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2013-05-24 00:27:19| 人氣874| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Filipino man let world mad argument he referred to "damn"

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快來看他菲律賓人年輕人 Mr.Paolo Delos 讓全世界氣死人的講法(他提到"該死"...)和回答如下!!! 

Come see his Filipino young Mr.Paolo Delos let the whole world mad man argument (he referred to "damn" ...) and answer the following!!!

  1. 分享了 CNN International 的相片
    27分鐘前在 Taipei 附近
    快來看他菲律賓人讓全世界氣死人的講法(他提到"該死"...........)和回答如下!!! 他好像應是菲律賓年輕人Paolo Delos Angeles . 快來看他菲律賓人讓全世界氣死人的講法和回答如下!!! (有翻成中文在第8行.) 有正義的台灣臉友要去 CNN International (FACEBOOK)版上回應他嗎??

    on CNN International facebook : 

    Paolo Delos Angeles reply me : "We already did.. But your moronic government rejects our apology.. " 有笑臉臉圖.

    Paolo Delos Angeles write: Here in the Philippines. We use to kill those illegal poachers from China and Taiwan.. It is because, they stealing our aqua resources.. Hahaha.. That's why we shoot them many times.. LOL.. Because we believe.. They deserve our bullets.. and they deserve to die. 有笑臉臉圖.

    • Paolo Delos Angeles Here in the Philippines. We use to kill those illegal poachers from China and Taiwan.. It is because, they stealing our aqua resources.. Hahaha.. That's why we shoot them many times.. LOL.. Because we believe.. They deserve our bullets.. and they deserve to die. 
       · 回覆 · 2 · 星期三23:13 · 已編輯

    翻成中文是 : 


    保羅德諾斯瓦格洛杉磯寫的:在菲律賓。我們使用來自中國大陸和台灣地區的非法偷獵者殺死那些..這是因為,他們偷我們的水產資源..哈哈哈..這就是為什麼我們拍很多次.. LOL..因為我們相信..他們理應得到我們的子彈..他們該死。有笑臉臉圖。

    Words on "國外 CNN International "的 FB :https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151587078599641&set=a.185381234640.117712.18793419640&type=1&theater&notif_t=photo_reply


    我昨半夜貼在 CNN International : 

    Christine Cheng post : We just ask for an apology from Philippines to the families of the deceased fishermen.
    Both Governments should work hard together in order to protect the rights and dignity of the people of both countries

    Friends around the world who see this video, no matter where are you from, please reproduce the voice of justice!
    Share this truth!
    Taiwan needs you all!

    video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZZCNwi4ZUQ&feature=youtu.be

    我們只需要菲國誠意的道歉 以及給死者家屬一個正式的交代 更盼望政府能硬起來保護人民的海權與尊嚴 We just ask for an apology from ⋯⋯更多
    讚 · 回覆 · 移除預覽 · 20 小時前




    Words on "國外 CNN International "的 FB :https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151587078599641&set=a.185381234640.117712.18793419640&type=1&theater&notif_t=photo_reply

    菲律賓年輕人Paolo Delos Angeles facebook :https://www.facebook.com/r0ckamp3d

    菲律賓年輕人Paolo Delos Angeles 之前的大頭可怕寫照是 :

    photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=552951474726631&set=a.151362378218878.24105.100000353502255&type=1&theater

    on CNN International facebook :
    說這專頁讚 · 昨天 

    On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry.http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz

    Christine Cheng post : We just ask for an apology from Philippines to the families of the deceased fishermen.
    Both Governments should work hard together in order to protect the rights and dignity of the people of both countries

    Friends around the world who see this video, no matter where are you from, please reproduce the voice of justice!
    Share this truth!
    Taiwan needs you all!

    video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZZCNwi4ZUQ&feature=youtu.be

    揭穿菲國的謊言與暴力 THE CRIME OF PHILIPPINES我們只是要求從菲律賓到死者漁民家屬道歉。

    讚 · 回覆 · 預覽 · 20 小時前


    Paolo Delos Angeles write : We already did.. But your moronic government rejects our apology.. 
    讚 · 8小時前

    Paolo Delos Angeles write: Here in the Philippines. We use to kill those illegal poachers from China and Taiwan.. It is because, they stealing our aqua resources.. Hahaha.. That's why we shoot them many times.. LOL.. Because we believe.. They deserve our bullets.. and they deserve to die. 
    讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 23 小時前 · 已編輯


    翻為中文 :

    保羅·德洛斯洛杉磯在菲律賓。我們使用來自中國大陸和台灣地區的非法偷獵者殺死那些..這是因為,他們偷我們的水產資源..哈哈哈..這就是為什麼我們拍很多次.. LOL ..因為我們相信..他們理應得到我們的子彈..他們該死。


    保羅·德洛斯洛杉磯 write: ,我們已經做了.. 但你的的魯鈍政府拒絕我們的道歉

    保羅·德洛斯洛杉磯在菲律賓。 write: 我們使用來自中國大陸和台灣地區的非法偷獵者殺死那些.. 這是因為,他們偷我們的水產資源.. 哈哈哈.. 這就是為什麼我們拍很多次.. LOL .. 因為我們相信.. 他們理應得到我們的子彈.. 他們值得死。回覆·2·23小時前·
    On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry.http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz
    相片:On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry. http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz
    1. 外交部重申,若今天下午6點前,菲律賓沒有達成讓台灣政府滿意的條件,將立即對菲國進行第二波制裁!

      【菲道歉沒誠意 外交部拒見菲特使】

【菲道歉沒誠意 外交部拒見菲特使】
       ·  · 推廣 · 
  2. 他好像應是菲律賓年輕人Paolo Delos Angeles . 快來看他菲律賓人讓全世界氣死人的講法和回答如下!!! (有翻成中文在第8行.) 有正義的台灣臉友要去版上回應他嗎??

    on CNN International facebook : 

    Paolo Delos Angeles reply me : "We already did.. But your moronic government rejects our apology.. " 有笑臉⋯⋯更多
     ·  · 推廣 · 
  3. on CNN International facebook : 

    Paolo Delos Angeles reply me : "We already did.. But your moronic government rejects our apology.. " 有笑臉臉圖.

    Paolo Delos Angeles write: Here in the Philippines. We use to kill those illegal poach⋯⋯更多
    On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry.http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz
    相片:On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry. http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz
     ·  · 推廣 · 

On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry.http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz
 ·  · 分享
  • 795 個人都說讚。
  • Christine Cheng We just ask for an apology from Philippines to the families of the deceased fishermen.
    Both Governments should work hard together in order to protect the rights and dignity of the people of both countries

    Friends around the world who see this video, n
    我們只需要菲國誠意的道歉 以及給死者家屬一個正式的交代 更盼望政府能硬起來保護人民的海權與尊嚴 We just ask for an apology from⋯⋯更多
  • Christine Cheng Truth videos to foreigners & English VIDEOS let FB friends crazy legend, to the Philippines to know ......

    So users who can be hard to share, reproduced to foreign friends, let the international community know that Taiwanese fishermen affected process

    發佈者: 蘋果日報
  • Christine Cheng Truth videos to foreigners & English VIDEOS let FB friends crazy legend, to the Philippines to know ......

    So users who can be hard to share, reproduced to foreign friends, let the international community know that Taiwanese fishermen affected process
  • Christine Cheng VIDEO IN ENGLISH. 【What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan?】

    【2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan】https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=201139416701686&set=vb.157809937730773&type=2&theater
    透過分享影片把台菲漁船事件真相告訴全世界,這是你我都可以做到的事情! 【2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan】
    片長: 2:00
  • Christine Cheng The truth about "unintended loss of life" Excuse making by the Philippines cannot hide the facts!Please help Taiwan share the truth to the world!


    ---Republic of China (Taiwan) fishing vessel Guang Da Xing No. 28 (GDX 28) w
    別被菲律賓的謊言矇騙!菲律賓與台灣漁船爭議的真相: 請分享出去讓全世界看到!The truth about "unintended loss of life" ⋯⋯
  • James Steven Had enough of pirates lets just declare them terrorista and kill em all
     · 回覆 · 7 · 星期三23:24來自手機
  • Josie Jose for their safety?
     · 回覆 · 2 · 星期三23:00
  •  · 回覆 · 1 · 星期三22:58
  • James Steven No they picked a fight with the wrong people and we should be ready to fight them off. By the way I don't want them to invade Somalia I mean start Naval escort's the last thing we need is another Afghanistan.
     · 回覆 · 22 小時前來自手機
  • Paolo Delos Angeles Here in the Philippines. We use to kill those illegal poachers from China and Taiwan.. It is because, they stealing our aqua resources.. Hahaha.. That's why we shoot them many times.. LOL.. Because we believe.. They deserve our bullets.. and they deserve to die. 
     · 回覆 · 2 · 星期三23:13 · 已編輯
  • Jit Syangtan Beautyful country....
     · 回覆 · 12 小時前來自手機
  • Abdul Abubakar i like 2 hv ships fish and seychelles lool
  • Michael E Michael Did i hear nations fishing industry ?
  • Munduga Samuel find a lasting solution
  • Edgar Santos shoot em up
  • Dozie Michael Ugwueze No more fish stealing
  • Bùi Anh Tuấn as Pirates of the Caribbean 
  • Walid Ali for what ?!
  • Marcelino Joseph Senior Proper propaganda
  • Real Patriots Breaking News: Muslim immigrants give thanks to Sweden - by committing arson and riots 
    [h/t Daniel, from Avpixlat.info] On the night of May 19 outside of Stockholm in the suburb of Husby, Muslims have been rioting against police and throwing molotov cocktails on cars. The motive is ....

    Like · · Share · 11 hours ago ·
  • Real Patriots Breaking News: Muslim immigrants give thanks to Sweden - by committing arson and riots 
    [h/t Daniel, from Avpixlat.info] On the night of May 19 outside of Stockholm in the suburb of Husby, Muslims have been rioting against police and throwing molotov cocktails on cars. The motive is ....

    Like · · Share · 11 hours ago ·
  • Abdulaziz Hassan I this any one can say what ever he feels good but I am sure of one thing and it's about my country,that is where I was born and grew-up somali people have been there more than any can imagine...so how long did the pirate thing arround in the horn of africa,I give you the answer it's less 20 years.MR james cameron please before you label them terrorists and kill them ask you self who are these pirates and where were they before 20 years ago.the direct answer is they have been there fore ever,they fisher-men who uses small boats for fishing but look what happened these poor fisher-men some big ships from all over the globe and capsized the small boats of the somali fisher-men and were forced out of job,look again before condemning International MAFIA come to them and show them how to kidnap ships and gain some money and what will the mafia gains money....the question is can we stop the pirates,yes we can stop ...they just need rehabilitation..but can you stop these big vessel who still looting our fish.no because you turn a blind eye to big vessell who caused this problem...so please before you talk if you see some thing ask some one who us an expert of that thing ..so in may casae there are pirates in the horn of africa as well as looter of our fishes.
  • Muhammad Aria Ibnu Abdillah american satanic stupid
  • Lucas W. Mwita So these pirates still exists??
  • Mitch Cox YARRRRR!
  • Miyyan Ejaz owsum gun !!!
  • Thông Tin Ngôn Luận Trách vụ cao cả của người lính Hoa Kỳ : Bảo vệ vẹn toàn lãnh thổ - Bảo vệ quyền độc lập, tự do, yên bình cho quốc gia, cho nhân loại查看翻譯


    台灣沒正義感的人還是比較多!! 因大多都不轉傳和分享英文版的 真相 videos 給外國人看 & 英文 VIDEOS 讓FB朋友瘋狂相傳, 給菲律賓知道......



    廣大興28號漁船事件始末---英語版 ( 由蘋果日報上傳的 VIDEO in English. )




    E04. 菲國不交兇手和不正式道歉, 菲是壞人 BAD BUY.

    還有 E04 都是"阿扁 : 陳X扁" 以前害台如此, 讓菲律賓人得寸進尺, 更應該大怪阿扁和民進檔才對呀!!!!!!! 馬政府和外交部雖有時沒做的很好.....,但很多制裁像不引進菲勞 & 紅色菲國警介旅遊地.....算有 guts, 雖能有些作的不好........ 但比阿扁而言已算對菲很有行動和制衡......... 此點馬總統才有被加分..... ; 為何當初和"現在沒人" 怪阿扁當扁總統時 陳X扁 毫無作為 和 阿扁"毫不處理菲台事件".....= 阿扁才可惡, WHY 為何沒人罵貪污的阿扁(前X統)????????????? 都是陳X扁害的.........., 以致 今年菲律賓人吃人夠夠&菲人欺人太甚 敢 開槍掃射台灣漁民和玩台命..........殺人滅跡........................

    請看下文 :


    菲律賓槍殺台灣漁民 民進黨為之脫罪




    菲律賓槍殺台灣漁民 民進黨為之脫罪 - zgr 的網誌 - udn部落格http://blog.udn.com/zgr/7610669#ixzz2SzcV4jG9


    菲律賓槍殺台灣漁民 民進黨為之脫罪 - zgr 的網誌 - udn部落格
    讚 · 回覆 · 6 · 4小時前

    Luvan Chang 怎可容許菲國人毁屍滅跡。
    讚 · 回覆 · 5 · 4小時前來自手機

    Grace Huang 洪家大女兒慈綪繼續大聲高分貝的罵下去,不用管那些挺馬的在說妳言詞不當,只要說出事實何畏無懼。大聲的罵說出心裡的想法!
    讚 · 回覆 · 7 · 4小時前來自手機

    鄭美惠 菲類!憑什麼驗洪老先生的大體,我國調察團去菲他們不鳥我們,他們膽敢要求驗屍請洪大姊要堅持,政府處理的2266,要敢答應就是與百姓為敵!xxxD
    讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 4小時前來自手機

    陳德銘 需要開戰..我們涼山特勤隊的後備軍人自願為前鋒..為台灣人的尊嚴正義爾戰!!
    讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 4小時前

    簡小義 蠢..
    讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 4小時前

    許建偉 道歉不是重點,公佈菲律賓公務船射擊廣大興漁船才是關鍵,公佈真相間接等於官方道歉,人命不是道歉過後一段時間故技重演再槍殺第二遍!!
    讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 4小時前

    Grace Huang 一個只讀過書媽媽寶的書包子怎麼鬥得過詭計多端的海盜,現在情勢不是斯斯文文,好來好去的時候。
    讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 4小時前來自手機

    邱娜美 菲律賓人垃圾至極
    讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 3小時前

    James Apon 同意他們來.將他們扣下當活人大體來驗屍.死菲狗.幹!
    讚 · 回覆 · 3小時前

    Simon Huang 我一直想看那卷傳說中霹靂無敵見光死的錄影帶,它們怎麼還都不拿出來look look呢!
    讚 · 回覆 · 3小時前

    張詩涵 跪求開戰 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho9iBIl3SFQ&feature=share

    【新黨青新論壇】俠客譚 俠客談─對菲律賓必須強硬
    讚 · 回覆 · 1 ·

    菲律賓槍殺台灣漁民 民進黨為之脫罪 - zgr 的網誌 - udn部落格

    菲律賓槍殺台灣漁民 民進黨為之脫罪
    2013/05/11 12:52:36瀏覽969|回應0|推薦4







    �X�B: 菲律賓槍殺台灣漁民 民進黨為之脫罪 - zgr 的網誌 - udn部落格http://blog.udn.com/zgr/7610669#ixzz2TvvIqE6H
    扁未達「不能到庭」 洩密案聲請停審遭駁回


    (設計對白 純屬虛構 如有巧合 都是阿扁害的....)
    相片:扁未達「不能到庭」 洩密案聲請停審遭駁回http://www.nexttv.com.tw/news/realtime/latest/10714908/阿扁:菲律賓都上場救援了,不能讓我休息一下嘛?小馬:不好意思,外交部剛提著油桶上來.....(設計對白 純屬虛構 如有巧合 都是阿扁害的....)
    別被菲律賓的謊言矇騙!菲律賓與台灣漁船爭議的真相: 請分享出去讓全世界看到!The truth about "unintended loss of life" Excuse making by the Philippines cannot hide the facts!Please help Taiwan share the truth to the world!


    ---Republic of China (Taiw⋯⋯更多

    ---Contrary to the Philippine characterization, the GDX 28 did not ram its vessel and provoke the incident. 廣大興28號並未衝撞菲國公務船,亦未挑釁。菲國說法與事實不符。

    ---The Philippines used excessive force in carrying out law enforcement procedures, resulting in serious damage to the GDX 28, with 59 bullet holes found in the ship. Moreover, the Philippine vessel sailed away without offering assistance to the stricken boat, in violation of international law and a humanitarian duty. 菲國執法過程中過度使用武力,致廣大興28號嚴重受損,船體計有59處彈孔。此外,廣大興28號遭擊後,菲國公務船未提供受損船隻協助,逕自駛離,違反國際法及人道責任。

    ---The attack was carried out by a vessel belonging to the government of the Philippines. 此攻擊事件乃菲國政府所屬之公務船所為。


    ---The investigation of the shooting of the GDX 28, and the killing of crew member Hong Shi-cheng, is ongoing. Therefore, it is inappropriate for the Philippines to characterize Hong's death as "unintended." 槍擊廣大興28號致漁民洪石成先生亡故一事仍在調查中,菲方立即將洪石成先生之喪命定位為「非蓄意」,並不恰當。

    ---The ROC acknowledges the apology that the Philippines has made through Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, and through dispatching the personal representative of the Philippine President to convey an apology to the family of slai⋯⋯更多

    ---The Philippine government vessel's shooting of an unarmed fishing boat is an unconscionable, cold-blooded act of violence. No claim of self-defense can justifiably be made by the Philippines. -菲國公務船槍擊無武裝漁船是過度、冷血的暴力行為,「自衛」之說法無法成立。


    ---The Philippine claim that the incident occurred in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is unfounded. The incident occurred in the two countries' overlapping EEZs. -菲律賓宣稱事件發生在其專屬經濟海域內的說法毫無根據,該事件實則發生在兩國重疊專屬經濟海域內。

    ---The Philippine government vessel's excessive and unnecessary use of force in the overlapping EEZs violates international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Such behavior cannot be tolerated by the international community. 菲國公務船於兩國重疊專屬經濟海域非必要地過度使用武力,已違反國際法及聯合國海洋法公約,此一暴行絕無法見容於國際社會。

    ---The aforementioned Convention and relevant case law from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea have laid out proper due process, that is, what actions may be taken by a state while enforcing the law in its EEZ. ---Paragraph 1 of Article 73 of the Convention states that these are limited to boarding, inspection, arrest, and judicial proceedings. 聯合國海洋法公約及國際海洋法仲裁法庭之有關判例已明列正當程序,指出一國在其專屬經濟海域執法時所能採取之作為。

    ---Paragraph 3 of that same Article states that coastal states may not undertake corporal punishment, of which killing is the most extreme type. Shooting and killing are not allowed under any circumstances. 聯合國海洋法公約第73條第3項規定,沿海國不能採取傷害人身的手段,而致人於死更為最極端之處置。在任何情況下,絕不允許槍擊與殺害。


    ---That law enforcement personnel on the Philippine government vessel opened fire with automatic weapons on an unarmed fishing vessel that was not provoking it is an unacceptable act of violence. 菲律賓公務船執法人員以自動武器向未挑釁之我國籍無武裝漁船開火,這是令人無法接受的暴行。

    ---The attack and the killing of Mr. Hong are not in keeping with principles of proportionality. 該起攻擊漁船及殺害洪石成先生的事件不符合「比例原則」。


    ---As the attack was made by a Philippine government vessel, the government of the Philippines is responsible for the death of Mr. Hong. A public commitment to state compensation must be made by the Philippine government. 由於該起攻擊事件係菲律賓公務船所為,因此菲國政府應為洪石成先生的喪命負起責任。菲國政府必須公開承諾提供國家賠償。

    ---To date, the Philippine government has only expressed a willingness to offer "donations from its citizens" to the victim's family. It has not spoken of accepting full responsibility and providing official compensation. 菲國政府迄今僅表達願對罹難者家屬提供「菲國人民捐贈之慰問金」,並未提及將負起全部責任及提供官方賠償。


    ---ROC inspection of the Guang Da Xing No. 28 (G.D.X. 28) has found no evidence of ramming, claimed by the Philippines as their reasoning for shooting in self-defense. The Philippine government vessel involved is some six times the size of the G.D.X. 28, and thus that such an action would have occurred is scarcely conceivable. 中華民國勘驗廣大興28號未發現菲律賓所稱該船衝撞、導致菲方開槍自衛之事證。菲方公務船船隻總重約較廣大興28號大6倍,故指稱該漁船意圖衝撞,令人難以信服。


    ---The ROC has received five different versions of a response from the Philippine government. This shows an inconsistency in the Philippine position, and suggests a lack of sincerity. 中華民國已自菲律賓政府收到5種不同版本信函,說明菲方立場反覆不定,欠缺誠意。

    ---The ROC cannot accept such a perfunctory manner from the government of the Philippines. 中華民國無法接受菲國政府如此敷衍的回應。


    ---In its responses to the ROC, the Philippines has committed itself to a thorough, exhaustive, impartial, and expeditious investigation. 菲律賓曾回應承諾中華民國將就此事件進行徹底、完整、公平且迅速的調查。

    ---As per the provisions of the Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters signed in April, the ROC urges the Philippine side to make arrangements for coordination between the Philippine investigation and the ROC investigation. 中華民國依據臺菲於上(4)月簽署之刑事司法互助協定,要求菲方協調安排雙方調查工作。


    --- The Philippine government should be held responsible for the death of Mr. Hong Shi-cheng, as the attack was carried out by a Philippine government vessel. 此次攻擊事件是菲律賓公務船所為,故菲國政府須負起洪石成先生喪命之責任。


    ---The Republic of China is a peace-loving nation and a responsible stakeholder. 中華民國是愛好和平國家及負責任之利害關係者。

    ---The ROC will protect its sovereignty, dignity, and overall interests, especially the fishing rights of our fishermen in overlapping EEZs. 中華民國將捍衛國家主權、尊嚴及整體利益,尤其是我國漁民在重疊專屬經濟海域的捕漁權。

    ---The ROC has initiated 11 countermeasures, and will maintain them until it receives a more positive, concrete, and adequate response from the Philippine government concerning the ROC's four demands. 中華民國政府已採取11項反制措施。該等措施將持續至菲律賓政府更正面、具體且充分回應中華民國4項要求為止。

    ---The ROC has urged the Philippine government to begin talks on a fishery arrangement that will allow for orderly fishing operations to take place in overlapping EEZs, ensure the safety of our fishermen, and maintain regional peace and security. 中華民國政府促請菲律賓政府儘速展開兩國漁業會談,以維護重疊專屬經濟海域之捕漁作業秩序,確保兩國漁民安全,及維持區域穩定與安全。


    ---We consider the Filipino people as our friends.

    ---There are 87,000 Filipinos working and living in Taiwan. We call on our people to treat them well.

    ---Our government will continue to provide a friendly environment for them.
    相片:別被菲律賓的謊言矇騙!菲律賓與台灣漁船爭議的真相: 請分享出去讓全世界看到!The truth about "unintended loss of life" Excuse making by the Philippines cannot hide the facts!Please help Taiwan share the truth to the world!I. OVERVIEW OF THE INCIDENT---Republic of China (Taiwan) fishing vessel Guang Da Xing No. 28 (GDX 28) was attacked May 9 by a Philippine government vessel, resulting in the killing of fisherman Hong Shi-cheng, serious damage to the boat, and engine failure. 中華民國籍漁船廣大興28號於5月9日遭菲律賓公務船攻擊,導致我國漁民洪石成先生身亡,漁船嚴重損害並失去動力。---Contrary to the Philippine characterization, the GDX 28 did not ram its vessel and provoke the incident. 廣大興28號並未衝撞菲國公務船,亦未挑釁。菲國說法與事實不符。---The Philippines used excessive force in carrying out law enforcement procedures, resulting in serious damage to the GDX 28, with 59 bullet holes found in the ship. Moreover, the Philippine vessel sailed away without offering assistance to the stricken boat, in violation of international law and a humanitarian duty. 菲國執法過程中過度使用武力,致廣大興28號嚴重受損,船體計有59處彈孔。此外,廣大興28號遭擊後,菲國公務船未提供受損船隻協助,逕自駛離,違反國際法及人道責任。---The attack was carried out by a vessel belonging to the government of the Philippines. 此攻擊事件乃菲國政府所屬之公務船所為。II. PHILIPPINE "UNITENDED LOSS OF LIFE" CHARACTERIZATION UNACCEPTABLE 中華民國無法接受菲律賓指稱「非蓄意」殺害之說法---The investigation of the shooting of the GDX 28, and the killing of crew member Hong Shi-cheng, is ongoing. Therefore, it is inappropriate for the Philippines to characterize Hong's death as "unintended." 槍擊廣大興28號致漁民洪石成先生亡故一事仍在調查中,菲方立即將洪石成先生之喪命定位為「非蓄意」,並不恰當。---The ROC acknowledges the apology that the Philippines has made through Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, and through dispatching the personal representative of the Philippine President to convey an apology to the family of slain fisherman Hong Shi-cheng, but the Philippine characterization of Mr. Hong's death as an "unintended" loss of life is unacceptable. -中華民國注及菲律賓已透過總統府發言人陳顯達先生公開道歉,並指派總統個人代表向罹難者洪石成先生的家屬道歉,惟菲方稱洪石成先生之喪命為「非蓄意的人命損失」,我方無法接受。---The Philippine government vessel's shooting of an unarmed fishing boat is an unconscionable, cold-blooded act of violence. No claim of self-defense can justifiably be made by the Philippines. -菲國公務船槍擊無武裝漁船是過度、冷血的暴力行為,「自衛」之說法無法成立。III. VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW---The Philippine claim that the incident occurred in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is unfounded. The incident occurred in the two countries' overlapping EEZs. -菲律賓宣稱事件發生在其專屬經濟海域內的說法毫無根據,該事件實則發生在兩國重疊專屬經濟海域內。---The Philippine government vessel's excessive and unnecessary use of force in the overlapping EEZs violates international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Such behavior cannot be tolerated by the international community. 菲國公務船於兩國重疊專屬經濟海域非必要地過度使用武力,已違反國際法及聯合國海洋法公約,此一暴行絕無法見容於國際社會。---The aforementioned Convention and relevant case law from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea have laid out proper due process, that is, what actions may be taken by a state while enforcing the law in its EEZ. ---Paragraph 1 of Article 73 of the Convention states that these are limited to boarding, inspection, arrest, and judicial proceedings. 聯合國海洋法公約及國際海洋法仲裁法庭之有關判例已明列正當程序,指出一國在其專屬經濟海域執法時所能採取之作為。---Paragraph 3 of that same Article states that coastal states may not undertake corporal punishment, of which killing is the most extreme type. Shooting and killing are not allowed under any circumstances. 聯合國海洋法公約第73條第3項規定,沿海國不能採取傷害人身的手段,而致人於死更為最極端之處置。在任何情況下,絕不允許槍擊與殺害。IV. EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE---That law enforcement personnel on the Philippine government vessel opened fire with automatic weapons on an unarmed fishing vessel that was not provoking it is an unacceptable act of violence. 菲律賓公務船執法人員以自動武器向未挑釁之我國籍無武裝漁船開火,這是令人無法接受的暴行。---The attack and the killing of Mr. Hong are not in keeping with principles of proportionality. 該起攻擊漁船及殺害洪石成先生的事件不符合「比例原則」。V. COMPENSATION---As the attack was made by a Philippine government vessel, the government of the Philippines is responsible for the death of Mr. Hong. A public commitment to state compensation must be made by the Philippine government. 由於該起攻擊事件係菲律賓公務船所為,因此菲國政府應為洪石成先生的喪命負起責任。菲國政府必須公開承諾提供國家賠償。---To date, the Philippine government has only expressed a willingness to offer "donations from its citizens" to the victim's family. It has not spoken of accepting full responsibility and providing official compensation. 菲國政府迄今僅表達願對罹難者家屬提供「菲國人民捐贈之慰問金」,並未提及將負起全部責任及提供官方賠償。VI. CLAIMS OF RAMMING UNFOUNDED---ROC inspection of the Guang Da Xing No. 28 (G.D.X. 28) has found no evidence of ramming, claimed by the Philippines as their reasoning for shooting in self-defense. The Philippine government vessel involved is some six times the size of the G.D.X. 28, and thus that such an action would have occurred is scarcely conceivable. 中華民國勘驗廣大興28號未發現菲律賓所稱該船衝撞、導致菲方開槍自衛之事證。菲方公務船船隻總重約較廣大興28號大6倍,故指稱該漁船意圖衝撞,令人難以信服。VII. INCONSISTENCY IN PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT POSITION---The ROC has received five different versions of a response from the Philippine government. This shows an inconsistency in the Philippine position, and suggests a lack of sincerity. 中華民國已自菲律賓政府收到5種不同版本信函,說明菲方立場反覆不定,欠缺誠意。---The ROC cannot accept such a perfunctory manner from the government of the Philippines. 中華民國無法接受菲國政府如此敷衍的回應。VIII. MUTUAL LEGAL ASSISTANCE---In its responses to the ROC, the Philippines has committed itself to a thorough, exhaustive, impartial, and expeditious investigation. 菲律賓曾回應承諾中華民國將就此事件進行徹底、完整、公平且迅速的調查。---As per the provisions of the Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters signed in April, the ROC urges the Philippine side to make arrangements for coordination between the Philippine investigation and the ROC investigation. 中華民國依據臺菲於上(4)月簽署之刑事司法互助協定,要求菲方協調安排雙方調查工作。IX. ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY LIES WITH THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT--- The Philippine government should be held responsible for the death of Mr. Hong Shi-cheng, as the attack was carried out by a Philippine government vessel. 此次攻擊事件是菲律賓公務船所為,故菲國政府須負起洪石成先生喪命之責任。X. POSITION AND GOALS---The Republic of China is a peace-loving nation and a responsible stakeholder. 中華民國是愛好和平國家及負責任之利害關係者。---The ROC will protect its sovereignty, dignity, and overall interests, especially the fishing rights of our fishermen in overlapping EEZs. 中華民國將捍衛國家主權、尊嚴及整體利益,尤其是我國漁民在重疊專屬經濟海域的捕漁權。---The ROC has initiated 11 countermeasures, and will maintain them until it receives a more positive, concrete, and adequate response from the Philippine government concerning the ROC's four demands. 中華民國政府已採取11項反制措施。該等措施將持續至菲律賓政府更正面、具體且充分回應中華民國4項要求為止。---The ROC has urged the Philippine government to begin talks on a fishery arrangement that will allow for orderly fishing operations to take place in overlapping EEZs, ensure the safety of our fishermen, and maintain regional peace and security. 中華民國政府促請菲律賓政府儘速展開兩國漁業會談,以維護重疊專屬經濟海域之捕漁作業秩序,確保兩國漁民安全,及維持區域穩定與安全。XI. ASSURANCES TO THE FILIPINO COMMUNITY IN TAIWAN 保證菲律賓人民在臺安全---We consider the Filipino people as our friends.我們視菲律賓人民為朋友。---There are 87,000 Filipinos working and living in Taiwan. We call on our people to treat them well.目前有8萬7千名菲律賓人民在臺工作及生活,外交部呼籲國人善待在臺之菲國朋友。---Our government will continue to provide a friendly environment for them.中華民國政府將持續提供菲國友人友善環境。
    1. VIDEO IN ENGLISH. 【What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan?】

      【2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan】https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=201139416701686&set=vb.157809937730773&type=2&theater

      【2 Minutes, One Fact—What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan】
       ·  · 推廣 · 
    2. We just ask for an apology from Philippines to the families of the deceased fishermen.
      Both Governments should work hard together in order to protect the rights and dignity of the people of both countries

      Friends around the world who see this video, no matter where are you from, please reproduce the voice of justice!
      Share this truth!
      Taiwan needs you all!

      Video IN ENGLISH & CHINESE : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZZCNwi4ZUQ&feature=youtu.be
      1. 拒賣菲勞便當事件,被菲國給利用,大勢報導造成我們國家在國際上處於不利局面。給菲國政府反擊的機會。當初媒體不去追蹤這起沒啥大不了的謊言,也不會有這假新聞事件,不會在國際上給渲染。 就算是 聽來的 = "聽來的事可能是真的 也可能是假的". // 菲沒有歧視過在菲華人嗎?? ( 菲傭&菲看護有些並沒好好照顧台灣長者還恥笑不請菲傭的台灣人...... : 台灣人這樣對台灣人, 只會讓菲律賓人和外奪人更覺醒台灣人好欺侮........ : 換成菲媒&美媒....一定不會胳臂向外彎........), 菲律賓人可是拿槍無情射殺台灣人!!! 比起歧不歧視 哪個嚴重?? 菲殺台人一付得意洋洋無所謂和菲很高興的樣子.... & 菲不願交出兇手和不誠意道歉來敷衍&蹧踏戲耍....台灣人!! 台灣給台灣難看讓菲律賓人消氣嗎??? 換成別國一定不會這樣對他的本國人. 會同仇敵愾, 槍口一致對外!!! 菲國市講是非的國家嗎? 連菲國警察大多是搶匪土匪就知是怎樣一個爛國.....!! 她可能是因壓力乾翠聽來的, 壓力會小一點...... : 但菲律賓人是如何對待台灣人 : 菲人殺台灣漁民並不是第一次, 菲人到現在還遲不正式有誠意的道歉.......難保下次 菲人不會再無故槍殺台灣漁民......


        台灣講仁義道德正義, 菲律賓人有(跟台灣)講仁義道德正義嗎?? 有些國家歧視台灣華僑, 台灣華僑不是只好認了, 那台灣也將菲欺侮台灣和 菲歧視台灣的事全都上外國媒體....... 才不會再讓菲律賓奸炸國一再欺壓台灣.... p.s. 有些台灣漁民被菲詐罰錢到破產了....... 台灣漁民有苦說不出!! ===== 菲或美也有可能對當地的華僑呀. 台不會拿此回擊. 菲媒體不會對菲老板苛責......... : 台灣老板有權不賣便當給任何國家的人!! 

        若是真事(不賣菲), 那菲人不能回家煮(食務)嗎? 或 是 菲人不能跟 7-11/ok / 全家...超商買便當嗎?? 或是跟其他店買便當嗎?? 昨看新聞菲代表講的話和嘴臉看人不了叫台灣人生氣!! 菲這種壞人真是可惡欺侮台灣人!! (不知此便當事真假, 若是真的, 換成別國被菲人欺侮可能不想賣便當給菲. 賣家有權不賣給某人呀!! ) (不知此便當事真假, 若是真的, 那有人幫菲人買便當還把自己便當也給菲人, 菲國人不感恩還要怎樣還要抗議生氣. 要是不是菲人越來越可惡過份, 若此便事為真, 台灣人只好迫使如此做為抗議, 菲國官員並不因此而收殮惡劣行為, 菲人要怪就怪"菲國爛政府"害的!!!! (我國 Taiwan 之前對菲人之好. 菲對台好嗎???? ) 菲政府還敢講此不知真或假的事......... ; 我之前看"菲便當貼文"都不轉貼!!! 沒想到菲國官員拿來做文章, 我看每則菲新聞我都私下一直罵菲 1~n個字!!!!

        在台的菲人有"壞的"也有好的. 說不定不是真事, 說不定老板討厭壞的菲律賓人不要賣便當給他不喜歡的菲客人不行嗎? 菲官員敢那樣講! p=Dirty. 說不定是菲律賓人自己故意那樣寫也是有可能..... ; 台灣會後悔以前對 p菲律賓太好嗎???
        在台的菲人有"壞的"也有好的. 說不定不是真事, 說不定老板討厭壞的菲律賓人不要賣便當

        給他不喜歡的菲客人不行嗎? 菲官員敢那樣講! p=Dirty. 說不定是菲律賓人自己故意那樣寫也是有可能..... ; 台灣

        會後悔以前對 p菲律賓太好嗎???

        蔡宗坤 絕對不能讓″洪″公的冤屈″石沉″大海!
        讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 昨天 9:22來自手機

        康吳貞兒 有為有守敢言直率有氣魄,很好⋯

        壹電視 Next TV
        菲媒:不當對待菲勞 菲民怒燒台灣國旗

        還是要呼籲大家理性 別中計了!!

        讚 · · 分享 · 77104 · 9分鐘前 · 
        77 個人都說讚。

        簡若慈 不要理菲律賓人!打人喊救人!神經病
        讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 7分鐘前來自手機

        國綸國綸 落後國家 就是這樣
        讚 · 回覆 · 6分鐘前

        雷姆士 變相承認中華民國
        讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 5分鐘前來自手機

        翁嘉駿 讚成打啦!借分享!
        讚 · 回覆 · 2分鐘前來自手機

        曾正杰 直接進行第N波經濟制裁吧!!!台灣愛用菲勞的老闆們委屈你們了,,,
        讚 · 回覆 · 4分鐘前

        Kurosaki Lin 只想對艾葵弱動粗
        讚 · 回覆 · 7分鐘前來自手機

        陳柏宏 不然以他們的關點要燒五星旗才是阿~~
        收回讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 在幾秒鐘前

        陳柏宏 謝謝他承認台灣是國家~
        讚 · 回覆 · 在幾秒鐘前
         ·  · 推廣 · 
      2. 李定軍 WRITE: 自助餐拒賣菲勞便當事件,小題大作的天天在電視節目上演


























        【「廣大興28號」漁船事件 國際輿論日趨友我】



        相片:【「廣大興28號」漁船事件 國際輿論日趨友我】



         ·  · 推廣 · 
      3. 快來看他菲律賓人在CNN FB 讓全世界氣死人的菲人講法(他提到"該死"...........)和回答如下!!! 他好像應是菲律賓年輕人Paolo Delos Angeles . 快來看他菲律賓人讓全世界氣死人的講法和回答如下!!! (有翻成中文在第8行.) 有正義的台灣臉友要去 CNN International (FACEBOOK)版上回應他嗎??

        on CNN International facebook : 

        Paolo Delos Angeles reply m⋯⋯更多
        【「廣大興28號」漁船事件 國際輿論日趨友我】



        相片:【「廣大興28號」漁船事件 國際輿論日趨友我】



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      4. 為了協助國際宣傳,青年團的同仁做了這張圖,希望能簡明的說清楚事實,向國際發聲。

        On the 9th of May, within Taiwan's Exclusive Economic Zone , the Philippine Coast Guard attacked Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28, a Taiwanese fishing boat and killed a Taiwanese fisherman, Hong Shi-cheng. The
        boat is riddled with more than 50 bullet holes.

        Yet the Philippine Government said, it was an "unintended" accident. POTO:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=556026354442314&set=a.203954099649543.53388.203893692988917&type=1&theater

        On the 9th of May, within Taiwan's Exclusive Economic Zone , the Philippine Coast Guard attacked Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28, a Taiwanese fishing boat and killed a Taiwanese fisherman, Hong Shi-cheng. The
        boat is riddled with more than 50 bullet holes.

        Yet the Philippine Government said, it was an "unintended" accident.

On the 9th of May, within Taiwan's Exclusive Economic Zone , the Philippine Coast Guard attacked Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28, a Taiwanese fishing boat and killed a Taiwanese fisherman, Hong Shi-cheng. The
boat is riddled with more than 50 bullet holes.

Yet the Philippine Government said, it was an "unintended" accident.
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      5. 快來看他菲律賓人在CNN FB 讓全世界氣死人的菲人講法(他提到"該死"...........)和回答如下!!! 他好像應是菲律賓年輕人Paolo Delos Angeles . 快來看他菲律賓人讓全世界氣死人的講法和回答如下!!! (有翻成中文在第8行.) 有正義的台灣臉友要去 CNN International (FACEBOOK)版上回應他嗎??

        on CNN International facebook : 

        Paolo Delos Angeles reply m⋯⋯更多
        On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry.http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz
        相片:On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry. http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz
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