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2007-08-07 20:18:02| 人氣405| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

●Everyone dont give up... by HINS 放榜 , Lyrics.

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放榜 - 張敬軒

Melody by: 林永鏗 | Lyrics by: 范奧天

Don’t give up. Don’t be stressed.
Feel down or depressed.
Man I’ve also had those bad days,
when I just wanna give up like the rest,
and let me tell you somethin’ yo.
You know yourself best.
Stay strong. Right wrongs.
That’s the key to success. Let’s go.

當失去信念  如何再去接受挑戰
放榜坎坷的一天 眼眶沾濕的一天

輕生這意念 不經意膨脹 沒法被認同
沒法再尋覓我位置 沒法可走近一點

為應試 我發力拚盡每一次
我豁盡我鬥志 汗也滴過淚也灑了多次
但這次 我卻沒法面對失意
再已沒有鬥志 再努力也沒法改變天意
朋友和我遠多一點 不得已

同伴失去了 重讀只給取笑
留在家半秒 如像喘息不了
困惑了 厭倦了 註定了
路是 沒法走過

如若這世要 長恨只得苦笑
情願短痛了 毋用漆黑尖叫
戰敗了 跌下了 告別了

今天我發現 原來要我接受挑戰
渡過漆黑的深淵 撐過多載的辛酸

彷彿這世上 不經過磨折 沒法被認同
沒挫折難道會合意 沒創傷怎算經典

自那次 我已學會面對失意
我奮力再去試 汗再滴過淚再灑了多次
敗了戰 我更學會預計波折
我再拾我鬥志 若再敗了便奮起再一次
遇上運氣再差一點  不緊要
曾是輸透了 承受千夫恥笑
無用多怨了 如若珍惜分秒
算盡了  計盡了 怨盡了

明白今世要 人若不甘輕藐
無用多怨了 期待一天開竅
去盡了 撐盡了 搏盡了

so keep ya head up high,
and just take it one step at a time.
Your story’s just begun. Believe me,
I ain’t tellin you no lie,
but hey, dreams can come true.
This goes for me and you.
The rest? I leave that up to you

Suddenly, ifeel like want to talk to my friends who just completed the high school exam ( haha..i dont reali no the real name). Anyway,
dont give up , everyone...ok?

I understand u some can be happy or some be confused. However, that is not a whole world, we have opportunities which existing when we alive. I juz want u guys all right and happy.

Exactly, we hv to trust ourselves, if not, we are not only lossing our self-concept but also our future. Promise me, u u..or u hv to be stronger . i will struggle with all of u. Remember, how much u put in , how much u can gain. although, harvest cannot become trun immeditaly. Juz looking for future, it is comin’ finally.

台長: ●饒小唓¨
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Carey Gai
2007-10-17 18:24:44
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