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2008-05-28 20:35:04| 人氣123| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

29/5 (pretty awesom)

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oh yeah...

today was pretty awsom too!!

finally, those three days have overed!!

kay, went to school earlier too...
but need to fetch my sis,
as she got exam too!
me and wei were so impatient while waiting for her =/
we waited her for like... 5 minutes!!

while we were waiting, we saw shuai shuai lao shi passby again!
OMG, wei said "OWhhh~"
then he looked in... luckily, she was able to close the window on time! if not... OMgshh...

kay, the first time,
i saw him (outside of school) was at starbucks...
while we were meeting torry... then i greeted him.
and she was talking to coach Hannah

kay, the second time,
was last last saturday!
when wei phoned me and said she was in the bad mood,
i drove him around with my bike!
then, saw shuai shuai laoshi passing by again...
this time, he was alone! pity =/

kay, the third time,
was in the school... this monday!
he walked pass the foyer...with an asian gurl
and me and wei saw him!

kay, the fourth time,
was yesterday.
firstly, was in the school...
he was walking with a man!
then, while i went to starbucks,
i saw him walking in with an asian gurl...
and we saw him outside the toiler =)
he was really shocked... cause when he turned,
he saw that wei was staring at him...while he was
making his hair and smiling to himself infront of mirror!
kay, then he smiled at us...
and i greeted him!
happy =)

kay, the sixth time was today...
i saw him walking alone in my compound...
pity =/
but luckily he din see us!

was damn good luck now a day...
but not just because of i met him,
but in others certain ways too...

like, i was crushed by someone when i was
holding a cup of orange juice!!
but luckily, none of the drop of orange juice spilt up!
and i always won when i played cards with A tam, A Wang and A Lu!
damn high de...
i meant during homeroom period!!

but then, we kept chating and playing Stress lor!!
and cheat =)) pity Ah Lu =/ nvm, u are just the beginner!

kay, then went to ktv again...
three of us was not in mood of singin...
but we still sang for two hours...
then went to XXX
WOW!! nice fountain!!
and we played a Song Game...

oh yeah, this Friday gotta take lots of pic of
some memories places that WuJIao XingXing went before =)
i think it is for the slide show...(secret...shhh...)
u may ask if u wanna know!

kay, thats all for today...
tomorrow planned to go to school with public bus!
good luck...................

and BYE Bye
to exam! =)))
cya during G10~

台長: Chien Luan
人氣(123) | 回應(3)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 生活中的完美 :) |
此分類下一篇:"I lost my soul, so i will let it flow”
此分類上一篇:Only available for Malaysians =)

Ah Lu
haha obsessed with ssls.... i bet ur not seeing him by accident i think ur stalking him!

AND WAT DO U MEAN U WERE CHEATING??? u betrayed my trust........ AHHH =[

and btw u didnt u lose against ah wang?
2008-05-31 22:02:39
Chien Luan

u misunderstood!!!

i meant we played that &quotcheat&quot game larr...
poor LL

and i beat Ah Wang for sure...
~~the victory of &quotSTRESS&quot game!!

oh yeah, not really obsessed with him now...
and dunno why!!!!!

hehe =))
2008-05-31 22:13:17
Ah Lu
ohhhhh ok then sry.....

next time ill be better.... and i was already tired from winning so much at stress =D
i got lots of stresses when i was playing with mr mao....

and r u sure u dont care bout ssls anymore? i dont belive u laa

byebye ooiooi
2008-06-02 12:23:39
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