有一位律師、一個會計師和 X公司(我兒子工作的那家公司)的Project Manager同時過勞猝死,三個人一起下到陰間。
輪到X公司的Project Manager,他也請准撥電話回公司,因為Project千頭萬緒,他反覆仔細向同事說明清楚,這個該怎麼做、那個該怎麼辦、...,講了許久,總算理出一個頭緒。等他掛了電話,一看時間,不得了,一共足足談了兩個半小時,嚇出他一身冷汗,這下慘了,可能幾輩子都還不清了!
他硬著頭皮問閻王一共多少錢?閻王說只要One Quarter(兩毛五分錢)。
律師和會計師不禁大聲提出嚴重抗議,為什麼他們只打了幾分鐘就要付那麼多錢,而X公司的Project Manager講了兩個半小時,竟然只收那麼小小的一個兩毛五分硬幣?
閻王回答說:「你們打的是陰間到人間的長途電話,電話費就是那麼貴。而從陰間打到X公司是Hell to Hell的Local Call,所以只要一個Quarter就好。」
[附錄] From Hell to Hell it is a local call
Queen Elizabeth, former US president Bill Clinton and the Lebanese president died and all went to hell.
- Queen Elizabeth said: I miss England , I wanna call England and see how everybody is doing there....
She called and talked for about 5 minutes... then she said:
Well, devil how much do I owe you ?
The devil goes: 5 million dollars...
5 million dollars for a 5 minute call?!!!
She wrote him a check and went back to sit back on her chair....
- Bill Clinton was so jealous, he started screaming, me too I wanna call the united States, I wanna see how everybody is doing too...
He called and talked for about 2 minutes, then he said:
Well, devil how much do I owe you ?
The devil goes: 10 million dollars...
10 million dollars for a 2 minute call?!!!!!!
He wrote him a check and went to sit back on his chair...
- The Lebanese president was extremely jealous too... he started screaming and screaming, I wanna.............. call Lebanon too, I wanna see how everybody is doing there too, I wanna talk to the prime minister , to the deputies, I wanna talk to everybody...
He called Lebanon and he talked for about twenty hours, he was talking and talking and talking... then he said:
Well, devil how much do I owe you ?
The devil goes: $ 2
Queen Elizabeth and Bill Clinton screamed:
Only 2 dollars?!!!!!
The devil goes: well, from hell to hell, it's local !!

Picture: Lebanon airport during the 2006 war .