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2013-02-17 12:38:15 | 人氣721| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Carry on(堅持下去)

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  九天年假(2013217)今日是最後一天,時間荏苒不知不覺就過了,許多人都遠行旅遊或訪友,我則宅在家鄉,只有利用兩天到台北訪友,其餘都在居家附近與親友聚會,連寺廟也沒多跑幾間,只有住家前佛光山寺初一拜拜,因為每年春節到處塞車擠人,開始上班第一天問候語就是「您年節到那走春到那塞車?」或許讓自己的心沈澱不再奔波,偶爾靜心平氣思索去年一整年的生活與工作及人我關係,理出一些自己的錯誤態度與執行不佳方式,執筆而書那過往失敗與不佳事跡,若言語或舉止得罪別人,展望新的一年開始能修正自己的方法,少言少執少爭雖不滿一些工作事務,能學會看待事物總有因果,或許我們無能為力能導正現在敗壞風氣,但可以從自己而風行草偃『典故《論語-顏淵篇》子曰:君子之德風,小人之德草,草上之風,必偃。』雖職場多所紛爭,但如太上老君說常清靜經云:「上士無爭,下士好爭;上德不德,下德執德」,一切在於「妄心」,為何?因為「萬物」而生「貪求」,接著「煩惱」而生,每個人都想長袖善舞進而結黨營私攀親帶故,則如歐陽修所云:「…..暫相黨引以為朋者,偽也;及其見利而爭先,或利盡而交疏…..」,為有做好自己本份,聽到耳旁音樂的歌fun.Carry On,其中一段歌詞:「….. You swore and said "We are not.... We are not shining star." (你罵了聲,然後說"我們還不是耀眼的星星。)This I know. I never said we are.(這我知道。我從未這樣說過。) ….. If you're lost and alone or you're sinking like a stone(若你孤單迷惘、像不斷下沈的石頭)Carry on(撐下去啊)May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground(願一切過往,都只是走過的一聲響)Carry on(堅持下去啊) ….. On our darkest day when we're miles away(即使在最黑暗最迷失的那天Sun will come太陽終會升起)We will find our way home(我們終會找到回家的路)」我想那路就是堅持自己,找到屬於自己的心,因為千江有水千江月,萬里無雲萬里天;風平浪靜有時起,滄海一粟是塵煙,人生如滄海桑田過往雲煙不過爾爾。


Carry On

Well I woke up to the sound of silence(我在寂靜的聲音中醒來)

The cars were cutting like fist fight(車聲呼嘯像鬥毆的刀劃過)

And I found you with a bottle of wine

Your head's in the curtains and hearts like the Fourth of July

(我找到你 藏在窗簾間 帶著一瓶酒 心碎如國慶煙火)

You swore and said "We are not.... We are not shining star."


This I know. I never said we are. (這我知道。我從未這樣說過。)

Though I've never been through hell like that


I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back


If you're lost and alone or you're sinking like a stone


Carry on ~(撐下去啊!)

May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground


Carry on ~(堅持下去啊!)

Carry on Carry on!(加油!加油!)

So I met up with some friends at the edge of the night at a bar off 75

(在夜的盡頭 公路75旁的一間酒吧)

We talked and talked about our parents will die

All our neighbors and wives



But I like to think I can cheat it all


To make up for he times I've been cheated on


And it's nice to know when I was left for dead


I was found and now I don't roam the streets


I am not the ghost you are to me


If your lost and alone or sinking like a stone


Carry on ~(撐下去啊!)

May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground


Carry on ~(堅持下去啊!)

My head is on fire but my feet are fine


After all they are mine(畢竟是我的人生啊!)

Lay your clothes on the floor  Close the door, hold the phone


Show me now no one's ever gonna stop us now


Cause we are! (因為我們就是)

We are shinning stars! ..(是最閃耀的星!)

We are invincible! (絕不會被打敗!)

We are who we are! (我們就是做自己!)

On our darkest day when we're miles away


Sun will come(太陽終會升起)

We will find our way home(我們終會找到回家的路)


《歌詞轉自痞客邦 PIXNEThttp://lyl1234.pixnet.net/blog/post/50883014


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