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2006-04-07 06:01:44| 人氣1,105| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Nice to see you again

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星星老師呵呵地笑著說,很懷念吧?他記得我是從去年的四月份開始認識星星的。我自己不記得自己是什麼時候開始跟在他身邊認識天上的星宿,只記得那段瘋狂追星的日子,記得那顆飛碟流星,記得了一些星座。當今年,我以為我不會認出來的雙子座認出了我之後,那種感覺,回來了。那種和星空連結在一起的感覺,又回來了。像是被遺落在凡間的一顆星子,遙望著故鄉的故人,遠遠地也看到了他們發射出來的訊息:Nice to see you again!



這篇文章是從Rob Brezsny寫的 PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings(Pronoia 是偏執的解毒劑:這整個世界是如何群策群力地傾注祝福給你)這本書裡頭摘出來的。

提供這篇文章的獸醫系教授,叫做Holly Bender,是個頂尖傑出又溫暖的學者,從她的言語談吐中,我總在型塑著自己未來的形象。儘管研究教學行政以及家庭的工作讓她幾乎沒有休息的時間,但是每次見到她,她的不急不徐,她的溫和穩健,總是可以讓我相信,不會有事的,事情再忙,也可以處理得很好的……因為我跟她要了這篇文章,說要翻譯給大家看,她自己又跑去找了一些資料給我,是有關美國的犯罪率下降的統計數據(World is a safer place despite people’s fears http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/10/19/wsafe19.xml&sSheet=/portal/2005/10/19/ixportal.html Crime Rate Continues to Fall http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/03/10/opinion/main1389367.shtml),然後跟我說:「新聞媒體似乎喜歡讓我們相信每一件事情都是灰暗的,但是我們必須提醒著自己,這是媒體為了賣新聞的利益。這(數據)顯示了更真實的觀點。雖然個人的危機對那些面對危機的人來說是困難和可怕的,但是他們也置身於許多美好的事物之中。」(It seems that the news media would like us to believe that everything is so bleak, but we must remind ourselves that it is in their best interest to do so in order to sell news. This places it all in a more realistic perspective. Although the individual crises are difficult and awful for those involved, they are situated amongst a whole lot of really wonderful things that are happening as well.)

Enjoy it!


Glory in the Highest


Thousands of things go right for you every day, beginning the moment you wake up. Through some magic you don’t fully understand, you’re still breathing and your heart is beating, even though you’ve been unconscious for many hours. The air is a mix of gases that’s just right for your body’s needs, as it was before you fell asleep.


You can see! Light of many colors floods into your eyes, registered by nerves that took God or evolution or some process millions of years to perfect. The interesting gift of these vivid hues comes to you courtesy of an unimaginably immense globe of fire, the sun, which continually detonates nuclear reactions in order to convert its body into light and heat and energy for your personal use.


Did you know that the sun is located at the precise distance from you to be of perfect service? If it were any closer, you’d fry, and if it were any further away, you’d freeze. Here’s another one of the sun’s benedictions: It appears to rise over the eastern horizon right on schedule every day, as it has since long before you were born.


Do you remember when you were born, by the way? It was a difficult miracle that involved many people who worked hard on your behalf. No less miraculous is the fact that you have continued to grow since then, with millions of new cells being born inside you to replace the old ones that die. All of this happens whether or not you ever think about it.


On this day, like almost every other, you have awoken inside a temperature-controlled shelter. You have a home! Your bed and pillow are soft and you’re covered by comfortable blankets. The electricity is turned on, as usual. Somehow, in ways you’re barely aware of, a massive power plant at an unknown distance from your home is transforming fuel into currents of electricity that reach you through mostly hidden conduits in the exact amounts you need, and all you have to do to control the flow is flick small switches with your fingers.


You can walk! Your legs work wonderfully well. Your heart circulates your blood all the way down to replenish the energy of the muscles in your feet and calves and thighs, and when the blood is depleted it finds its way back to your heart to be refreshed. This blessing recurs over and over again without stopping every hour of your life.


Your home is perhaps not a million-dollar palace, but it’s sturdy and gigantic compared to the typical domicile in every culture that has preceded you. The floors aren’t crumbling, and the walls and ceilings are holding up well, too. Doors open and close without trouble, and so do the windows. What skillful geniuses built this sanctuary for you? How and where did they learn their craft?


In your bathroom, the toilet is functioning perfectly, as are several other convenient devices. You have at your disposal soaps, creams, razors, clippers, tooth-cleaning accessories: a host of products that enhance your hygiene and appearance. You trust that unidentified scientists somewhere tested them to be sure they’re safe for you to use.


Amazingly, the water you need so much of comes out of your faucets in an even flow, with the volume you want, and either cold or hot as you desire. It’s pure and clean; you’re confident no parasites are lurking in it. There is someone somewhere making sure these boons will continue to arrive for you without interruption for as long as you require them.




台長: andie
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