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2008-05-28 20:35:04

29/5 (pretty awesom)

oh yeah... today was pretty awsom too!! finally, those three days have overed!! kay, went to school earlier too... but need to fetch my sis, as she got exam too! me and wei were so impati...

2008-05-28 20:13:10

Only available for Malaysians =)

(me and malaysia’s friends was at Pedu Lake... when i was sixth grades!---missing them so much) [laughing out loud if u understand =)] Murid : Selamat pagi, cikgu. Cikgu : (Menengking) Menga...

2008-05-27 20:26:52


today wasnt really unpleasant in some certain ways... hmm... firstly, go to school as early as monday =) sitting at the foyer with wei, then saw shuaishuai laoshi passby!!! erm, firstly, en...

2008-05-27 00:22:14
2008-05-26 18:57:20

Today 26/5

(我也放~)哈哈 erm... math exam... 还好啦,大多数都会了!! 可是,有点赶不完~ break~ 吃完了早餐, 跟糖出去外面呼吸新鲜空气 里面人太多了啦, 氧气不够, 头脑就不会清新! 接下来是chine...

2008-05-25 16:48:35


! ! !………… 我的青梅竹马 考完试后~ 似乎有很多,很多东西要做 我要跟薇,糖,顺为去唱歌 我要去婉恩家 overnight 我要去静家做 cookies 我们要一起去秘密乐园, 过后做电瓶车去兜风 我还...

2008-05-25 00:59:45

I love 琪

她真的好可爱 第一眼看到她时, 就觉得我跟她很有缘 还记得, 上次在torry 的 party, 我在那里喂她吃饭, 抱她,跟她玩这玩那的 对我来说,有些很好玩, 有些很无聊, 可是一看到她, 就觉得一点都不无...

2008-05-23 17:20:22

23rd of May =)

今天好好笑哦!! science 的时候, 老师突然间说有个test, 不过还好啦, 题目不会很难, 都会做!! 抽签, 竟然抽到最后一个 不过没关系啦, 那个topic 比较容易做! taiga~~only have certain spec...

2008-05-22 20:48:34


(picture shot by webcam!! so blurr==) 哇里嘞(潜水总动员(主席)~卡卡西的口头禅!) 做了那么久的revision, 开始决定有点闷了!! 好想睡觉啊~ yawning =O 可是,不能睡啦~~ 还有很多要revise 的!!...

2008-05-21 00:42:47
2008-05-18 20:25:45
2008-05-18 01:47:20
2008-05-18 00:33:43


蛮快乐的一天 首先,是去博爱 哈哈 今天的超好玩的! 跟那些小孩子玩游戏 后来又做母亲节卡片 chien hao was so funny... 他在那小孩的母亲节卡片里, 画了什么鸭子公园的!! 笑死我了! 母亲节卡?鸭...

2008-05-16 23:43:11

miss u guys badly

life is getting complicated as we grow bigger, just as me... erm, i just hope that i could go back to malaysia as possible... i love my form1’s life so much... although i was studying most of my ...

2008-05-16 00:27:01

awful day

erm,... one word to describe my day-- bad... i hope it is changing tomorrow! firstly, i was sitting there... watching LL running labs... then the soccer ball hit me on my leg... ouch...it was s...

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