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2013-05-24 18:23:21| 人氣1,034| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Is it so hard for your Philippines president to apologize

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  1. On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry. http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz
    相片:On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry. http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz
    143 ·  · 
    • 807 個人都說讚。
    • Christine Cheng 為了協助國際宣傳,青年團的同仁做了這張圖,希望能簡明的說清楚事實,向國際發聲。

      On the 9th of May, within Taiwan's Exclusive Economic Zone , the Philippine Coast Guard attacked Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28, a Taiwanese fishing boat and killed a Taiwanese fisherman, Hong Shi-cheng. The
      boat is ridd
      led with more than 50 bullet holes.

      Yet the Philippine Government said, it was an "unintended" accident. POTO:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=556026354442314&set=a.203954099649543.53388.203893692988917&type=1&theater

      On the 9th of May, within Taiwan's Excl⋯⋯更多
      發佈者: 殷瑋
    • Christine Cheng Truth videos to foreigners & English VIDEOS let FB friends crazy legend, to the Philippines to know ......

      So users who can be hard to share, reproduced to foreign friends, let the international community know that Taiwanese fishermen affected process
      es and truth!


      Xing the 28th general fishing the whole incident --- English version (by Apple Daily uploaded VIDEO in English.)

      May 22, 2013

      I was fishing the majority of the Philippine Coast Guard Xing the 28th official boat cold-blooded shot, resulting in death of fisherman Hong Shicheng, the Philippine government refused to disclose the incident a formal apology, foreign rhetoric is a constant changes, to make friends in English-speaking countries understand the truth, "Apple action News" specially produced in English "the majority of the 28th Xing fishing the whole incident," so users who can be hard to share, reproduced to foreign friends, let the international community know that Taiwanese fishermen victimization process and the truth!




      廣大興28號漁船事件始末---英語版 ( 由蘋果日報上傳的 VIDEO in English. )



      發佈者: 蘋果日報
       · 回覆 · 移除預覽 · 1 · 15 小時前
    • Christine Cheng iT IS A COLD-BLOODED MURDER.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=499158086805340&set=a.202299549824530.66584.173425896045229&type=1&theater
      【「廣大興28號」漁船事件 國際輿論日趨友我】

      發佈者: 台灣加油讚
    • Christine Cheng We just ask for an apology from Philippines to the families of the deceased fishermen.
      Both Governments should work hard together in order to protect the rights and dignity of the people of both countries

      Friends around the world who see this video, no matter where are you from, please reproduce the voice of justice!
      Share this truth!
      Taiwan needs you all!

      video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZZCNwi4ZUQ&feature=youtu.be
      我們只需要菲國誠意的道歉 以及給死者家屬一個正式的交代 更盼望政府能硬起來保護人民的海權與尊嚴 We just ask for an apology from ⋯⋯更多
      • Paolo Delos Angeles We already did.. But your moronic government rejects our apology.. 
      • Jeff Wong Is it so hard for your Philippines president to apologize for allowing his Navy to shoot our innocent fish men without hesitation especially on our economic sea? And let's see those past years with Philippines' pirates with "License" capturing and killing innocent fish men, shame on you, Philippines. No wonder Fifty candidates were killed during last election and no one cares about it at all, because you guys are "careless" and "senseless".
    • James Steven Had enough of pirates lets just declare them terrorista and kill em all
       · 回覆 · 7 · 星期三23:24來自手機
    • Josie Jose for their safety?
       · 回覆 · 2 · 星期三23:00
    •  · 回覆 · 1 · 星期三22:58
    • James Steven No they picked a fight with the wrong people and we should be ready to fight them off. By the way I don't want them to invade Somalia I mean start Naval escort's the last thing we need is another Afghanistan.
       · 回覆 · 昨天 1:42來自手機
    • Paolo Delos Angeles Here in the Philippines. We use to kill those illegal poachers from China and Taiwan.. It is because, they stealing our aqua resources.. Hahaha.. That's why we shoot them many times.. LOL.. Because we believe.. They deserve our bullets.. and they deserve to die. 
       · 回覆 · 2 · 星期三23:13 · 已編輯
    • Jit Syangtan Beautyful country....
       · 回覆 · 昨天 11:54來自手機
    • Abdul Abubakar i like 2 hv ships fish and seychelles lool
    • Michael E Michael Did i hear nations fishing industry ?
    • Munduga Samuel find a lasting solution
    • Edgar Santos shoot em up
    • Dozie Michael Ugwueze No more fish stealing
    • Bùi Anh Tuấn as Pirates of the Caribbean 
    • Walid Ali for what ?!
    • Marcelino Joseph Senior Proper propaganda
    • Real Patriots Breaking News: Muslim immigrants give thanks to Sweden - by committing arson and riots 
      [h/t Daniel, from Avpixlat.info] On the night of May 19 outside of Stockholm in the suburb of Husby, Muslims have been rioting against police and throwing molotov cocktails on cars. The motive is ....

      Like · · Share · 11 hours ago ·
    • Real Patriots Breaking News: Muslim immigrants give thanks to Sweden - by committing arson and riots 
      [h/t Daniel, from Avpixlat.info] On the night of May 19 outside of Stockholm in the suburb of Husby, Muslims have been rioting against police and throwing molotov cocktails on cars. The motive is ....

      Like · · Share · 11 hours ago ·
    • Abdulaziz Hassan I this any one can say what ever he feels good but I am sure of one thing and it's about my country,that is where I was born and grew-up somali people have been there more than any can imagine...so how long did the pirate thing arround in the horn of africa,I give you the answer it's less 20 years.MR james cameron please before you label them terrorists and kill them ask you self who are these pirates and where were they before 20 years ago.the direct answer is they have been there fore ever,they fisher-men who uses small boats for fishing but look what happened these poor fisher-men some big ships from all over the globe and capsized the small boats of the somali fisher-men and were forced out of job,look again before condemning International MAFIA come to them and show them how to kidnap ships and gain some money and what will the mafia gains money....the question is can we stop the pirates,yes we can stop ...they just need rehabilitation..but can you stop these big vessel who still looting our fish.no because you turn a blind eye to big vessell who caused this problem...so please before you talk if you see some thing ask some one who us an expert of that thing ..so in may casae there are pirates in the horn of africa as well as looter of our fishes.
    • Muhammad Aria Ibnu Abdillah american satanic stupid
    • Lucas W. Mwita So these pirates still exists??
    • Mitch Cox YARRRRR!
    • Miyyan Ejaz owsum gun !!!
    • Thông Tin Ngôn Luận Trách vụ cao cả của người lính Hoa Kỳ : Bảo vệ vẹn toàn lãnh thổ - Bảo vệ quyền độc lập, tự do, yên bình cho quốc gia, cho nhân loại查看翻譯
    • Christine Cheng Truth videos to foreigners & English VIDEOS let FB friends crazy legend, to the Philippines to know ......

      So users who can be hard to share, reproduced to foreign friends, let the international community know that Taiwanese fishermen affected processes and truth!


      Xing the 28th general fishing the whole incident --- English version (by Apple Daily uploaded VIDEO in English.)

      May 22, 2013

      I was fishing the majority of the Philippine Coast Guard Xing the 28th official boat cold-blooded shot, resulting in death of fisherman Hong Shicheng, the Philippine government refused to disclose the incident a formal apology, foreign rhetoric is a constant changes, to make friends in English-speaking countries understand the truth, "Apple action News" specially produced in English "the majority of the 28th Xing fishing the whole incident," so users who can be hard to share, reproduced to foreign friends, let the international community know that Taiwanese fishermen victimization process and the truth!

    • Christine Cheng VIDEO IN ENGLISH. 【What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan?】

      【2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan】 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=201139416701686&set=vb.157809937730773&type=2&theater
      透過分享影片把台菲漁船事件真相告訴全世界,這是你我都可以做到的事情! 【2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan】
      片長: 2:00
    • Christine Cheng The truth about "unintended loss of life" Excuse making by the Philippines cannot hide the facts!Please help Taiwan share the truth to the world!


      ---Republic of China (Taiwan) fishing vessel Guang Da Xing No. 28 (GDX 28) was attacked May 9 by a Philippine government vessel, resulting in the killing of fisherman Hong Shi-cheng, serious damage to the boat, and engine failure.

      ---Contrary to the Philippine characterization, the GDX 28 did not ram its vessel and provoke the incident. 

      --The Philippines used excessive force in carrying out law enforcement procedures, resulting in serious damage to the GDX 28, with 59 bullet holes found in the ship. Moreover, the Philippine vessel sailed away without offering assistance to the stricken boat, in violation of international law and a humanitarian duty. 

      --The attack was carried out by a vessel belonging to the government of the Philippines. 

      ---The ROC acknowledges the apology that the Philippines has made through Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, and through dispatching the personal representative of the Philippine President to convey an apology to the family of slain fisherman Hong Shi-cheng, but the Philippine characterization of Mr. Hong's death as an "unintended" loss of life is unacceptable. 

      ---The Philippine government vessel's excessive and unnecessary use of force in the overlapping EEZs violates international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Such behavior cannot be tolerated by the international community. 

      ---The Philippine government vessel's excessive and unnecessary use of force in the overlapping EEZs violates international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Such behavior cannot be tolerated by the international community. VI. CLAIMS OF RAMMING UNFOUNDED

      ---ROC inspection of the Guang Da Xing No. 28 (G.D.X. 28) has found no evidence of ramming, claimed by the Philippines as their reasoning for shooting in self-defense. The Philippine government vessel involved is some six times the size of the G.D.X. 28, and thus that such an action would have occurred is scarcely conceivable. 


      ---ROC inspection of the Guang Da Xing No. 28 (G.D.X. 28) has found no evidence of ramming, claimed by the Philippines as their reasoning for shooting in self-defense. The Philippine government vessel involved is some six times the size of the G.D.X. 28, and thus that such an action would have occurred is scarcely conceivable. 

      ---To date, the Philippine government has only expressed a willingness to offer "donations from its citizens" to the victim's family. It has not spoken of accepting full responsibility and providing official compensation.

      The truth about "unintended loss of life" Excuse making by the Philippines cannot hide the facts!Please help Taiwan share the truth to the world!


      ---Republic of China (Taiwan) fishing vessel Guang Da Xing No. 28 (GDX 28) was attacked May 9 by a Philippine government vessel, resulting in the killing of fisherman Hong Shi-cheng, serious damage to the boat, and engine failure.

      ---Contrary to the Philippine characterization, the GDX 28 did not ram its vessel and provoke the incident. 

      --The Philippines used excessive force in carrying out law enforcement procedures, resulting in serious damage to the GDX 28, with 59 bullet holes found in the ship. Moreover, the Philippine vessel sailed away without offering assistance to the stricken boat, in violation of international law and a humanitarian duty. 

      --The attack was carried out by a vessel belonging to the government of the Philippines. 

      ---The ROC acknowledges the apology that the Philippines has made through Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, and through dispatching the personal representative of the Philippine President to convey an apology to the family of slain fisherman Hong Shi-cheng, but the Philippine characterization of Mr. Hong's death as an "unintended" loss of life is unacceptable. 

      ---The Philippine government vessel's excessive and unnecessary use of force in the overlapping EEZs violates international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Such behavior cannot be tolerated by the international community. 

      ---The Philippine government vessel's excessive and unnecessary use of force in the overlapping EEZs violates international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Such behavior cannot be tolerated by the international community. VI. CLAIMS OF RAMMING UNFOUNDED

      ---ROC inspection of the Guang Da Xing No. 28 (G.D.X. 28) has found no evidence of ramming, claimed by the Philippines as their reasoning for shooting in self-defense. The Philippine government vessel involved is some six times the size of the G.D.X. 28, and thus that such an action would have occurred is scarcely conceivable. 


      ---ROC inspection of the Guang Da Xing No. 28 (G.D.X. 28) has found no evidence of ramming, claimed by the Philippines as their reasoning for shooting in self-defense. The Philippine government vessel involved is some six times the size of the G.D.X. 28, and thus that such an action would have occurred is scarcely conceivable. 

      ---To date, the Philippine government has only expressed a willingness to offer "donations from its citizens" to the victim's family. It has not spoken of accepting full responsibility and providing official compensation.

      別被菲律賓的謊言矇騙!菲律賓與台灣漁船爭議的真相: 請分享出去讓全世界看到!The truth about "unintended loss of life" ⋯⋯
      video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZZCNwi4ZUQ&feature=youtu.be

      Paolo Delos Angeles write: We already did.. But your moronic government rejects our apology.. 
      讚 · 昨天 14:29

      Jeff Wong WRITE: Is it so hard for your Philippines president to apologize for allowing his Navy to shoot our innocent fish men without hesitation especially on our economic sea? And let's see those past years with Philippines' pirates with "License" capturing and killing innocent fish men, shame on you, Philippines. No wonder Fifty candidates were killed during last election and no one cares about it at all, because you guys are "careless" and "senseless".
      讚 · 11小時前




      video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZZCNwi4ZUQ&feature=youtu.be

      我們只需要菲國誠意的道歉 以及給死者家屬一個正式的交代 更盼望政府能硬起來保護人民的海權與尊嚴 We just ask for an apology from ⋯⋯更多
      讚 · 回覆 · 移除預覽 · 昨天 2:07
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