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2006-12-01 01:27:32
2006-12-01 01:24:26

Why Wear Organic?

taken from http://organicclothing.blogs.com/my_weblog/2005/10/why_wear_organi.html Remember leisure suits, disco, and the height of polyester? Those days have faded although the synthetic fabric...

2006-12-01 01:23:11

Hazards of Commercial Household Cleaners

all taken from http://leas.ca/Hazards-of-Commercial-Household-Cleaners.htmDanger lurks underneath your kitchen sink and in the laundry room, the storage closets and the garage, too. While most p...

2006-12-01 01:21:47


all info taken from http://ecomall.com/greenshopping/cosmet.htmIt’s a right to know issue. Women who are sensitive to chemicals should have the benefit of warning labels on their cosmetics identify...

2006-12-01 01:19:54

How to Reduce Toxics in YOUR Environment

Please go to http://www.moea.state.mn.us/campaign/toxics/#eat for all the info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why reduce toxics? From the foods ...

2006-11-20 05:13:17

HaPpy TurKey GeNoCiDe... I mean.. Thanksgiving.....

Can we give turkey a reason to be thankful???? Nothing to Be Thankful for More than 45 million turkeys are killed each year at Thanksgiving, and more than 22 million die at Christmas. ...

2006-11-20 04:42:12


有一個女生,因為跟家裡處得不好,所以很少回家,後來有一次回家,發現年老的母親走路一跛一跛的, 不經意的看了母親的腳一眼, 這才發現母親的腳指甲太長而長到肉裡面造成流血,流膿, 這時,她認真的看者已經很久沒...

2006-11-20 04:40:09


愛是生命中最好的養分 一個小男孩幾乎認為自己是世界上最不幸的孩子,因為患脊髓灰質炎而留下了瘸腿和參差不齊且突出的牙齒。他很少與同學們遊戲和玩耍,老師叫他回答問題時,他也總是低著頭一言不發。 在一個...

2006-11-20 04:35:36

不願面對的真相 An Inconvenient Truth

不願面對的真相 An Inconvenient Truth http://tw.movie.yahoo.com/mstory.html?t=movie&id=1867 www.climatecrisis.net 故事大綱 我們坐在一枚定時炸彈上面,如果全世界大多數的科學家是正確的,人類只有...

2006-11-20 04:32:02


有時候最遠的距離是近在眼前而卻看不見.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWj8EkzXPeE&mode=related&search~ 周杰倫 費玉清 千里之外 歌詞 屋簷如懸崖 風鈴如滄海 我等燕歸來 時間被安排 演一場意外 妳...

2006-11-20 04:23:20


眼盲心不盲,珍惜擁有的一切..... 蕭煌奇 --- 你是我的眼 http://grm.cdn.hinet.net/xuite/f/5/0/8/13450494/blog_83489/dv/8654353/8654353.wmv 你是我的眼 作詞:蕭煌奇 作曲:蕭煌奇 ...

2006-09-27 02:34:48

2006.09.30 Moon Festival this Saturday!!

Dear friends and family, The Bliss and Wisdom College Division (BWCD) invite you to a night of reunion of friends and families to our Moon Festival event. This is a special annual event that gath...

2006-09-23 02:05:18

Moon Festival

Dear friends and family, The Bliss and Wisdom College Division (BWCD) invite you to a night of reunion of friends and families to our Moon Festival event. This is a special annual event that gath...

2006-09-21 14:49:46

Up Comming Events for September 2006

9/21 (四) 7:00pm 如證法師對大專班及青廣班同學開示@中心 9/23 (六) 皈依法會從原訂早上9:30 更改至下午2:00-2:30報到, 皈依法會時間: 2:50-4:10 地點:泰國寺院 ...

2006-07-07 01:05:00

Kiss Goodbye

Kiss Goodbye 詞/曲:王力宏,演唱:王力宏 Baby 不要再哭泣 這一幕多麼熟悉 緊握著你的手彼此都捨不得分離 每一次想開口但不如保持安靜 給我一分鐘專心 好好欣賞你的美 幸福搭配悲傷 同時在我心交叉...

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