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2007-11-13 07:34:54

◆◆We ’r Cressy Guys....We’r Crazy..kaka◆◆

Last Fri,我地有個Cressy Market,其實就好似義賣果d嘢甘囖`` 所以,我地可以着mulfi嘎lar` 呢個係我last term係Crestwood High啦,下年要去UNSW啦`緊張啊! Foto(From left 2 righ):Ashely.R, Ashely.S, Ch...

2007-10-15 21:39:23


好挂住你地。係真gar` 所以,我本diary都整曬sticker foto上去。 因爲太多啦,無影曬` 不過,有d未影過sticker,就係album度啦` 對,太多感言啦` 講不完。 但,我知道你們都明白。

2007-10-15 20:28:49


或者,係我命硬。 過去唔只一次發生過係果d吾善意嘅人身上。 我唔在乎他人爲何苦苦相逼, 只係想提醒一句,後果自負` 我唔係係度恐嚇,不過識我嘅人都會知道。 果d人嘅後果。 唔知道係巧合定邪... 如果真...

2007-10-14 08:00:20

善忘...everything can be peaceful.!

我琴日言重了,其實只係一時衝動先講甘犀利嘅説話沖口而出` 如果,嚇親人,就真係唔好意思! 講過好多次,唔好無事生非。如果唔係,我唔會忍。 亦都無理由要忍,我無做過嘅事我一定會平反。 雖然甘樣做都...

2007-10-13 16:15:26

白痴,你鍾意閙就閙` 你,bullshit!

我知道你邊個,唔該唔好做甘低莊嘅事啦` 你個人真係好心計,4年前人地甘評定你。 而且你都無變,犀利` 第一,講英文犯法?我無話過得我一個識英文嚄。 你甘激動做乜?如果你甘有本事,咪用英文閙我囖` 我都想...

2007-10-12 17:57:58

"oh~my hapi holiday...." see you! hahaha```

oh```itz the end of holiday lar..! anyway,i dun hv any feeling. coz in here, there’z not any sense for me abt holidayz. but。。。。。some issues make me hapi ar` i jux can say im so lucky...

2007-10-03 16:14:05


其實,我們早就預料到這樣的結果。 逃不了,最後還是分開` 是我們一直在逃嗎?我們不去面對嗎? 大概我們都是靠不捨得在掙扎吧。 我說過,人越獨立,就會離依靠越來越遠。 曾經我從沒有離開他半步,因爲我怕。...

2007-09-16 04:53:13

I realise... life should be more than this!

Suddenly,i realise my life should be more than what iv got now. That day in the bus,i could feel the flutctuation which following the slops of the road. I hv no idea to explain what i was thinking....

2007-09-01 16:09:03

Out standing award. to Cherry Pang

i always say ”how much u put in. how much u gain.” now, i prove its truth that can convince everyone. forever, i put it in my heart. as an insistent dictum.沒有什麽興奮,只是覺得對自己,父母都...

2007-08-19 13:56:50

A 19th birthday. ...18.Aug.07

My birthday. hoho``` juz pass it normally. i didnt hv BD party. no reason. coz i dun no why i need to celebate it occasionally. however, iv been 19 yrs old already.not 18,17,16,15....anymore!一個...

2007-08-07 20:18:02

●Everyone dont give up... by HINS 放榜 , Lyrics.

放榜 - 張敬軒 Melody by: 林永鏗 | Lyrics by: 范奧天 Don’t give up. Don’t be stressed. Feel down or depressed. Man I’ve also had those bad days, when I just wanna give up like the rest, ...

2007-08-04 07:45:19

++愛情萬歲++forever luv....

愛情萬歲 鄭秀文 曲:劉祖德 詞:林若寧 編/監:蔡德才@人山人海 愛情存在輿論性 承受這批鬥與你笑著革命 市內全民皆兵 聽著流言之聲 我若能擁抱你已是險勝 受盡炮轟任由戀愛沒有世界共鳴 維持...

2007-07-29 17:12:48

●we are growing!°°°°°°

( MIKI:多謝你係你個blog度提起我啦!) 一年幾以來,雖然大家都經歷着不同的事情。 但其實,我意識到她都在努力! 有時候,結果或者不是那麽令人滿意。 不過,重要的還是體會。 至少,現在的我們再不會為...

2007-07-22 17:39:28

i will pity you```

知道你不會輕易放棄我的啦` 放心,我會好好改我的大脾氣ar。。。 mr。RAO。。。cherryan!

2007-07-21 22:43:17


周董說: 「人没法回到过去,如果可以返回学生时代,碰见以前的女朋友,我会问候她:『好吗?』因為都是女生先提出分开,我会问她為什麼讲这个话,為什麼不要我,是不是喜欢别人,我哪里做得不对,其实当时分手到现...

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