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2012-07-14 20:00:39
2011-11-29 11:55:50

Twitter Tweets' Commentary - DIRTY SOB rich countries

Twitter Tweets' Commentary - DIRTY SOB rich countrieskao1306 joe kaoDIRTY SOB rich countries are reneging on pledges made before. @BBC Climate summit sees Canadian strike on Kyoto treaty bbc.in/scaYzM...

2011-11-08 09:50:36

Twitter Tweets Commentary - Carbon Footprint

Twitter Tweets Commentary - Carbon Footprintkao1306_ cckaoAtmospheric CO2 for October 2011 co2now.org8 hours agokao1306_ cckaoWill Mankind Be Destroyed By Their Own? @YahooNews Biggest jump ever seen ...

2011-11-07 07:56:15

新聞評論 - 公投是世界潮流, 未來趨勢

新聞評論 -公投是世界潮流, 未來趨勢kao1306_ cckao手機不是好東西. [中國時報] 丹麥癌症流行病學所針對三十五萬八千名調查指出,使用手機者罹患腦瘤的機率,並未高於未使用者。但提醒大量且頻繁使用手機,應注意手機...

2011-11-06 12:39:57

My Household Appliances Carbon Footprint

My Household Appliances Carbon Footprint: 100.68 Kg CO2 Emissions Per Week:Continue...Continue...(End)

2011-11-02 07:49:14

Google+ Post Commentary - Abraham Lincoln

Google+ Post Commentary - Abraham LincolnCc Kao - Yesterday 7:50 AM - PublicIs God Always Right? @AbrahamLincoln Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God'...

2011-10-19 10:32:08

I Desire So To Conduct

I Desire So To Conduct Will You At Least Have One Friend Left, Down Inside Of You? @AbrahamLincoln I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end... I have lost ever...

2011-10-14 19:56:26

A Government That Suits You Better

A NewGovernmentThat Suits You Better Are You Satisfied With The Existing Government? @AbrahamLincoln Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off...

2011-10-11 08:13:42

Makes War At Pleasure

Makes War At Pleasure Do You Allow Your President To Do So? @Abraham Lincoln Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allo...

2011-10-10 07:42:15

新浪微博貼文評論 - 兩全雙贏

新浪微博貼文評論 - 兩全雙贏 樂見兩岸兩全雙贏的正面發展. [中國新聞網] 胡錦濤在辛亥革命100周年紀念大會上講話時說,兩岸同胞是血脈相連的命運共同體,大陸和台灣是兩岸同胞的共同家園。當今時代,兩岸中國人...

2011-10-09 09:14:05

新浪微博貼文評論 - 生物遷徙與病毒傳播的可能性

新浪微博貼文評論 - 生物遷徙與病毒傳播的可能性 嗯......[維基百科]鳥類遷徙是鳥類隨著季節變化進行的,方向確定的,有規律的和長距離的遷居活動。在動物界中,類似的活動非常常見,對昆蟲則稱為“遷飛&r...

2011-10-08 08:10:58


Yahoo奇摩部落格文章回應--吃素是提婆達多的信徒 CC於2011/05/04 12:27 回應 吃素導致人類素質劣化...無法產生智慧...終至滅亡...所以佛陀、上帝不吃素...世間顛倒...只有愚蠢的提婆達多之信徒..如:證嚴..聖嚴...

2011-10-07 08:30:33

新浪微博貼文評論 - 世間顛倒

新浪微博貼文評論 - 世間顛倒 值得警惕!〔劉力仁〕環保署昨天召開「六輕四期擴廠環境影響評估第六次及第七次差異分析」環評專案會議,環評委員對於六輕用水、溫室氣體排放量與健康風險評估等問題多所質疑,結論...

2011-10-06 08:59:39

新浪微博貼文評論 - 人類的浩劫: 溫室效應

新浪微博貼文評論 - 人類的浩劫: 溫室效應 回覆@曹洁V: 科技看你怎麼應用, 總是有利有弊, 如果只是向錢看, 而故意忽略它的危機, 那最後必然得付出可怕的代價... //@曹洁V:克隆技术、转基因技术也是人类的噩梦。...

2011-10-05 09:13:58

新浪微博貼文評論 - 工業廢水污染

新浪微博貼文評論 - 工業廢水污染 學佛修智慧, 才是對佛至高無上的供養! @V丝路花雨V :【北京八大处灵光寺9月24日至10月16日开放佛牙舍利塔】接中国佛教协会通知,我寺定于2011年9月24日至10月16日开放佛牙舍利...

2011-10-04 09:37:42

FB Post: Proverbs Of Solomon

FB Post: Proverbs Of Solomon Joe Kao 寫於 2011年5月14日 19:42 Proverbs Of Solomon Do You Hear Her Voice? @Solomon Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square; on...

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