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2007-09-16 04:53:13| 人氣219| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I realise... life should be more than this!

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Suddenly,i realise my life should be more than what iv got now.

That day in the bus,i could feel the flutctuation which following the slops of the road. I hv no idea to explain what i was thinking.

JUX,this feeling tells me life is not juz flat and go straigth.

So that,i sent a message to Yan.
”i realise im not juz an ”Academic Institution”.i feel tired. n
i think i should learn more on how to communicate with peple.At this point, im not that success.”

im not sure can she understand my meaning..she said i always use the hard words... exactly no, juz my thought so abstract. Even somttime, i can not understand myself..

however,this time i truely can sure my prespective towords life that can i release myself.

台長: ●饒小唓¨
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2007-10-13 00:32:02
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