【traveller's story】 in Taiwan.It's the end of 2016, hope we have a peaceful, happiness and love world in the...
發表時間:2016-12-31 17:36:05 | 回應:0
2016- spider
發表時間:2016-11-16 22:16:51 | 回應:0
Can I see you again?隔了好長一段時間,總算又貼上新圖(也是放了好長一段時間的圖,一年了呢)常常聽...
發表時間:2016-11-16 21:59:29 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】 in Taiwan.Themoon is still there.月光下,靜靜望月,想念遠方。
發表時間:2016-04-17 18:47:51 | 回應:0
20160404【traveller's story】 in Taiwan.What can we see? if we fly high enough.Is there a new world waiting fo...
發表時間:2016-04-04 21:43:58 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】 in Taiwan.
We meet each other here.
發表時間:2016-04-03 22:19:18 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Taiwan.Where are we going?Can I find my sheep?
發表時間:2016-04-03 21:32:52 | 回應:0
[traveller's story]: in Taiwan."good luck! dear friend."wish we can meet again soon.旅人上路需要許多勇氣和祝福...
發表時間:2016-03-27 23:24:27 | 回應:0
20160324:[traveller's story] in Taiwan.It's raining....霪雨霏霏,連月不開。
發表時間:2016-03-27 22:37:43 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】 in Taiwan.I'm waiting....
發表時間:2016-03-27 22:13:14 | 回應:0
I still have a dream...
發表時間:2016-03-18 18:41:03 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Taiwan.
all we need is HOPE.
發表時間:2016-02-10 20:29:42 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Taiwan.when the world is dark enough, we live by faith.never give up!!
發表時間:2016-02-10 19:48:05 | 回應:0
20160202: about "cards adventure" project:that's a long journey with long distances and surprises, thank you f...
發表時間:2016-02-10 19:10:05 | 回應:0
20160128:[traveller's story]traveling in the deep ocean. sometimes we breathe the fresh blue.我們在深藍色的夢...
發表時間:2016-02-10 19:04:04 | 回應:0