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2006-12-13 23:42:16


13.12.06 陰,雨 多謝關心... 你問我的病好了沒? 你說我們是朋友,但我卻説對不起。 不可以! 我想我們只是陌路人。 最後,我後悔了``` 這時你告訴我,從人以後我們就是陌路...

2006-12-13 01:21:23


12.12.06 晴 你教我要控制,學着放棄· 同時,我亦學懂心痛!

2006-12-11 00:36:38


我唔需要人去擁戴。 識又好唔識又好,唔該停止對我既討論,唔好再傳我d相了。 人大佐,發現過去太多事都好無爲,原來浪費好多時間。 究竟為咩?從來一d好處無...好後悔。 為佐呢切虛假,人前人後聼過幾多...

2006-11-17 00:22:20

i think...

i think i can i think i will i think i... i dont no anything i juz want get a promises...beyond. i cant believe , u no? i cant, thatz so hard to understand! i’m failed,,,at all.. ...

2006-11-06 09:14:30


折過的紙,永逺有痕. 想知道,今天有答案`

2006-11-04 10:07:56


我哭不出了 是我未接受現實吧 還是我變得堅強倔強 我沒有後悔 對任何事

2006-11-04 09:58:53


終于...回來了` 大半年時閒就過去,一眨眼。 看見一切,有種說不出的感覺` 是我改變了還是...

2006-09-02 08:55:22


18的天際,告訴我不可以再天真。 “人是怎樣走過來的?” “就是這樣走過來的啊`” “哦,就這樣過來的...好想看見那一天啊?” 是哪一天?一夜間我便成長了. 發現沒有誰陪我走,原來一個人也可...

2006-07-13 14:19:48

*Part..3▪▫ Toner water。

Lady is made from water.... Toner係一個被受爭議嘅角色of skin care,有人話化妝水會令皮膚更加缺水。 護膚功效唔大嚄```but i don’t think so.i think might be they haven’t used a right type of toner!...

2006-07-11 20:19:48

۰•●Part 2۰•Cleansing。。。

G-day,everybody! Coz尋日要繙工part-time,so都無時間上黎寫嘢。ok!上part我地講佐makeup remove,跟住就要講講cleansing啦`每种肌膚用嘅cleansing都唔同,無絕對最好嘅清潔產品,只有最適合自己嘅。 Give you...

2006-07-09 20:19:47

•●Partั one•••Makeup remove。

Skin...is our life! I know every girl yearn for a stainless face. Although,makeup as if would give us other new skin. in face...i think you’ll understand that deeply. One of my ...

2006-07-08 15:02:41

☜Girls,you have to know...☞

Everyone wants to be perfect.I mentioned this topic last time. Especially our girls, we want to be perfect anytime. Coz we want to have confidence, so we would hard to limit our daily diet. We wou...

2006-07-08 14:14:27

●God,you’re here!

I thought nobody would remember me... In fact, you’re here. thx very much! Day to day,i wake up to my life when I’ve grown up.I don’t know who could understand my feeling... Anyway,i ...

2006-07-02 08:02:41

What is perfect?

i want to be perfect. i want to have slim body that i can eat everything. i want to have a beautiful skin. i want to have ... but i haven’t these things. why not? i’ve tried to do that.

2006-06-17 07:54:11

my free space

i’ve forgotten this news log until today... my busy lives let me forgot everything,so sori! now,i usually write my logs on msn space.that space which there are a lot of restriction for me,coz ...

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