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A poem by Mihai Eminescu (Romanian,羅馬尼亞詩人)

Forest dearest, forest mine...

How farest thou and how fare thine

Since we met together last.

Ages, so it seems, have passed.

Since I bade farewell to thee much I've seen on land and sea...

" I fare now as long ago...Hear in winter blizzards blow. Rend the boughs or bend them low. Cover water ways with snow...And in summer, every year. I list to the Donia dear...Sung by women. When they for the spring on paths I clear to all people that come here..."

Forest of sweet rivers, look.

Time may come and time may go.

Though so young as ever before.

Thou growest younger evermore...

" What is time since the bright spheres. Have lit lakes for hosts of years. Be or good or bad the day. My dear river goes her way. May the weather soothe or sting. The wind blows and my leaves ring...Only man changes from birth. Wandering upon the earth. For we all our place mantain. As we were, so we remain...The wide sea with tides and strands. The wide world with desert lands, Sun and beams...and Moon and stars...And the forest...with its streams."


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