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2016-03-24 20:49:14| 人氣2,216| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

DigiriderArt 運動書法系列二:人工智慧神經網路的繪畫創作

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This is a half done image for current sport calligraphy project; the "DeepLearning of DeepMind's" spirit is in interpretation into the image by repeating the same elements and patterns by defining them with artificial intelligence's algorithm (ANNS) and enlarging over and over agin, while keeping the sport calligraphy spirit as well.
Deedream's Deepmind Learing 的精神蘊藏在作品中,利用不斷重複的元素與區塊藉由人工智慧神經網路 (ANNs) 的運算,不斷的深層解讀。前一運子看到的是影音形式的詮釋,而我的方式就是以靜態的方式解讀與詮釋。但在解讀的過程中,同時保留著書法筆觸運行的精髓在其中,完成了 "運動書法" 的動態與靜態的平衡。 這個系列的作品都是以這樣的方式拆解圖像,重新拼裝,負以新的解讀,完成整個系列,這是我 "運動書法" 系列作品的創作分析。
While working on the last image in this series, the unexpected nightmare happened, the artificial Intelligence Neutral Network was down. Well, Murphy's Law is true in this case. 
Bad on the left, Good on the right, computer makes mistake too. Both images are in the middle of processing.
Here is an example by what I meant building up the texture or pattern in my artwork by using Google Artificial Intelligece Deeplearning Network (ANNs). AI analyzing my image and decides what area of back light, in this case needs to be working on.
Both are in the middle of processing images in my art.
This is a half done image for current sport calligraphy project; the "DeepLearning of DeepMind's" spirit is in interpretation into the image by repeating the same elements and patterns by defining them with artificial intelligence's algorithm (ANNS) and enlarging over and over agin, while keeping the sport calligraphy spirit as well.
Deedream's Deepmind Learing 的精神蘊藏在作品中,利用不斷重複的元素與區塊藉由人工智慧神經網路 (ANNs) 的運算,不斷的深層解讀。前一運子看到的是影音形式的詮釋,而我的方式就是以靜態的方式解讀與詮釋。但在解讀的過程中,同時保留著書法筆觸運行的精髓在其中,完成了 "運動書法" 的動態與靜態的平衡。 這個系列的作品都是以這樣的方式拆解圖像,重新拼裝,負以新的解讀,完成整個系列,這是我 "運動書法" 系列作品的創作分析。
As Google AlphaGo lost the 4th match in the game; sometime, images generated by computer network are not perfect every time as shown in this artwork as an example, artist still has the authority to overcome what the outcome of computer art should be taken at his or her own will and I usually call this is the magic of final touch.
This is a half done image for current sport calligraphy project; the "DeepLearning of DeepMind's" spirit is in interpretation into the image by repeating the same elements and patterns by defining them with artificial intelligence's algorithm (ANNS) and enlarging over and over agin, while keeping the sport calligraphy spirit as well.
Deedream's Deepmind Learing 的精神蘊藏在作品中,利用不斷重複的元素與區塊藉由人工智慧神經網路 (ANNs) 的運算,不斷的深層解讀。前一運子看到的是影音形式的詮釋,而我的方式就是以靜態的方式解讀與詮釋。但在解讀的過程中,同時保留著書法筆觸運行的精髓在其中,完成了 "運動書法" 的動態與靜態的平衡。 這個系列的作品都是以這樣的方式拆解圖像,重新拼裝,負以新的解讀,完成整個系列,這是我 "運動書法" 系列作品的創作分析。

DigiriderArt 運動書法系列二:人工智慧神經網路的繪畫創作


If there is a self-portrait in Sport Calligraphy Series,
I will pick this one. 
Let me cruise it to the wonderland for a demo with a style.


下面的三幅圖像,闡述了運動書法的創作過程。都是完成一半的運動書法半作品,可以看到我嘗試著除了將書法的精神外,也嘗試將Deedream's Deepdream Learing 的精神蘊藏在作品中,也就是利用不斷重複的元素與區塊藉由人工智慧神經網路 (ANNs) 的深層運算,不斷的深層解讀的精神也放在作品中。

The following three images are all half done images for current sport calligraphy project; the "DeepLearning of DeepDream's" spirit is in interpretation into the image by repeating the same elements and patterns by defining them with artificial intelligence's algorithm (ANNS) and enlarging over and over agin, while keeping the sport calligraphy spirit as well.

前一運子看到的是影音形式的詮釋,而我的方式就是以靜態的方式解讀與詮釋。但在解讀的過程中,同時保留著書法筆觸運行的精髓在其中,完成了 "運動書法" 的動態與靜態的平衡。 這個系列的作品都是以這樣的方式拆解圖像,重新拼裝,負以新的解讀,完成整個系列,這是我 "運動書法" 系列作品的創作分析。



Bad on the left, Good on the right, computer makes mistake too. Both images are in the middle of processing.



Here is an example by what I meant building up the texture or pattern in my artwork by using Google Artificial Intelligece Deeplearning Network (ANNs). AI analyzing my image and decides what area of back light, in this case needs to be working on.Both are in the middle of processing images in my art.



As Google AlphaGo lost the 4th match in the game; sometime, images generated by computer network are not perfect every time as shown in this artwork as an example, artist still has the authority to overcome what the outcome of computer art should be taken at his or her own will and I usually call this is the magic of final touch.






While working on the last image in this series, the unexpected nightmare happened, the artificial Intelligence Neutral Network was down. Well, Murphy's Law is true in this case. 



而在二月底,Google的creator project 在美國舊金山舉辦了一場以Deepdream的技術創作出來的作品的義賣會。



PS. 以上所有創作作品,智慧財產權皆為筆者所擁有,特此聲明。 

台長: Riderflame
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