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2005-05-25 13:47:50| 人氣143| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

~~~Cultural Kaleidoscope @ UCR~~~

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For those of you who bailed on Monday...
you missed out!!!!
BIG time!!!
It was a great show.. especially Shani.....
She is sooooooo goooood ^___^
I am so glad to have a ohana like her ^^
she is the coolest ^_____^
we should have Shani teach CBA to dance and perform in one of the camps ^___^
Shani.. Love ya!!!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2005
Picture taken after the show....
Man.... I look even fat-ter next to Shani.....

台長: 麻薯 PuPpy
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