an email from my cousin Nancy.
She's a year younger than me, but born on the same day of the year. She is my father's brother's oldest daughter (one of 4)
John: Its pretty strange when you talk to someone from Scotland and get an email address for someone who lives 1/2 hr. away! Anyway I trust you had a great Christmas and are looking forward to a great and exciting new year! Congratulations!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you and Linda and wish you all the best. I so wish I had met her when she was here...we should have had a family get together...didn't you know what was coming then? Wow! I'm so excited for you!
love Nancy
Nancy 是 John 的 堂 妹 John 曾 想 跟 Nancy 約 會
不 幸 當 他 鼓 起 勇 氣 打 電 話 過 去 卻 被 他 叔 叔 接 到
結 果 可 想 而 知 一 定 結 結 叭 叭 無 法 說 明 來 意
這 段 純 純 的 愛 無 疾 而 終 後 來 Nancy 嫁 給 Mr. Smith 而 John 的 妹 妹 Barb. 嫁 給 Nancy 先 生 的 堂 弟 所 以 Nancy and Barb. 都是 Mrs. Smith. 很 複 雜 喔