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2005-10-04 02:35:30| 人氣576| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

超過600分鐘的音樂接力 – 89268 五周年 Live Gig

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我一直都覺得89268傻傻地,例如攪一場下午四點到凌晨三點的live gig,還要在九龍灣HITEC的“地鋪”攪,要睇完整場show真的是捨命陪君子.

我有約一年無去睇show, 無論對音樂還是睇show也不如從前般熱衷,這場馬拉松live gig我只看了部份,但總算再喚起我對本地音樂的興趣.

在香港睇show有一個特點,就是圈子其實很小,看開show的很容易認得大家.一年無去睇show, 面目全非,看起來熱情減去的又不只我一個.面目全非的同時,永遠的原因就是江山依舊.假音人,Jun Kung表現依然是全場焦點,但假音人玩的依舊是那幾首歌,Jun Kung依然玩cover,很難明白為何有那麼多自己歌的Jun Kung次次都只玩cover,Foxy Lady, Yeah!

My Little Airport算是近來最紅的Indie組合,但看其當晚表現和音樂貿素相信又會是chewing gum的那類,看不見傳聞新album中Jesus and Mary Chain的表現.


第一次聽OLIVER第二張Album的歌,發覺進步不少,OLIVER當晚更“突然”露點+露股演出,但不知他有否預計過其band member 的P的My Little Airport現在比自己還要紅;秋紅在音樂,舞台表演和訊息表現出現己被扭曲的hardcore正面態度;Alok31G溶合了Alok的Monitor式音樂元素和簡單直接的Rock Music,簡直充份表達出Alok既是本港頂尖音樂人又是Monitor收銀員的雙重身份!! (笑!)

但最教我驚喜的莫過於Mazer,從前粗糙的Canto-Rock樂隊竟搖身一變成有點像Pink Floyd的知性樂隊,音樂有著Post Rock 式的arrangement和層次感,主音Gary更Sigur Ros上身,天曉得他唱的真的是否Icelandic;Mazer接下來的False Alarm重玩本地經典樂隊Chaos 的舊歌,連False Alarm也突然知性起來,幸好接下來的歌False Alarm有回其瘋狂的演出,否則我真的以為自己到了冰島也說不定.

看完這場馬拉松live gig,我暫時還未可以預計到下次看live gig會是那時,或許那時會是89268的六周年, Pixel Toy獲得十大勁歌金曲,FAMA推出帝女花post-rock version,Explosions in the Sky為Elf Fatima 的巡迴show作supporting ......又或者有我最想再見他們演出的Primary Shapes.


All I wanna tell, by 22 Cats

i believe amk it’s not in black and blue

when there’s a chaos, go, pick up the beans

ah ....huh!? king ly chee gives me a false alarm

oh it really really sounds like joytrendysound

do you like human ash? and will you laughitoff?

with you i am the mazer trapped with the pancakes

living in sonnet, i can feel 22 cats

no one knows whence he came except uncle joe

that’s all i wanna tell, get me out of the dead

that’s all i wanna tell, you dont have to treat yourself bad

that’s all i wanna tell, the sun shines on you everyday

that’s all i wanna tell, you are the one that i care

there are so many bands out there

they are all lovely boys and girls

there is so little room out there

if you care, do something before it’s too late

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