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2012-07-17 05:38:58| 人氣64| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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What's the probability of searching the one who shares the same dream as yours, speaks the same language, is willing to share thoughts, ideas, even life with you among these 7.024 billion people in this world?

Or what's the probability of realizing there's the one who is willing to walk into and later stay in the small world of your own among these 7.024 billion people in this unreachable world?



It could be low, low as the deepest sea.

That's what makes it fetching, compelling, seductive, but hurtful, heart-breaking, suffering, simultaneously.

But the latter of which cannot and will not hinder me, not a jot. 




No matter what they say, what they think, what their responses could be,

i don't care at all, not a bit.

Why should i, if you ask.


As long as we're honest enough to ourselves, though it's difficult; courage is needed.

Then, that makes it strong than anything else.





You're the most beautiful thing in my life, ever.

i'm speechlessly grateful, glad, blessed, pleasant; i'm whatever-positive-words-you-can-find happy, 101%.


Thank you so so so much_

Now i shall fear nothing.

台長: Hsini


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