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2006-05-10 14:14:07


Would you like to have an Unforgettable Summer!?! Experience the Joyfulness of Spiritual Learning and Growth!! Are you in need of relaxation from your busy lifestyle? Would you like a better inter...

2006-04-11 02:10:14

Say NO to United Nations’ abolishment of Traditional Chines

please go to: http://www.gopetition.com/region/237/8314.html Category: Education Region: GLOBAL Web-site: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/060324/15/2yx0t.html Description/History: March 24...

2006-04-11 02:08:22


聯合國要2008停用正體中文(繁體),大家一起來連署反對!!! 大家好: 聯合國決定於 2008年停用繁體中文 (正體中文 ) 下面網站是為了反對這項決定 大家去投票吧 謝謝 http://www.gopetition.com/region/237/8314.h...

2006-02-06 01:04:41

~Locks Of Love~

Yes... Yes... I donated my Hair.... It is very short now.. but growing..... and yes... I look like my brothers sometimes... when I first got my hair cut... I look like an elf ^_____^ her...

2006-02-06 00:48:30

The Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was written for the popular children’s magazine Youth’s Companion by socialist author and Baptist minister Francis Bellamy on September 7, 1892. The owners of Youth’s Compa...

2006-01-22 14:13:04


苦難是化了妝的祝福 文/洪蘭( 中央大學認知神經科學研究所所長) 有個學生很沮喪的來找我,在中秋節時,他回家去相親,女方一開始很熱絡, 後來發現他是高職插大的,態度立刻一百八十度轉變,認為他學歷不夠...

2006-01-22 13:57:52

~~無 明~~

「如入善覆蔽黑暗障室內, 縱然有眾色,具眼亦莫見。 如是於此中,生人雖具慧, 然未聽聞時,不知善惡法。 如具眼有燈,則能見諸色, 如是由聽聞,能知善惡法。」 Just as someone dwel...

2006-01-19 00:27:31

Open Community Website...

you can share with other friends in school with those two websites... spread out the right/good stuff... if you make some of your own art, you can upload it on those two websites too!!! its a...

2005-06-28 08:47:24

in tw......


2005-06-09 14:14:04

~~US Bliss and Wisdom Summer Retreat 2005~~

US Bliss and Wisdom Summer Retreat 2005 What : Re-energize your life!! Explore the secrets of happiness and learn how to live a healthier lifestyle When :6/18 (Sat) 1:00pm ---6/21 (Tue) 3:00 pm ...

2005-05-25 13:47:50

~~~Cultural Kaleidoscope @ UCR~~~

For those of you who bailed on Monday... you missed out!!!! BIG time!!! It was a great show.. especially Shani..... She is sooooooo goooood ^___^ I am so glad to have a ohana like her ^^ she is ...

2005-05-24 16:22:06


  學佛是否必須吃素?這是一項爭論不休的問題。正反兩面的持論 者,各有見地,多年來不少人士以此相向,這裡不妨略作簡單分析, 以供參考。   顯宗信徒較多持素,顯宗出家人必須守戒恪規吃素,密宗弟子未 必...

2005-05-24 14:36:20


世 界 上 最 遙 遠 的 距 離, 不 是 生 與 死, 而 是 我 就 在 妳 身 邊, 但 妳 卻 不 知 道 我 愛 妳 很多人看到我把這句放在 MSN as my screen name 都好奇的問我那不幸男人是誰 但 他們都誤會了...

2005-05-19 16:08:51

~~HaPpy BiRthDay StePh!!~~

Dear StePh: When time gets harsh, be strong, for I will always stay at your side. When life is easy, take a break, for you’ve earned it through hardship. So be strong and stand tall, my go...

2005-05-14 14:07:02

Buddha Birthday

Happy Buddha Birthday What: 2005 Buddha’s Birthday Party When: (Sun)5/15/05 10:00am-4:00pm Where: RosemeadPark (CrossRoad of Rosmean Blvd and 60FW) Who: Invite your friends and families t...

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