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2003全年音樂總結(一) : MCB選出全年最佳專輯

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MCB為本地音樂雜誌, 每年年尾都會為全年音樂作個總結. 以下是一部份MCB的Review結果, 喜愛音樂朋友可作參考.

The Best Album of the Year 2003.
Artist Name: Album Name
1. The Rapture: Echoes
2. The Mars Volta: De-loused in the Comatorium
3. Outkast: Speakerboxxx/The Love
4. Dave Clarke: Devil's Advocate
5. Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Fever to Tell
6. Four Tet: Rounds
7. The Cooper Temple Clause: Kick up the fire, and Let the Frames Break Loose
8. The Strokes: Room on Fire
9. Audio Bullys: Ego War
10. Colder: Again
11. Muse: Absoultion
12. Hell: Ny Muscle
13. Blur: Think Tank
14. Unkle: Never, Never Land
15. Kraftwerk: Tour De Frances Soundtrack
16. Psychonauts: Song for Creatures
17. Belle and Sebastain: Dear Catastrophe Waitress
18. Bonnie 'Prince Billy': Master and Everyone
19. Stellastarr*: Stellastarr*
20. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club: Take Them on, on Your Own.
21. Free*land: Now and Then
22. Bartok: Few Lazy Words
23. Prefuse 73: One Word Extinguisher
24. The White Stripes: Elephant
25. The Radio Dept. Lesser Masters

Best Japanses Album:
1. Dragon Ash: Harvest
2. The Michelle Gun: Elephant
3. MU: Afro Finger and Gel
4. ⑶亞彌乃: 戀戀風歌
5. Yura Yura帝國: Yura Yura帝國的暈眩
6. Tsutchie: Thanks for Listening
7. Back Drop Bomb: Nipsong
10. GREAT 3: Climax

Best Chinese Album:
1. 黃耀明: 我的廿一世紀
2. Uncle Joe: From the Towers of This City I Can Still See All Your
3. False Alarm: False Alarm
4. Alok: 夜寂31往還
5. 四方果: 過冬
6. AT 17: Kiss Kiss Kiss
7. 福祿壽: 序
8. 粉紅A: 潮濕
9. Wilsn Tsang: Syuck in Traffic
10. The Pancakes: Stereo Radio/Left

Source: MCB Vol.231

P.S. 有不少artists和Albums在List上面我名都未聽過

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