六十年代是最美麗的. Beatles 的 Rock N’Roll British Invasion; Stanley Kubrick 1968年拍成 2001:Space Odyessy, 一年後有人踏出了一小步; French New Wave使所有人夢斷巴黎; Yves Saint Laurent 將 Mondrian格仔穿上身, 成為 postmodern式pastiche & intertexuality 的典範; 現時茶餐廳依然用”金寶罐”裝牙簽; Kennedy 成為最有型而風流的President; The Who:”I must die before I get old”; 三島由紀夫成了最 high profile 的作家; Jimi Hendrix 在 Woodstock 用舌頭撣結他; Martin Luther King 同大家講 I have a dream......
六十年代是最為美麗的年代. 但若要選一人代表六十年代花樣年華, 我選Nico.
Nico 出身Model, 六十年代參演費里尼成名作Dolce vita, La; 遇上Andy Warhol為一生轉捩點, 不止成了最著名 Pop Art Icon, 更重要的是她成了 Velvet Underground debut Album 的主音, 其花瓶身份竟扭轉了日後女性在舞台地位, 她是第一位在 Rock N’ Roll 站得住腳的女性, 其後有 Janis Joplin, Yoko Ono, Patti Smith, Joan Jett.....
六十年代是最華麗的, Nico 跟 Jane Fonda, Twiggy 等是世界首批 Top Model; 六十年代是叛逆的, 她是proto-punk以徹底本逆image 的Velvet Underground的主音; 六十年代女性抬頭, 她不似feminist against masculninity, 但被Andy Warhol 認為承受得起那隻香蕉的, Nico 在那”蕉”下不是被動的object, Nico 絕不是 Marylin Monroe, Ingrid Bergman那流; 六十年代是毒品年代, Nico更加是毒品大使, 她從小教兒子服heroin; 六十年代性解放的年代, Nico絕對享受避孕丸的發明, 跟Nico扯上關係的有Alain Delon, Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, John Cage, Iggy Pop, Jim Morrison, Jackson Browne.......
六十年代還是早夭的年代, Beatles, Velvet Underground, Andy Warhol, Jean-Luc Godard, Farncois Truffaut, Jimi Hendrix, Martin Luther King, John Kennedy, Fedrico Fellini, Marylin Monroe.......他們最光輝的年代便是六十年代. Nico亦是一樣, 她在1988年去世, 但無論樣貌和精神都因沉迷毒品急速下滑.
Nico 在我心中是最 60s figure, flamboyant, rebellious and short-lived. She is dead since the death of 60s.
六十年代如王家衛所說, 是 days of being wild, 是 in the mood for love.
Femme Fatale Velvet Underground & Nico
Here she comes, you better watch your step
She’s going to break your heart in two, it’s true
It’s not hard to realize
Just look into her false colored eyes
She builds you up to just put you down, what a clown
’Cause everybody knows (She’s a femme fatale)
The things she does to please (She’s a femme fatale)
She’s just a little tease (She’s a femme fatale)
See the way she walks
Hear the way she talks
You’re put down in her book
You’re number 37, have a look
She’s going to smile to make you frown, what a clown
Little boy, she’s from the street
Before you start, you’re already beat
She’s gonna play you for a fool, yes it’s true
’Cause everybody knows (She’s a femme fatale)
The things she does to please (She’s a femme fatale)
She’s just a little tease (She’s a femme fatale)
See the way she walks
Hear the way she talks