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2006-03-14 15:08:01| 人氣1,108| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

大學之道 – 天問篇

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要了解大學之道、或者大學的意義、什或樂趣究竟是什麼,從一些熱門的科目可能較難知道,因為那些科目如BBA、法律、醫學等等較市場或需求主導的科目,我們對這些科目的理解會傾向為大學對市場作出的反應,我們便很容易會認為大學的價值或意議就是市場需求的價值,亦即是那種以為讀完一個BBA Degree,就應有一個BBA Degree的回報,從而將BBA Degree的回報等於BBA Degree或大學的價值和意義。

這種 “應有此報” 的想法其實非常合理,但循此方向去想的話就會忽視了大學覆雜或難以理解之處。香港較傳統的幾間大學如港大、中大、浸大等等有不少近乎無市場價值的科目,你又可以稱這些學科為供應主導,部份如歷史、哲學、文學、數學、生物等歷史久遠的科目你或可以稱那些科目的存在是歷史因素,約定習成。但前述3間大學有些較創新或獨特的科目,看完那些科目簡介後相信連校方也大惑不解。

浸大有一個BA in Humanities的Degree,最神奇這個Degree的Director看來也解釋不到為何你要讀這個Degree。

“If the Humanities Programme sounds interesting to you, you should also ask yourself questions about your future: As I mature and gain more experience and knowledge, what sorts of careers might I explore? What sorts of professions employ people with a liberal education? Am I interested in pursuing an advanced degree in any of the Humanities fields? What kind of life am I leading to? If you enjoy answering such questions by exploring many possibilities, the Humanities may be a good home for you.”

這個介紹十分有莊子天問的色彩。the Humanities may be a good home for you單從這一句就知道撰寫此文者如何心虛。



“If you say yes to any of the following, then Linguistics is definitely for you!
· I wonder why there are so many different languages.
· I like to travel and learn more about other cultures.
· Some languages are endangered. I’d like to save them.
· I want to know if it is true that ”Babies pick up languages like a sponge.”
· I’d like to help robots learn to talk!
· People often say language is unique to humans. I want to find out
if animals have language systems too.
· I saw people communicate by signing to each other. Is that a language?“




“How does cultural and social life affect the way we see the world?
Does my culture accept unquestioningly a particular system of values or does it argue over them?
How do films tell stories differently from prose narratives?
Why are certain kinds of stories particularly popular, for example the pop-song, the detective story or the romance and how do they effect the way we see the world?
Do men use cultural power to exploit women?
How does culture determine what we perceive or, I could say, how does it construct our subjectivity?

Because all these texts appeal to the imagination, they are fun to watch and read, and because our imagination is stimulated, they enliven our minds and make us better able to understand the contemporary world.
Welcome to Comparative Literature....“


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