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2012-07-14 20:00:39
2012-07-14 20:00:39
2012-06-02 18:44:15

新浪微博貼文評論 - 孔子

新浪微博貼文評論 - 孔子過時落伍的教誨..... @孔子 子曰:「父在,觀其志;父沒,觀其行;......可謂孝矣。」+加標籤 轉發| 收藏| 評論5月21日19:44 來自新浪微博歧視和不切實際的教誨.... @孔子 子曰:「無友不如己...

2012-05-21 09:20:18

新浪人氣第一微博貼文評論: 姚晨

新浪人氣第一微博貼文評論: 姚晨沒想到大陸小孩子...那麼可憐...都是赤腳走泥巴路...//@姚晨: 给孩子一双运动鞋,跑出未来!◆◆@刘春 : 我和崔永元发起“给孩子一双运动鞋”项目,帮助乡村少年每人一双运动鞋,让孩...

2012-05-06 12:05:53

Tumblr Post Commentary - D.T.Suzuki(鈴木大拙)

Tumblr Post Commentary - D.T.Suzuki(鈴木大拙)kao1306:Ha..Ha..Ha.. What An illusional Statement!@DTSuzuki “Who would then deny that when I am sipping tea in my tearoom I am swallowing the whole univer...

2012-04-22 09:52:59

新浪微博貼文評論 - 小S

新浪微博貼文評論 - 小S母親很可憐..很少能跳脫枷鎖...@小S : 躺了幾天,今日總算能自由的下床走動,雖然傷口還是很痛,但想到可愛健康的女兒,心裡就開心,接下來就是好好的坐月子,少說話養氣,吃得健康補身,就怕...

2012-04-22 09:45:05

新浪微博貼文 - 川島茉樹代MAKIYO

新浪微博貼文 - 川島茉樹代MAKIYO 反觀Makiyo的天真純潔...那些中國齷齪的老女人要好好反醒...//@川島茉樹代MAKIYO: 謝謝你我會加油 //@賈永婕:加油啊!重新出發! @川島茉樹代MAKIYO : 從以前到現在好多好多...

2012-04-21 13:13:56

新浪微博貼文評論 - 大陸藝人:大S

新浪微博貼文評論 - 大陸藝人:大S 妳不會也吃素吧?....有師父嗎? @大S : 昨晚刨蘿蔔絲不小心把大姆指也刨了,這道菜應該算葷菜吧? 轉發(1057) | 評論(729) 4月2日15:48 來自iPhone客户端 +加標籤 轉發| ...

2012-04-10 12:23:59

新浪微博貼文評論 - 耶穌基督

新浪微博貼文評論 - 耶穌基督哈哈哈 这笑话笑死我了!@[圣经] 若有人控告您并拿走了你的外衣,不要保留的把你的长袍也给他。+加標籤 轉發| 收藏| 評論3月31日18:54 來自新浪微博哈哈哈,这真有趣! @[圣经] 不要使用武...

2012-03-23 13:16:21

Google+ Posts' Commentary - Noise Pollution

Google+ Posts' Commentary - Noise Pollution Cc Kao - 2012/3/20 - 公開 A Small Piece Of Medicinal Cotton Is A Convenient And Effective Way For The Ordinary Noise Pollution Control... @Wikipedia N...

2012-03-17 12:30:20

Google+ Posts' Commentary - 幻聽症狀自我處理技巧

Google+ Posts' Commentary - Auditory Hallucination's Self-Management Strategies (幻聽症狀自我處理技巧) Cc Kao - 上午9:59 - 公開 Auditory hallucinations, like many other medical terminology, full...

2011-12-28 09:49:41

Twitter Tweets Commentary - Devastating Disasters

Twitter Tweets Commentary - Devastating Disasterskao1306 joe kaoGreat mass of water could eventually breach the debris dam & hurtle down the valley, sweeping away Sherpa villages @BBC bbc.in/uK2yD...

2011-12-19 12:28:21

Google+ Post Commentary - Born Free Born Equal

Google+ Post Commentary - Born Free Born EqualCc Kao - 昨天 下午12:59 - 公開Born Free Born Equal: Overthrow The Five Dictatorial Countries Of UN Security Council: China, France, Russian Federation, th...

2011-12-17 12:36:30

Twitter Tweets Commentary - Anti Corruption

Twitter Tweets Commentary - Anti Corruptionkao1306 joe kaoContamination has been found in rice, beef, fish And soil @BBC News - Japan PM declares 'cold shutdown' at Fukushima bbc.in/sl4OIM19 hours ago...

2011-12-14 20:15:03

Twitter Tweets Commentary - THE ACCURSED SELFISHNESS

Twitter Tweets Commentary - THE ACCURSED SELFISHNESSkao1306 joe kaoGreenhouse emissions continue to rise as polluters-US & China - not covered by Kyoto agreement @BBC Kyoto protocol exit bbc.in/uY...

2011-12-07 12:28:29

Google+ Post Commentary - Repeal The UN Security Council

Google+ Post Commentary - Repeal The UN Security CouncilCc Kao - 下午12:01 - 公開Proposal: Repeal The Injustice, Corrupt, Dishonest, Selfish, Crooked United Nations Security Council.Cc Kao - 於 上午9:...

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