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Lamborghini Huracan 設計車評

文字:Tomi Lin

The Lamborghini Huracan is the car that replaces the Gallardo. It is the entry level Lamborghini.

Calling it an ‘entry level’ Lamborghini is misleading as the price of entry is around $237,250.

I can name a few other cars that costs less and has better performance. Of course those cars do not have the Fighting Bull emblem on the bonnet. And with the bull emblem comes with a storied past. Names that comes to mind, are Ferruccio Lamborghini, GT 350, Miura, Countach, Jalpa, Diablo, Murcielago, and Aventador.

HuracanGallardo一樣,都是 Lamborghini裡的入門款超跑,兩車一前一後接棒,都是華人車迷口中稱呼的「小牛」。不過,我在這邊要替Huracan平反一下,說他是入門車有點不妥,因為其要價可是237250美金啊!這數字比大多數豪華車的旗艦還貴。

當然,我們可找到一海票價格比Huracan便宜、性能更出色的車種,相對地品牌強度就略遜一籌,Lamborghini的價值是諸多雋永作品所堆積,包括Ferruccio LamborghiniGT 350, MiuraCountach, JalpaDiabloMurcielagoAventador,都以時髦設計和強勁性能著稱,他們在公路、賽道的活躍共同架構Lamborghini這金字招牌。

Lamborghini, being an Italian Supercar company, contours up a lot of romance and ideas that raises the marque to mythological proportions. Ferrari is the other brand that has the same effect on auto enthusiasts. It is both a gift and a curse for new models to follow in the footsteps of past masterpieces. The shoes that the Huracan must fill is enormous, but with the help of the mother company Audi AG, that task can be achieved without any worries. Gone are the odd seating positions and the sub-par fit and finish of previous interiors, the build qualities of the new cars are comparable to the best in the world.

身為義大利的超級跑車品牌,Lamborghini是靠著口耳相傳的傳奇稱頌車迷間,Ferrari同樣有這種魅力。兩大品牌均承受共有包袱,就是每一代新作品出現,均伴隨著褒貶參半的口碑面世,一方面得延續過往的光榮歷史,另一方面又得展現前所未有的新特色,這重擔現壓在Huracan身上。幸而,在母廠Audi AG龐大資源加持下,要達到Lamborghini高水平並不困難,無論從裡到外,從質感到性能均符合頂尖水準。



The first time I saw pictures of the Huracan, I was not too excited about the exterior. The front fascia of the car has the usual ‘angry’ look that most Supercars have. It is as if most high horsepower supercars should have an angry look to them? The body sculptured shapes and lines are a great improvement to the Gallardo, but it was not something that I thought was breathtaking and game changing. But the funny thing is, the more I look at the design, the more I appreciate the details that the designers put in to tie the DNA of previous models into the Huracan. There are some Murcielago/Aventador front end hints and then there are the air intake openings by the C Pillar that looks like an evolution from the Countach. The use of the Hexagon shape throughout the car ties it in with models such as the Sesto Elemento, Veneno and the Reventon.

在我第一眼看Huracan這輛車,其實外型並沒太大驚喜。前段設計就是典型的「超跑憤怒表情」。只要馬力夠大,設計師都會在頭燈總成裡,注入乖張憤怒的氣息。車體雕塑和線條與Gallardo相比,則有相當明顯的進步,但這還不足以讓我摒息讚嘆,更沒什麼打破傳統的新創意元素。有趣的是,當我多看幾眼這輛車,便開始對設計師注入Huracan的細節和DNA有感覺,他們巧妙的把過往元素移植,巧妙而不落痕跡。仔細端詳,你會瞧見 Murcielago/Aventador的前段特徵,連那個C柱的進氣口,都能和 Countach連上關係。連貫車體的六角型設計,在Sesto ElementoVenenoReventon都能看到。

For the interior the hexagon shapes are carried in to the instrument panels and vents throughout. It is a nice and comfortable place to do your work of taming the beast. It is apparent to see the input from Audi into the interior of the Huracan. Everything is where it should be and gone are the ‘Italian’ driving positon of the past.


台長: 賣花陳
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