快來看他菲律賓人年輕人 Mr.Paolo Delos 讓全世界氣死人的講法(他提到"該死"...)和回答如下!!!
Come see his Filipino young Mr.Paolo Delos let the whole world mad man argument (he referred to "damn" ...) and answer the following!!!
快來看他菲律賓人讓全世界氣死人的講法(他提到"該死"...........)和回答如下!!! 他好像應是菲律賓年輕人Paolo Delos Angeles . 快來看他菲律賓人讓全世界氣死人的講法和回答如下!!! (有翻成中文在第8行.) 有正義的台灣臉友要去 CNN International (FACEBOOK)版上回應他嗎??
on CNN International facebook :
Paolo Delos Angeles reply me : "We already did.. But your moronic government rejects our apology.. " 有笑臉臉圖.
Paolo Delos Angeles write: Here in the Philippines. We use to kill those illegal poachers from China and Taiwan.. It is because, they stealing our aqua resources.. Hahaha.. That's why we shoot them many times.. LOL.. Because we believe.. They deserve our bullets.. and they deserve to die. 有笑臉臉圖.
翻成中文是 :
保羅德諾斯瓦格洛杉磯寫的:在菲律賓。我們使用來自中國大陸和台灣地區的非法偷獵者殺死那些..這是因為,他們偷我們的水產資源..哈哈哈..這就是為什麼我們拍很多次.. LOL..因為我們相信..他們理應得到我們的子彈..他們該死。有笑臉臉圖。
Words on "國外 CNN International "的 FB :https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151587078599641&set=a.185381234640.117712.18793419640&type=1&theater¬if_t=photo_reply
我昨半夜貼在 CNN International :
Christine Cheng post : We just ask for an apology from Philippines to the families of the deceased fishermen.
Both Governments should work hard together in order to protect the rights and dignity of the people of both countries
Friends around the world who see this video, no matter where are you from, please reproduce the voice of justice!
Share this truth!
Taiwan needs you all!
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZZCNwi4ZUQ&feature=youtu.be
我們只需要菲國誠意的道歉 以及給死者家屬一個正式的交代 更盼望政府能硬起來保護人民的海權與尊嚴 We just ask for an apology from ⋯⋯更多
讚 · 回覆 · 移除預覽 · 20 小時前
Words on "國外 CNN International "的 FB :https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151587078599641&set=a.185381234640.117712.18793419640&type=1&theater¬if_t=photo_reply
菲律賓年輕人Paolo Delos Angeles facebook :https://www.facebook.com/r0ckamp3d
菲律賓年輕人Paolo Delos Angeles 之前的大頭可怕寫照是 :
photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=552951474726631&set=a.151362378218878.24105.100000353502255&type=1&theater
on CNN International facebook :
說這專頁讚 · 昨天
On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry.http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz
Christine Cheng post : We just ask for an apology from Philippines to the families of the deceased fishermen.
Both Governments should work hard together in order to protect the rights and dignity of the people of both countries
Friends around the world who see this video, no matter where are you from, please reproduce the voice of justice!
Share this truth!
Taiwan needs you all!
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZZCNwi4ZUQ&feature=youtu.be
揭穿菲國的謊言與暴力 THE CRIME OF PHILIPPINES我們只是要求從菲律賓到死者漁民家屬道歉。
讚 · 回覆 · 預覽 · 20 小時前
Paolo Delos Angeles write : We already did.. But your moronic government rejects our apology..
讚 · 8小時前
Paolo Delos Angeles write: Here in the Philippines. We use to kill those illegal poachers from China and Taiwan.. It is because, they stealing our aqua resources.. Hahaha.. That's why we shoot them many times.. LOL.. Because we believe.. They deserve our bullets.. and they deserve to die.
讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 23 小時前 · 已編輯
翻為中文 :
保羅·德洛斯洛杉磯在菲律賓。我們使用來自中國大陸和台灣地區的非法偷獵者殺死那些..這是因為,他們偷我們的水產資源..哈哈哈..這就是為什麼我們拍很多次.. LOL ..因為我們相信..他們理應得到我們的子彈..他們該死。
保羅·德洛斯洛杉磯 write: ,我們已經做了.. 但你的的魯鈍政府拒絕我們的道歉
保羅·德洛斯洛杉磯在菲律賓。 write: 我們使用來自中國大陸和台灣地區的非法偷獵者殺死那些.. 這是因為,他們偷我們的水產資源.. 哈哈哈.. 這就是為什麼我們拍很多次.. LOL .. 因為我們相信.. 他們理應得到我們的子彈.. 他們值得死。回覆·2·23小時前·On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry.http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz 他好像應是菲律賓年輕人Paolo Delos Angeles . 快來看他菲律賓人讓全世界氣死人的講法和回答如下!!! (有翻成中文在第8行.) 有正義的台灣臉友要去版上回應他嗎??
on CNN International facebook :
Paolo Delos Angeles reply me : "We already did.. But your moronic government rejects our apology.. " 有笑臉⋯⋯更多 on CNN International facebook :
Paolo Delos Angeles reply me : "We already did.. But your moronic government rejects our apology.. " 有笑臉臉圖.
Paolo Delos Angeles write: Here in the Philippines. We use to kill those illegal poach⋯⋯更多 On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry.http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz
On the high seas off the east coast of Africa, Seychelles’ gunboats are on the lookout for pirates threatening the island nation’s fishing industry.http://on.cnn.com/13KOmLz