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2018-10-27 17:52:24
2015-08-02 23:15:12

2015- picnic

2015- picnicMay 16Go picnic @ WCES.

2015-08-01 22:32:54

2015- Nepal

2015- NepalI received 1/3 postcard from Nepal after earthquake.歷經大地震後,飄洋過海的尼泊爾明信片,彷彿有著更多的故事,隱藏在層層疊疊當中。

2015-07-27 22:35:53

2015- rain is coming

Rain is coming.where are you?雨中帶來你的消息,夾雜著浪濤的怒吼,深怕遺漏了,即使是一聲嘆息,即使仍舊在島嶼千里之外......

2015-07-26 22:21:54

2015- flower house

2015- flower house花都盛開了。

2015-07-26 22:05:08

2015- lunch time 3

2015- lunch time 3Lunch time.一起吃飯吧。

2015-06-24 20:53:26

my light

you shepherd me in the dark night with your own light.

2015-06-24 19:57:29
2015-06-24 18:58:20

new world

new worldcan we create a new world?

2015-03-10 22:01:52

2015- steak

Jan. steak好久沒吃鐵板牛排了~呼呼

2015-03-09 22:13:06

2015- lunch time 2

2015- lunch time 2中卷豬肉雙拼+韓式蔬食豆腐鍋+部隊鍋 @京站地下街

2015-03-09 22:05:01
2015-03-08 22:50:22



2015-02-09 18:08:53

2015- big hug

we all need a warm big hug in this cold winter and sad world.so... give me a hug :)即使再寒的雨夜裡,也有一盞小燈火別放棄希望....:)I'll always be there...

2015-02-08 22:02:08
2015-02-08 20:07:03
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