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AUDI A3 2.0T

Before our review of this brand new model from Audi, we have to mention 2 technical innovations involved with this model: DSG (direct shift gearbox), and the 2.0L FSI (Fuel Stratified Injection) engine, which just garnered the honor of International Engine of the Year.

First of all, the new A3 resides at the bottom of the Audi family, but it contains the most advanced technology that is shared through out Audi’s product range. The DSG is a good example. This is an automatically shifting manual gear box. It can be operated as a normal automatic transmission, but it is actually an electronically controlled double clutch plate manual transmission. In manual mode, it shifts much faster than normal human can, and more efficient than a normal manual transmission.

The turbo charged 2.0L FSI engine is another innovation. Maximum output is at 200 hp @ 5100 – 6000 rpm, and 207 lb-ft @ 1800 - 5000 rpm. We were really addicted to the flat power band of this engine. Instant power on demand, whether it’s in the city or on the highway, this power plant can handle with ease.

A3 has a smartly designed exterior. It is a 5 door hatchback/wagon. The look is solid yet sporty. A large air dam underneath the Audi family trapezoid grill gives out an aggressive stance. The wheel wells are filled with 17” alloy wheels with meaty rubber. The look is purely German.

The interior’s design is purely Audi. The excellent fit and finish is standard. The touch and feel is above average. Back seat passengers have ample room to move around. Split folding back seats can increase the already excellent 19.52-cu.ft. of cargo space. The ride is firm and quiet.

Starts at $25460, we think this A3 is an excellent value. It offers enough performance to qualify as a sports sedan, also enough utility to qualify as a family vehicle. The combination of luxury, comfort, and performance makes it one of a few vehicles that stand above the crowd.

在提到AUDI這款Sportback前,兩項技術您不能忽略!首先是被VAG集團廣為運用的DSG(Direct Shift Gearbox)變速箱,另一個便是甫贏得International Engine of the Year殊榮的FSI動力系統。


接著,是讓筆者印象頗為深刻的FSI(Fuel Stratified Injection)渦輪引擎,這項技術如今成為業界話題,起源於參戰法國LeMans耐力賽經驗,汽缸內直噴技術雖不稀奇,但高壓縮比設計還搭配渦輪增壓頗為罕見。

FSI是採稀薄燃燒(Lean Burn),也就是汽缸內油氣混合比約60:1,比目前點式噴射供油引擎相較更省油。低轉速下FSI吸入大量空氣,讓引擎中低轉速時,保持油氣混合集中在燃燒室火星塞周邊,燃燒室外則被新鮮空氣包圍。其優勢是觸媒減少氮氧化物。引擎監測器持續偵測觸媒內含量,每60秒清除一次內部氮氧化物,達到高效率、環保的均衡輸出。這些是邂逅A3華服下的內涵,也是AUDI架構性能優勢的技術核心。



筆者個人很喜歡AUDI設計的方向盤,造型和中間醒目的四環標識搭襯協調,握感、大小適中,隱藏於後的DSG壓板位置選定恰到好處,將身軀靠在密實的跑車座椅上,運動氣息難掩。配備部分,試駕的Sports Package雖沒拉風的Open Sky System,但分區恆溫空調、HID、感應雨刷和電子動態穩定裝置等,便非一般入門掀背車能提供。

A3隔音蠻聰明的,阻絕底盤噪音、風切聲但保留駕駛者聆聽引擎、排氣聲浪的權利,重踩油門時除隱約傳遞的貼背感,音頻傳遞下也多了幾分快感。這具由VAG集團主導的四缸FSI渦輪引擎,增壓比高達10.3:1,最大輸出200hp/5,100-6,000rpm,最大扭力為207lb-ft/1,800-5,000 rpm。這種平頂式輸出曲線讓人上癮,油門輕送力道便源源不絕,是少數市區、公路都可應付自如的車種,充裕推力讓出入彎道多了點灑脫,出彎時需退檔只消彈指,另一股渾厚扭力又將車子往前送,零到60mph加速僅6.7秒;極速突破130mph以上實力A3非浪得虛名。



台長: 賣花陳
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