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2009-05-04 17:02:13

summary for my current life

have been quite a long time since i last posted blog in pc this blog is seriously becoming rusty lol From the last post till this one, lots of things have changed There are abundance of stuff that I h...

2009-03-07 11:26:56


ahahahhaagot a skype account... could phone back to Malaysia... with cheaper rate =]I called my granny, cousin... n... so on and so far!!(= YEEEPPPEEEEE

2009-02-08 19:55:26

missing malaysia

ahhh miss Malaysia so much, especially family, friends... and dxxx!!! who can fly me back?? sigh ): school tomorrow

2008-12-28 17:00:01


想为你做件事 让你更快乐的事 好在你的心中埋下我的名字 求时间 趁著你 不注意的时候 悄悄地 把这种子酿成果实 我想她的确是 更适合你的女子 我太不够温柔优雅成熟懂事 如果我 退回到 好朋友的位...

2008-12-18 22:56:50



2008-12-09 20:44:42

awesome bday

todayy was okayy (:not really hyper, but was happy, as it is my bday (:I couldnt forget what was happening on the night beforei was kinda shock, but not really, (guessed that before)canyou promised me...

2008-12-03 00:36:25


如果我是男生,我将会用这首歌感动心爱的女生;每次听到都有不同的感触!可是,几乎每一次都是想哭啦...真的很感动,尤其是糖弹给我听的时候,泪差点要流出来了!一定要去听哦!对了,这首歌要送给 Tammy& Jesemy& W...

2008-12-03 00:14:37


在你的记忆里面有一个我在你最痛苦的时候陪你度过难过过了 天晴朗了 我就走你拯救我的寂寞 我的痛我的梦在你的面前 我不必保留还来不及对你说 迟到的我的心动你的好 你的坏我的脾气你最懂我不要你心疼我我不要你离开...

2008-12-03 00:06:25
2008-11-25 18:30:34
2008-11-15 16:48:35



2008-11-07 02:13:18
2008-10-05 17:59:49

i miss them (:

long time din update this blog, cause... hmmm (:I miss tonnes of ppl, it's suffocating in my heart, so i wanna express it firstly, i miss my 1127 in malaysia so much, 34 days more n... (:   god dedi...

2008-09-29 20:57:03

PC home problem

well, i tried to upload a lot of pic, but the pchome just displayed two of them... i dunno what's wrong with it though,... so sorry for judy... i think will try to get it to u on the next monday, i...

2008-09-29 20:53:17

Camp pictures

me and jesemyme, wei, borhung, chien hao and steve (my cockroach brother)

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