have been quite a long time since i last posted blog in pc
this blog is seriously becoming rusty lol
From the last post till this one, lots of things have changed
There are abundance of stuff that I have no idea which stuff should i mentioned first
As everyone knows, i am currently going out with someone
this is no longer a secret anymore, so i dont mind posting up here
Don't ask me who is it... uhhhmm, u will know if u know me well enough
Get along with Tammy, Jesemy, Jia Yen, Celine, Diana better than last time (: which is certainly a good stuff
Our friendships are nuture as time passby... through days to days memories with you guys:
Everyday life with Tammy and Jesemy
Jesemy came to my house for many overnights
Cold Stone treats with Diana... Badminton practices, orphanage
Qipu and several hanging outs and parties with jiayen
Orphanage every sat with celine goh... free hotel stay for one night
All of these moments have highlighted the values of friendships and reminds me that cherish every moments being with you guysss
Work kinda hard for the coming soon exam
Although basically i am just watching tv and hanging out
but yeah, i work really hard when i am told to...
Currently, I am showing much enthusiasm on reading through world wide news on internet... especially the new that spaks global panic which is swine flu! It was started in Mexico i guessed... not many ppl die from it, still the condition is currently quite choatic in mexico! And the first case have been proved by the WHO in HongKong, which was initiated from a guy came from mexico...and being proved that he was infected with the H1N1 virus! Now, the relevant ppl in the hotel are being quarantine for seven days in order to prevent the further spread of this disease!!
Oh yeah, need to emphasize that we can still have pork as usual, as long as it is being cooked well...
Looking forward to my May Break (:
Looking forward to Tammy's bday which i am celebrating with her
Genting Trip with friendssss
The letter which squeeze my mind a lot!! Ahhhh ): Rescue me, Tammyyy
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