traumatic experience is so shocking and upsetting that it affects you for a long time 8. Perspective: a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences → viewpoint → perspective on → from somebody’s perspective → from a feminist/Christian/global etc perspective 9. Resilience: the ability to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event → toughness → resilience of 10. Pay attention to sb/st: to watch, listen to, or think about someone or something carefully 11. To compensate for: to replace or balance the effect of something bad → compensate somebody for something 12. Make up for: to make a bad situation better, or replace something that has been lost SYN compensate 13. Pouring into → pour something into/out/down etc (something) → pour something away (=get rid of something) → pour somebody something 14. Doomscrolling: spending a lot of time looking at your computer screen or mobile phone and reading bad news stories 15. Feel ick: (US slang) feel sick, often because of something disgusting or disturbing 16. On tap: easily available so that you can have of much of it as you want, whenever you want 17. Make up for (something): compensate for something bad with something good 18. Romanticise (something): talk about something in a way that make it sound better than it really is 19. 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger': saying which expresses the idea that by going through difficult life experiences, people build up strength and resilience for the future

- Incident (n) - an event that is either unpleasant or unusual; (syn) event, happening. Exp: an isolated/serious/unfortunate incident. A strange incident. The incident has led to the delay of an important diplomatic visit to China.

- Saga (n) - a long, detailed story. 

- Mend (v) - to repair something that is broken or damaged. To mend cloth. To mend relations means to try to improve a relationship with someone that you have had a disagreement with them before. 

- Intention (n) - what a person plans or intend to do. Exp: He has no intention of leaving.

- Rival (n) - a person, group, etc.. competing with others for the same thing or in the same area. Exp: rival companies. Two boys are rivals for the girl next door.

1) Deflate (v) - to take the air or energy or strength or force out of something such as a tire, football, a balloon. Exp: The balloon saga deflates efforts to mend US-China relations. It means the balloon story has had a negative effect on US-China relations. You can feel deflated. The hopes or dreams become deflated - They become weaker. My dreams of going to university were deflated when I failed my exams.

2) Bicker (v) - to argue about something that is not important. Exp: Balloons bickering over Biden's action and China's intention. Will you two stop bickering about nonsense? I always bicker with my brother. He's so annoying!

3) On edge (adj) - tense because of being nervous or worried, stressed, with angry. Exp: China's military keeps rivals on edge with balloon strategy. It means China's use of balloons in this way is making other countries feel uncomfortable. I still haven't received my results! I feel so on edge.

So-called (adj) - used to introduce a new word or phrase that is not yet known by many people. Exp: the so-called love hormone; the so-called super-rats. - Mind-blowing (adj) - extremely exciting or surprising, related to shocking and surprising, incredible. Exp: The special effects in this film are pretty mind-blowing. It means that these effects are incredible and they surprise the audience. - Conventional (adj) - traditional or ordinary. Exp: a conventional wedding. Conventional wisdom - an opinion or theory that has existed for a long time and that most people agree with. - Wisdom (n) - the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments. - Accurate (adj) - correct, exact, and without any mistakes. 1) Upend (v) - upset or completely change. (Up + end). Exp: Covid pandemic really upended everyone's plans for a few years. Those scientific results have upended all our theories. This train strike has upended all my plans! 2) Overrated (v) - Over + rate - (syn) overestimate - not as good as people say. (Antonym) underrate or underestimate. Exp: Be careful not to overrate your competitors. The love hormone might be overrated. It means the love hormone might not be as accurate as people think. Everyone loves that comedian but I think she's overrated. 3) Not so fast (expression) - stop and reconsider. To describe that people shouldn't make a decision too quickly, maybe things are more complicated than they think. (syn) Hold on a sec, wait a minute, hang on. Exp: Not so fast! You haven't finished your homework yet. Not so fast! You can't go out until you've done your homework. The so-called love hormone might not be as important as the scientists suggested before. It means the so-called love hormone was overrated as accurate as it really is. The new mind-blowing study has upended the conventional wisdom about the love hormone. Therefore, scientists suggest that we need to be not so fast to make a decision or judgment based on the scientific results. Everything would be changed completely from time to time..


1. Consciousness: the condition of being awake and able to understand what is happening around you

2. Headquarters: 1/the main building or offices used by a large company or organization 2/the place from which military operations are controlled

3. Reassigned:  to give an employee a different job, or to arrange for an employee to work in a different place

To be reassigned to sb

4. Reinforces: to increase the power of something, especially by making it bigger

→ Reinforce the message/idea/view that

→ To be reinforced with

5. Presenter: someone who introduces a television or radio show

→ A news/sports presenter

→ Children's television presenters

6. Chatbot: computer programme designed to have conversations with humans over the internet

7. Cognitive: connected with the mental processes of thinking, knowing, learning and understanding

8. Wishful thinking: something which is unlikely to come true in the future

9. Anthropomorphise: treat an animal or object as if it were human

10. Blindsided: unpleasantly surprise

11. Get/be taken in (by) someone: be deceived or tricked by someone

1.    Judgmental: too quick to criticize people

2.    Carbon footprint: measurement of how much carbon dioxide is produced by someone's everyday activities

3.    Crunch (the) numbers: perform many mathematical calculations involving large amounts of data and numbers

4.    Mod cons (= modern conveniences): technology and machines like cars, washing-machines, air-conditioning and fridges which make life easier and more pleasant

5.    Affluence: having lots of money or owning many material possessions

6.    Apologetic: showing that you feel sorry for something harmful you have said or done

7.    Let your heart rule your head: (idiom) do something based on emotion or personal desires rather than for logical or practical reasons.

8.    All the mod cons: all the things that are fitted in modern houses to make life easy and comfortable

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