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2012-07-14 20:00:39
2011-08-11 12:18:38

ZenStories' Commentary - The Most Valuable Thing

ZenStories' Commentary - The Most Valuable Thing in the World Wisdom! Not The Head Of A Dead Cat. @101ZenStories Sozan, a Chinese Zen master, was asked by a student: “What is the most valuable ...

2011-08-09 08:40:17

ZenStories' Commentary - Your Light May Go Out

ZenStories' Commentary - Your Light May Go Out Do You Meditate Constantly? @101ZenStories A student of Tendai, a philosophical school of Buddhism, came to the Zen abode of Gasan as a pupil. When he w...

2011-08-08 08:50:11

塗鴉牆留言回應 - 股市人為操縱

FB塗鴉牆留言回應 - 股市人為操縱 Joe Kao 股市重挫..不一定是壞消息..看你怎麼玩囉..而且股​海本來就有高有低..這是眾所周知...玩股票愛沖短線​賭博...就不要怨天尤人 Saturday at 1:34pm · Like &middo...

2011-08-06 11:59:58

ZenStories' Commentary - Temper

ZenStories' Commentary - Temper No, Temper Is Your Own True Nature! @101ZenStories A Zen student came to Bankei and complained: “Master, I have an ungovernable temper. How can I cure it?”...

2011-08-04 13:30:38

ZenStories' Commentary - In the Hands of Destiny

ZenStories' Commentary - In the Hands of Destiny This Is A Conspiracy, Not Zen. @101ZenStories A great Japanese warrior named Nobunaga decided to attack the enemy although he had only one-tenth the n...

2011-08-02 08:48:51

FB塗鴉牆留言回應 - 卑微的自我

FB塗鴉牆留言回應 - 卑微的自我 Joe Kao 是妳錯了,眾生皆有佛性,卑微的自我,開悟即是佛,何需掩飾呢?​//@毛荳荳-: 如果你学佛,一天到晚在向往开悟解脱,向往自己哪一天像佛陀一样​高高在上,慈悲开示,接受众生的...

2011-08-01 13:03:32

ZenStories' Commentary - Open Your Own Treasure House

ZenStories' Commentary - Open Your Own Treasure House Have You Opened Your Own Treasure House Yet? @101ZenStories Daiju visited the master Baso in China. Baso asked: “What do you seek?” &...

2011-07-31 08:54:14

ZenStories' Commentary - Joshu's Zen

ZenStories' Commentary - Joshu's Zen Do Nothing! Neither Throw It Out Nor Carry It Out. @101ZenStories Joshu began the study of Zen when he was sixty years old and continued until he was eighty, when...

2011-07-30 12:00:08

ZenStories' Commentary - A Buddha

ZenStories' Commentary - A Buddha One Who Is Not Even Human Cannot Be A Buddha. @101ZenStories In Tokyo in the Meiji era there lived two prominent teachers of opposite characteristics. One, Unsho, an...

2011-07-29 19:27:19

Twitter Tweets - Insufficient Sleep

Twitter Tweets - Insufficient Sleep This Is A Dangerous Misunderstanding. Insufficient Sleep Leads To Mental illness, eg: Bipolar Disorder; And Other Immune system Diseases, eg: Lupus erythematosus.....

2011-07-27 07:37:53

FB塗鴉牆留言回應 - 實修與空談

FB塗鴉牆留言回應 - 實修與空談 Joe Kao 學佛, 沒有對錯, 那只是一個過程, 有對錯就是迷惑! //@毛荳荳-: 如果你學佛,發現自己愈学笑容愈少,许久未曾像孩子般天真地开怀​笑,那么。你应该是学错了,如果你学...

2011-07-25 20:25:59

FB 塗鴉牆留言回應 - 學生棄學出家

FB 塗鴉牆留言回應 - 學生棄學出家 Joe Kao 這種模式,我並不贊同;真正的修行,必需先經歷完成世間的義務:​包括求學、當兵、工作、結婚、養兒育女、事奉父母,服務社會..​等等..一直到兒女長大,退休後,才全心全意投...

2011-07-25 09:39:45

ZenStories' Commentary - Gudo and the Emperor

ZenStories' Commentary - Gudo and the Emperor Hypocritical! @101ZenStories The emperor Goyozei was studying Zen under Gudo. He inquired: “In Zen this very mind is Buddha. Is this correct?&r...

2011-07-24 08:55:08

ZenStories' Commentary - Not Far From Buddhahood

ZenStories' Commentary - Not Far From Buddhahood Gasan Is Far From Buddhahood! @101ZenStories A university student while visiting Gasan asked him: “Have you even read the Christian Bible?&r...

2011-07-23 16:51:14

Twitter Tweets - 祖堂集 #4

Twitter Tweets - 祖堂集 #4 你求佛心、求解脫嗎? @祖堂集 一沙彌,名道信,來禮僧璨而問師曰:“如何是佛心?”師答曰:“汝今是什麼心?”對曰:“我今無心。”師曰:“汝既無...

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第 7 / 9 頁 , 共 134 筆